13 research outputs found

    Impression Classification of Endek (Balinese Fabric) Image Using K-Nearest Neighbors Method

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    An impression can be interpreted as a psychological feeling toward a product and it plays an important role in decision making. Therefore, the understanding of the data in the domain of impressions will be very useful. This research had the objective of knowing the performance of K-Nearest Neighbors method to classify endek image impression using K-Fold Cross Validation method. The images were taken from 3 locations, namely CV. Artha Dharma, Agung Bali Collection, and Pengrajin Sri Rejeki. To get the image impression was done by consulting with an endek expert named Dr. D.A Tirta Ray, M.Si. The process of data mining was done by using K-Nearest Neighbors Method which was a classification method to a set of data based on learning data that had been classified previously and to classify new objects based on attributes and training samples. K-Fold Cross Validation testing obtained accuracy of 91% with K value in K-Nearest Neighbors of 3, 4, 7, 8

    Weakly supervised coupled networks for visual sentiment analysis

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    Automatic assessment of sentiment from visual content has gained considerable attention with the increasing tendency of expressing opinions on-line. In this paper, we solve the problem of visual sentiment analysis using the high-level abstraction in the recognition process. Existing methods based on convolutional neural networks learn sentiment representations from the holistic image appearance. However, different image regions can have a different influence on the intended expression. This paper presents a weakly supervised coupled convolutional network with two branches to leverage the localized information. The first branch detects a sentiment specific soft map by training a fully convolutional network with the cross spatial pooling strategy, which only requires image-level labels, thereby significantly reducing the annotation burden. The second branch utilizes both the holistic and localized information by coupling the sentiment map with deep features for robust classification. We integrate the sentiment detection and classification branches into a unified deep framework and optimize the network in an end-to-end manner. Extensive experiments on six benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed method performs favorably against the state-ofthe- art methods for visual sentiment analysis

    PDANet: Polarity-consistent Deep Attention Network for Fine-grained Visual Emotion Regression

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    Existing methods on visual emotion analysis mainly focus on coarse-grained emotion classification, i.e. assigning an image with a dominant discrete emotion category. However, these methods cannot well reflect the complexity and subtlety of emotions. In this paper, we study the fine-grained regression problem of visual emotions based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Specifically, we develop a Polarity-consistent Deep Attention Network (PDANet), a novel network architecture that integrates attention into a CNN with an emotion polarity constraint. First, we propose to incorporate both spatial and channel-wise attentions into a CNN for visual emotion regression, which jointly considers the local spatial connectivity patterns along each channel and the interdependency between different channels. Second, we design a novel regression loss, i.e. polarity-consistent regression (PCR) loss, based on the weakly supervised emotion polarity to guide the attention generation. By optimizing the PCR loss, PDANet can generate a polarity preserved attention map and thus improve the emotion regression performance. Extensive experiments are conducted on the IAPS, NAPS, and EMOTIC datasets, and the results demonstrate that the proposed PDANet outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches by a large margin for fine-grained visual emotion regression. Our source code is released at: https://github.com/ZizhouJia/PDANet.Comment: Accepted by ACM Multimedia 201

    Face Emotion Recognition Based on Machine Learning: A Review

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    Computers can now detect, understand, and evaluate emotions thanks to recent developments in machine learning and information fusion. Researchers across various sectors are increasingly intrigued by emotion identification, utilizing facial expressions, words, body language, and posture as means of discerning an individual's emotions. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of the first three methods may be limited, as individuals can consciously or unconsciously suppress their true feelings. This article explores various feature extraction techniques, encompassing the development of machine learning classifiers like k-nearest neighbour, naive Bayesian, support vector machine, and random forest, in accordance with the established standard for emotion recognition. The paper has three primary objectives: firstly, to offer a comprehensive overview of effective computing by outlining essential theoretical concepts; secondly, to describe in detail the state-of-the-art in emotion recognition at the moment; and thirdly, to highlight important findings and conclusions from the literature, with an emphasis on important obstacles and possible future paths, especially in the creation of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms for the identification of emotions

    Hybrid context enriched deep learning model for fine-grained sentiment analysis in textual and visual semiotic modality social data

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    Detecting sentiments in natural language is tricky even for humans, making its automated detection more complicated. This research proffers a hybrid deep learning model for fine-grained sentiment prediction in real-time multimodal data. It reinforces the strengths of deep learning nets in combination to machine learning to deal with two specific semiotic systems, namely the textual (written text) and visual (still images) and their combination within the online content using decision level multimodal fusion. The proposed contextual ConvNet-SVMBoVW model, has four modules, namely, the discretization, text analytics, image analytics, and decision module. The input to the model is multimodal text, m ε {text, image, info-graphic}. The discretization module uses Google Lens to separate the text from the image, which is then processed as discrete entities and sent to the respective text analytics and image analytics modules. Text analytics module determines the sentiment using a hybrid of a convolution neural network (ConvNet) enriched with the contextual semantics of SentiCircle. An aggregation scheme is introduced to compute the hybrid polarity. A support vector machine (SVM) classifier trained using bag-of-visual-words (BoVW) for predicting the visual content sentiment. A Boolean decision module with a logical OR operation is augmented to the architecture which validates and categorizes the output on the basis of five fine-grained sentiment categories (truth values), namely ‘highly positive,’ ‘positive,’ ‘neutral,’ ‘negative’ and ‘highly negative.’ The accuracy achieved by the proposed model is nearly 91% which is an improvement over the accuracy obtained by the text and image modules individually

    Affective image content analysis: two decades review and new perspectives

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    Affective Image Content Analysis: Two Decades Review and New Perspectives

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    Images can convey rich semantics and induce various emotions in viewers. Recently, with the rapid advancement of emotional intelligence and the explosive growth of visual data, extensive research efforts have been dedicated to affective image content analysis (AICA). In this survey, we will comprehensively review the development of AICA in the recent two decades, especially focusing on the state-of-the-art methods with respect to three main challenges -- the affective gap, perception subjectivity, and label noise and absence. We begin with an introduction to the key emotion representation models that have been widely employed in AICA and description of available datasets for performing evaluation with quantitative comparison of label noise and dataset bias. We then summarize and compare the representative approaches on (1) emotion feature extraction, including both handcrafted and deep features, (2) learning methods on dominant emotion recognition, personalized emotion prediction, emotion distribution learning, and learning from noisy data or few labels, and (3) AICA based applications. Finally, we discuss some challenges and promising research directions in the future, such as image content and context understanding, group emotion clustering, and viewer-image interaction.Comment: Accepted by IEEE TPAM