6 research outputs found

    Study of the Reliability of Statistical Timing Analysis for Real-Time Systems

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    Presented at 23rd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2015). 4 to 6, Nov, 2015, Main Track. Lille, France.Probabilistic and statistical temporal analyses have been developedas a means of determining the worst-case execution and responsetimes of real-time software for decades. A number of such methodshave been proposed in the literature, of which the majority claim tobe able to provide worst-case timing scenarios with respect to agiven likelihood of a certain value being exceeded. Further, suchclaims are based on either some estimates associated with a probability,or probability distributions with a certain level of confidence.However, the validity of the claims are very much dependent on anumber of factors, such as the achieved samples and the adopteddistributions for analysis.In this paper, we investigate whether the claims made are in facttrue as well as the establishing an understanding of the factors thataffect the validity of these claims. The results are of importancefor two reasons: to allow researchers to examine whether there areimportant issues that mean their techniques need to be refined; andso that practitioners, including industrialists who are currently usingcommercial timing analysis tools based on these types of techniques,understand how the techniques should be used to ensure theresults are fit for their purposes

    Simultaneous Multithreading and Hard Real Time: Can It Be Safe?

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    The applicability of Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) to real-time systems has been hampered by the difficulty of obtaining reliable execution costs in an SMT-enabled system. This problem is addressed by introducing a scheduling framework, called CERT-MT, that combines scheduling-aware timing analysis with a cyclic-executive scheduler in a way that minimizes SMT-related timing variations. The proposed scheduling-aware timing analysis is based on maximum observed execution times and accounts for the uncertainty inherent in measurement-based timing analysis. The timing analysis is found to work for tasks with and without SMT, though some adjustments are required in the former case. A large-scale schedulability study is presented that shows CERT-MT can schedule systems with total utilizations approaching 1.4 times the core count, without sacrificing safety

    On the analysis of random replacement caches using static probabilistic timing methods for multi-path programs

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    Probabilistic hard real-time systems, based on hardware architectures that use a random replacement cache, provide a potential means of reducing the hardware over-provision required to accommodate pathological scenarios and the associated extremely rare, but excessively long, worst-case execution times that can occur in deterministic systems. Timing analysis for probabilistic hard real-time systems requires the provision of probabilistic worst-case execution time (pWCET) estimates. The pWCET distribution can be described as an exceedance function which gives an upper bound on the probability that the execution time of a task will exceed any given execution time budget on any particular run. This paper introduces a more effective static probabilistic timing analysis (SPTA) for multi-path programs. The analysis estimates the temporal contribution of an evict-on-miss, random replacement cache to the pWCET distribution of multi-path programs. The analysis uses a conservative join function that provides a proper over-approximation of the possible cache contents and the pWCET distribution on path convergence, irrespective of the actual path followed during execution. Simple program transformations are introduced that reduce the impact of path indeterminism while ensuring sound pWCET estimates. Evaluation shows that the proposed method is efficient at capturing locality in the cache, and substantially outperforms the only prior approach to SPTA for multi-path programs based on path merging. The evaluation results show incomparability with analysis for an equivalent deterministic system using an LRU cache. For some benchmarks the performance of LRU is better, while for others, the new analysis techniques show that random replacement has provably better performance

    WCET and Priority Assignment Analysis of Real-Time Systems using Search and Machine Learning

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    Real-time systems have become indispensable for human life as they are used in numerous industries, such as vehicles, medical devices, and satellite systems. These systems are very sensitive to violations of their time constraints (deadlines), which can have catastrophic consequences. To verify whether the systems meet their time constraints, engineers perform schedulability analysis from early stages and throughout development. However, there are challenges in obtaining precise results from schedulability analysis due to estimating the worst-case execution times (WCETs) and assigning optimal priorities to tasks. Estimating WCET is an important activity at early design stages of real-time systems. Based on such WCET estimates, engineers make design and implementation decisions to ensure that task executions always complete before their specified deadlines. However, in practice, engineers often cannot provide a precise point of WCET estimates and they prefer to provide plausible WCET ranges. Task priority assignment is an important decision, as it determines the order of task executions and it has a substantial impact on schedulability results. It thus requires finding optimal priority assignments so that tasks not only complete their execution but also maximize the safety margins from their deadlines. Optimal priority values increase the tolerance of real-time systems to unexpected overheads in task executions so that they can still meet their deadlines. However, it is a hard problem to find optimal priority assignments because their evaluation relies on uncertain WCET values and complex engineering constraints must be accounted for. This dissertation proposes three approaches to estimate WCET and assign optimal priorities at design stages. Combining a genetic algorithm and logistic regression, we first suggest an automatic approach to infer safe WCET ranges with a probabilistic guarantee based on the worst-case scheduling scenarios. We then introduce an extended approach to account for weakly hard real-time systems with an industrial schedule simulator. We evaluate our approaches by applying them to industrial systems from different domains and several synthetic systems. The results suggest that they are possible to estimate probabilistic safe WCET ranges efficiently and accurately so the deadline constraints are likely to be satisfied with a high degree of confidence. Moreover, we propose an automated technique that aims to identify the best possible priority assignments in real-time systems. The approach deals with multiple objectives regarding safety margins and engineering constraints using a coevolutionary algorithm. Evaluation with synthetic and industrial systems shows that the approach significantly outperforms both a baseline approach and solutions defined by practitioners. All the solutions in this dissertation scale to complex industrial systems for offline analysis within an acceptable time, i.e., at most 27 hours

    Assessing the Use of Machine Learning to Find the Worst-Case Execution Time of Avionics Software

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    FA8702-15-D-0002Many parts in aircraft today rely on software that interacts with its physical environment. Typically, this interaction involves taking sensor readings, sending actuation commands, reading commands from humans, and presenting information to humans. These interactions require that the software deliver results at the right time,\uf020as argued in the guidance document DO-178C and in previous FAA reports. Correct timing, in turn, depends on the execution time of individual programs. Hence, the problem of finding an upper bound on the execution time of a program,\uf020called Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) analysis,\uf020is an important step in avionics certification. Unfortunately, WCET analysis is difficult for several reasons. A program can typically execute a large number of different paths. During the execution of one path, the program uses resources in a complex way and this resource use is difficult to analyze. Finally, during the execution of one path, the speed of execution depends on temperature, which, in turn, depends on earlier execution. This report presents research on WCET analysis using Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) aiming to make WCET analysis less dependent on detailed knowledge of the program that is analyzed and the hardware used

    Using Simultaneous Multithreading to Support Real-Time Scheduling

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    The goal of real-time scheduling is to find a way to schedule every program in a specified system without unacceptable deadline misses. If doing so on a given hardware platform is not possible, then the question to ask is ``What can be changed?'' Simultaneous multithreading (SMT) is a technology that allows a single computer core to execute multiple programs at once, at the cost of increasing the time required to execute individual programs. SMT has been shown to improve performance in many areas of computing, but SMT has seen little application to the real-time domain. Reasons for not using SMT in real-time systems include the difficulty of knowing how much execution time a program will require when SMT is in use, concerns that longer execution times could cause unacceptable deadline misses, and the difficulty of deciding which programs should and should not use SMT to share a core. This dissertation shows how SMT can be used to support real-time scheduling in both the hard real-time (HRT) case, where deadline misses are never acceptable, and the soft real-time (SRT) case, where deadline misses are undesirable but tolerable. Contributions can be divided into three categories. First, the effects of SMT on execution times are measured and parameters for modeling the effects of SMT are given. Second, scheduling algorithms for the SRT case that take advantage of SMT are given and evaluated. Third, scheduling algorithms for the HRT case are given and evaluated. In both the SRT and HRT cases, using the proposed algorithms do not lead to unacceptable deadline misses and can have effects similar to increasing a platform's core count by a third or more.Doctor of Philosoph