5 research outputs found

    Bibliometric Map of Literatura on Donation-Based Crowdfunding for Charitable Causes

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    [Abstract]: By bibliometric analyzing 92 publications in the field of pure donation-based crowdfunding for charitable causes soliciting monetary contributions, and providing a comprehensive bibliometric map with the software VOSviewer, this work overviews the prevailing themes, the main cross-cutting aspects, commonalities and differences underlying the resulting clusters, and illustrates them through a sample of key contributions in the literature distributed in different research categories.[Resumen]: Mediante el análisis bibliométrico de 92 publicaciones en el ámbito del crowdfunding solidario puro para causas benéficas que solicitan contribuciones monetarias, y la elaboración de un mapa bibliométrico exhaustivo con el software VOSviewer, este trabajo sobrevuela los temas predominantes, los principales aspectos temáticos transversales, los puntos comunes y las diferencias que subyacen a los clústeres resultantes, y los ilustra a través de una muestra de contribuciones clave en la literatura distribuidas en diferentes categorías de investigación

    When the winner takes it all: online campaign factors influencing the success of donation-based crowdfunding for charitable causes

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    [Abstract] This research explores the extent to which campaign factors may influence the success of donation-based crowdfunding (DCF) promoted online with social purposes. Factors that may explain the success of online fundraising campaigns for social causes are firstly identified from previous literature and linked to DCF campaigns through a set of hypotheses: disclosure, imagery, updating, and spreadability. Following, their explanatory capacity is measured through quantitative analysis (logistic regression) based on 360 all-or-nothing campaigns fostered by nonprofits through an online platform. Results confirm the high explanatory capacity of determinants related to the updating and spreadability of the campaign. However, factors related to the disclosure and imagery do not influence their success. This research suggests that the success of online campaigns is closely related to share and update transparent information of those details that contributors deem relevant. Implications are drawn for the effective technical design and management of DCF campaigns channeled through digital media, and specifically for the engagement with potential online communities of funders in digital platforms

    Exploring the relationship between exposure to COVID-19 and donations during the COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating roles of emotions and risk perception

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    ObjectivePublic emergency events like the COVID-19 pandemic are special occasions that need immediate massive funding from public donations. Thus, understanding the determinants of donation behaviors under public emergencies is important for both researchers and practitioners. This study investigated the effect of personal and local exposure to incidences of COVID-19 on donation behaviors. Specifically, we examined the mediating effects of risk perception and emotions on the relationship between exposure to COVID-19 and donation behaviors.MethodsThe data were from a survey distributed in China between March 20 and 30th, 2020. Participants’ donation choice at the end of the survey was used to measure their donation behaviors. Participants’ emotions, risk perception, and personal exposure were assessed in the questionnaire. Local exposure was the 30-day confirmed cases obtained from the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China. A total of 8,720 participants (Mean age = 28.91, 43.6% females) completed the online survey.ResultsBased on the results from the mediation analysis, we found that people with stronger positive and negative emotions, higher risk perception, and more personal exposure to COVID-19 were more likely to donate. Furthermore, the effects of both personal and local exposure on donations are mediated by risk perception and negative emotion. Both higher personal and local exposure led to stronger negative emotions and higher risk perception, which in turn led to more donation behaviors.DiscussionThis study extends our knowledge of donation behaviors during public emergencies. Our results suggest that policymakers and charity organizations should elicit stronger emotions and risk perception by exposing the severity of the disaster in advertisements to promote donations

    Capturing The Digital Dollar: How Religious Nonprofits Are Adopting Social Media for Adoption, Engagement, and Community

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    The objective of this thesis was to quantify the impact of religious, media-related nonprofit adoption rate, online presence, and online giving technology. Specifically, this thesis focuses on the nonprofits’ adoption, use, and interactivity on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. This thesis study was rooted in Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations Theory, and its constructs were used to best understand the adoption and impact of use within the religious nonprofit sector (Rogers, 2003). First, the researcher defined and evaluated the nonprofit’s active online presence, sophistication of technology integration, and impact of these findings. Second, the researcher quantitatively examined audience interactivity. Targeting a niche nonprofit group that has an understanding of online presence and content creation (religious, media-related nonprofits) significantly revealed that the extent of digital innovation and social media used was not dependent on the amount of revenue. This study provides the level of adoption of social media and online donation tools and audience interactivity that can assist nonprofits to efficiently invest their resources for a better return on investment on a digital, online scale

    Social marketing and digital platforms:donation-based crowdfunding campaigns

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Análise Económica e Empresarial. 5008P01[Abstract] This doctoral thesis analyzes the new social marketing strategies challenging the traditional behavior of nonprofit sector organizations, through the promotion of Donation-based Crowdfunding (DCF) campaigns via digital platforms. Chapter 1 maps DCF for charitable causes, resulting from a systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. This is a very recent field of scholarship, broadly developed via empirical and quantitative research, in which individual antecedents and technological enablers are the main protagonists. An integrated conceptual framework is proposed, identifying the significant causal relationships between antecedents, processes, and outcomes of DCF. Chapters 2 and 3 explore the explanatory capacity of factors influencing the success of DCF campaigns promoted through digital platforms. In particular, of those factors traditionally explaining the success of offline fundraising campaigns for charitable causes (2), and of campaigns factors (3). Quantitative analysis is used based on a database of 360 campaigns fostered between 2012 and 2017. Results confirm the high explanatory capacity of determinants related to the geographical scope of the campaign, the volume of potential beneficiaries involved, the information provided by the promoting organizations, and the spreadability of the campaign.[Resumen] Esta tesis doctoral analiza las nuevas estrategias de marketing social que desafían el comportamiento tradicional de las organizaciones del sector no lucrativo, a través de la promoción de campañas de crowdfunding solidario en plataformas digitales. El capítulo 1 mapea el crowdfunding solidario para causas benéficas, resultado de una revisión sistemática de literatura y análisis bibliométrico. Es un campo de estudio muy reciente, desarrollado a través de investigación empírica y cuantitativa, donde los antecedentes individuales y los procesos tecnológicos son protagonistas. Se propone un marco conceptual que identifica las relaciones causales más significativas entre sus antecedentes, procesos y resultados. Los capítulos 2 y 3 exploran la capacidad explicativa de los factores que influyen el éxito de las campañas promovidas en plataformas digitales. Particularmente, de los factores que tradicionalmente explican el éxito de las campañas de captación de fondos offline para causas benéficas (2), y de los factores de las campañas (3). Se emplea análisis cuantitativo a partir de una base de datos de 360 campañas promovidas entre 2012 y 2017. La capacidad explicativa de los determinantes relativos al alcance geográfico, al volumen de potenciales beneficiarios, a la información proporcionada por la entidad promotora, y a la difusión online de la campaña es elevada.[Resumo] Esta tese doutoral analiza as novas estratexias de marketing social que desafían o comportamento tradicional das organizacións do sector non lucrativo, a través da promoción de campañas de crowdfunding solidario en plataformas dixitais. O capítulo 1 mapea o crowdfunding solidario para causas benéficas, resultado dunha revisión sistemática da literatura e análise bibliométrica. É un campo de estudo moi recente, desenvolvido a través de investigación empírica e cuantitativa, onde os antecedentes individuais e os procesos tecnolóxicos son protagonistas. Proponse un marco conceptual que identifica as relacións causais máis significativas entre os seus antecedentes, procesos e resultados. Os capítulos 2 e 3 exploran a capacidade explicativa dos factores que inflúen o éxito das campañas promovidas en plataformas dixitais. Particularmente, dos factores que tradicionalmente explican o éxito das campañas de captación de fondos fora de liña para causas benéficas (2), e dos factores das campañas (3). Emprégase análise cuantitativa a partir dunha base de datos de 360 campañas promovidas entre 2012 e 2017. A capacidade explicativa dos determinantes relativos ao alcance xeográfico, ao volume de potenciais beneficiarios, á información proporcionada pola entidade promotora, e á difusión en liña da campaña é elevada