154 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Support Vector Machine (SVM) untuk Pencarian Binding Site Protein-Ligan

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    Drug design (desain obat) telah banyak dikembangkan dengan berbantuan komputer. Langkah awal dalam desain obat berbantuan komputer yaitu dengan mencari daerah binding site suatu protein. Binding site adalah suatu rongga pada permukaan protein yang berperan sebagai tempat melekatnya suatu ligan. Dalam penelitian ini, prediksi binding site protein-ligan dirumuskan sebagai klasifikasi biner, yaitu sebagai pembeda daerah berpotensi mengikat ligan  dan daerah yang tidak berpotensi mengikat ligan. Dataset yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu diambil dari webserver RCSB Protein Data Bank) sebanyak 14 data protein. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah klasifikasi tersebut, dipilihlah metode Support Vector Machine (SVM). Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh rata-rata training untuk akurasi 99,02%, precision 99,04%, recall 99,02%, f-measure 99,02%, MCC 96,84%, ROC 92,82%, PRC 93,71%, dan rata-rata waktu training sebesar 18,92 detik. Serta didapat rata-rata akurasi testing sebesar  95,98 % dan rata-rata waktu test sebesar 0,03642 detik. Kata kunci: drug design, Support Vector Machine (SVM

    Structure and function prediction of human homologue hABH5 of _E. coli_ ALKB5 using in silico approach

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    Newly discovered human homologues of ALKB protein have shown the activity of DNA damaging drugs, used for cancer therapy. Little is known about the structure and function of hABH5, one of the members of this superfamily. Therefore, in the present study we intend to predict its structure and function using various bioinformatics tools. Modeling was done with modeler 9v7 to predict the 3D structure of the hABH5 protein. 3-D model of hABH5, ALKBH5.B99990005.pdb was predicted and evaluated. Validation results showed 96.8% residues in favor and an additional allowed region of the Ramachandran plot. Ligand binding residues prediction showed four ligand clusters, having 25 ligands in cluster 1. Importantly, conserved pattern of Pro158-X-Asp160-Xn-His266 in the functional domain was detected. DNA and RNA binding sites were also predicted in the model. The predicted and validated model of human homologue hABH5 resulting from this study may unveil the mechanism of DNA damage repair in humans and accelerate research on designing appropriate inhibitors, aiding in chemotherapy and cancer related diseases

    Molecular modelling and Function Prediction of hABH7, human homologue of _E. coli_ ALKB7

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    Human homologues of ALKB protein have shown the prime role in DNA damaging drugs, used for cancer therapy. Little is known about structure and function of hABH7, one of the members of this superfamily. Therefore, in the present study we intend to predict its structure and function using various bioinformatics tools. Modeling was done with modeller 9v7 to predict the 3D structure of the hABH7 protein. The tertiary structure model of hABH7, ALKBH7.B99990002.pdb was predicted and evaluated. Validation results showed 97.8% residues in favored and additional allowed regions of Ramachandran plots. Ligand binding residues prediction showed four ligand clusters, having 25 ligands in cluster 1. Importantly, presence of a Phe120-Gly121-Gly122 conserved pattern in the functional domain was detected. In the predicted structural model of hABH7, amino acid residues, Arginine at 57, 58, 59 and 60 along with tyrosine at 61 were predicted in RNA binding sites of the model. The predicted and validated model of human homologue hABH7 resulting from this study may unveil the mechanism of DNA damage repair in humans and accelerate the research on designing appropriate inhibitors aiding in chemotherapy and cancer related diseases

    Structure and function prediction of human homologue hABH5 of _E. coli_ ALKB5 using in silico approach

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    Newly discovered human homologues of ALKB protein have shown the activity of DNA damaging drugs, used for cancer therapy. Little is known about the structure and function of hABH5, one of the members of this superfamily. Therefore, in the present study we intend to predict its structure and function using various bioinformatics tools. Modeling was done with modeler 9v7 to predict the 3D structure of the hABH5 protein. 3-D model of hABH5, ALKBH5.B99990005.pdb was predicted and evaluated. Validation results showed 96.8% residues in favor and an additional allowed region of the Ramachandran plot. Ligand binding residues prediction showed four ligand clusters, having 25 ligands in cluster 1. Importantly, conserved pattern of Pro158-X-Asp160-Xn-His266 in the functional domain was detected. DNA and RNA binding sites were also predicted in the model. The predicted and validated model of human homologue hABH5 resulting from this study may unveil the mechanism of DNA damage repair in humans and accelerate research on designing appropriate inhibitors, aiding in chemotherapy and cancer related diseases

    EASYMIFS and SITEHOUND: a toolkit for the identification of ligand-binding sites in protein structures

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    Summary: SITEHOUND uses Molecular Interaction Fields (MIFs) produced by EASYMIFS to identify protein structure regions that show a high propensity for interaction with ligands. The type of binding site identified depends on the probe atom used in the MIF calculation. The input to EASYMIFS is a PDB file of a protein structure; the output MIF serves as input to SITEHOUND, which in turn produces a list of putative binding sites. Extensive testing of SITEHOUND for the detection of binding sites for drug-like molecules and phosphorylated ligands has been carried out. Availability: EASYMIFS and SITEHOUND executables for Linux, Mac OS X, and MS Windows operating systems are freely available for download fromhttp://sitehound.sanchezlab.org/download.html

    A new protein-ligand binding sites prediction method based on the integration of protein sequence conservation information

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Prediction of protein-ligand binding sites is an important issue for protein function annotation and structure-based drug design. Nowadays, although many computational methods for ligand-binding prediction have been developed, there is still a demanding to improve the prediction accuracy and efficiency. In addition, most of these methods are purely geometry-based, if the prediction methods improvement could be succeeded by integrating physicochemical or sequence properties of protein-ligand binding, it may also be more helpful to address the biological question in such studies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In our study, in order to investigate the contribution of sequence conservation in binding sites prediction and to make up the insufficiencies in purely geometry based methods, a simple yet efficient protein-binding sites prediction algorithm is presented, based on the geometry-based cavity identification integrated with sequence conservation information. Our method was compared with the other three classical tools: PocketPicker, SURFNET, and PASS, and evaluated on an existing comprehensive dataset of 210 non-redundant protein-ligand complexes. The results demonstrate that our approach correctly predicted the binding sites in 59% and 75% of cases among the TOP1 candidates and TOP3 candidates in the ranking list, respectively, which performs better than those of SURFNET and PASS, and achieves generally a slight better performance with PocketPicker.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our work has successfully indicated the importance of the sequence conservation information in binding sites prediction as well as provided a more accurate way for binding sites identification.</p

    E1DS: catalytic site prediction based on 1D signatures of concurrent conservation

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    Large-scale automatic annotation of protein sequences remains challenging in postgenomics era. E1DS is designed for annotating enzyme sequences based on a repository of 1D signatures. The employed sequence signatures are derived using a novel pattern mining approach that discovers long motifs consisted of several sequential blocks (conserved segments). Each of the sequential blocks is considerably conserved among the protein members of an EC group. Moreover, a signature includes at least three sequential blocks that are concurrently conserved, i.e. frequently observed together in sequences. In other words, a sequence signature is consisted of residues from multiple regions of the protein sequence, which echoes the observation that an enzyme catalytic site is usually constituted of residues that are largely separated in the sequence. E1DS currently contains 5421 sequence signatures that in total cover 932 4-digital EC numbers. E1DS is evaluated based on a collection of enzymes with catalytic sites annotated in Catalytic Site Atlas. When compared to the famous pattern database PROSITE, predictions based on E1DS signatures are considered more sensitive in identifying catalytic sites and the involved residues. E1DS is available at http://e1ds.ee.ncku.edu.tw/ and a mirror site can be found at http://e1ds.csbb.ntu.edu.tw/

    Identification of protein-ligand binding site using multi-clustering and support vector machine

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    © 2016 IEEE. Multi-clustering has been widely used. It acts as a pre-training process for identifying protein-ligand binding in structure-based drug design. Then, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) is employed to classify the sites most likely for binding ligands. Three types of attributes are used, namely geometry-based, energy-based, and sequence conservation. Comparison is made on 198 drug-target protein complexes with LIGSITECSC, SURFNET, Fpocket, Q-SiteFinder, ConCavity, and MetaPocket. The results show an improved success rate of up to 86%

    DisCons: a novel tool to quantify and classify evolutionary conservation of intrinsic protein disorder

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    BACKGROUND: Analyzing the amino acid sequence of an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) in an evolutionary context can yield novel insights on the functional role of disordered regions and sequence element(s). However, in the case of many IDPs, the lack of evolutionary conservation of the primary sequence can hamper the study of functionality, because the conservation of their disorder profile and ensuing function(s) may not appear in a traditional analysis of the evolutionary history of the protein. RESULTS: Here we present DisCons (Disorder Conservation), a novel pipelined tool that combines the quantification of sequence- and disorder conservation to classify disordered residue positions. According to this scheme, the most interesting categories (for functional purposes) are constrained disordered residues and flexible disordered residues. The former residues show conservation of both the sequence and the property of disorder and are associated mainly with specific binding functionalities (e.g., short, linear motifs, SLiMs), whereas the latter class correspond to segments where disorder as a feature is important for function as opposed to the identity of the underlying sequence (e.g., entropic chains and linkers). DisCons therefore helps with elucidating the function(s) arising from the disordered state by analyzing individual proteins as well as large-scale proteomics datasets. CONCLUSIONS: DisCons is an openly accessible sequence analysis tool that identifies and highlights structurally disordered segments of proteins where the conformational flexibility is conserved across homologs, and therefore potentially functional. The tool is freely available both as a web application and as stand-alone source code hosted at http://pedb.vib.be/discons