88 research outputs found

    Problems with Saliency Maps

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    Despite the popularity that saliency models have gained in the computer vision community, they are most often conceived, exploited and benchmarked without taking heed of a number of problems and subtle issues they bring about. When saliency maps are used as proxies for the likelihood of fixating a location in a viewed scene, one such issue is the temporal dimension of visual attention deployment. Through a simple simulation it is shown how neglecting this dimension leads to results that at best cast shadows on the predictive performance of a model and its assessment via benchmarking procedures

    How to look next? A data-driven approach for scanpath prediction

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    By and large, current visual attention models mostly rely, when considering static stimuli, on the following procedure. Given an image, a saliency map is computed, which, in turn, might serve the purpose of predicting a sequence of gaze shifts, namely a scanpath instantiating the dynamics of visual attention deployment. The temporal pattern of attention unfolding is thus confined to the scanpath generation stage, whilst salience is conceived as a static map, at best conflating a number of factors (bottom-up information, top-down, spatial biases, etc.). In this note we propose a novel sequential scheme that consists of a three-stage processing relying on a center-bias model, a context/layout model, and an object-based model, respectively. Each stage contributes, at different times, to the sequential sampling of the final scanpath. We compare the method against classic scanpath generation that exploits state-of-the-art static saliency model. Results show that accounting for the structure of the temporal unfolding leads to gaze dynamics close to human gaze behaviour

    ScanGAN360: a generative model of realistic scanpaths for 360 images

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    Understanding and modeling the dynamics of human gaze behavior in 360° environments is crucial for creating, improving, and developing emerging virtual reality applications. However, recruiting human observers and acquiring enough data to analyze their behavior when exploring virtual environments requires complex hardware and software setups, and can be time-consuming. Being able to generate virtual observers can help overcome this limitation, and thus stands as an open problem in this medium. Particularly, generative adversarial approaches could alleviate this challenge by generating a large number of scanpaths that reproduce human behavior when observing new scenes, essentially mimicking virtual observers. However, existing methods for scanpath generation do not adequately predict realistic scanpaths for 360° images. We present ScanGAN360, a new generative adversarial approach to address this problem. We propose a novel loss function based on dynamic time warping and tailor our network to the specifics of 360° images. The quality of our generated scanpaths outperforms competing approaches by a large margin, and is almost on par with the human baseline. ScanGAN360 allows fast simulation of large numbers of virtual observers, whose behavior mimics real users, enabling a better understanding of gaze behavior, facilitating experimentation, and aiding novel applications in virtual reality and beyond

    Behind the Machine's Gaze: Biologically Constrained Neural Networks Exhibit Human-like Visual Attention

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    By and large, existing computational models of visual attention tacitly assume perfect vision and full access to the stimulus and thereby deviate from foveated biological vision. Moreover, modelling top-down attention is generally reduced to the integration of semantic features without incorporating the signal of a high-level visual tasks that have shown to partially guide human attention. We propose the Neural Visual Attention (NeVA) algorithm to generate visual scanpaths in a top-down manner. With our method, we explore the ability of neural networks on which we impose the biological constraints of foveated vision to generate human-like scanpaths. Thereby, the scanpaths are generated to maximize the performance with respect to the underlying visual task (i.e., classification or reconstruction). Extensive experiments show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art unsupervised human attention models in terms of similarity to human scanpaths. Additionally, the flexibility of the framework allows to quantitatively investigate the role of different tasks in the generated visual behaviours. Finally, we demonstrate the superiority of the approach in a novel experiment that investigates the utility of scanpaths in real-world applications, where imperfect viewing conditions are given

    Repeated Web Page Visits and the Scanpath Theory: A Recurrent Pattern Detection Approach

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    This paper investigates the eye movement sequences of users visiting web pages repeatedly. We are interested in potential habituation due to repeated exposure. The scanpath theory posits that every person learns an idiosyncratic gaze sequence on first exposure to a stimulus and re-applies it on subsequent exposures. Josephson and Holmes (2002) tested the applicability of this hypothesis to web page revisitation but results were inconclusive. With a recurrent temporal pattern detection technique, we examine additional aspects and expose scanpaths. Results do not suggest direct applicability of the scanpath theory. While repetitive scan patterns occurred and were individually distinctive, their occurrence was variable, there were often several different patterns per person, and patterns were not primarily formed on the first exposure. However, extensive patterning occurred for some participants yet not for others which deserves further study into its determinants

    Components of bottom-up gaze allocation in natural images

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    Recent research [Parkhurst, D., Law, K., & Niebur, E., 2002. Modeling the role of salience in the allocation of overt visual attention. Vision Research 42 (1) (2002) 107–123] showed that a model of bottom-up visual attention can account in part for the spatial locations fixated by humans while free-viewing complex natural and artificial scenes. That study used a definition of salience based on local detectors with coarse global surround inhibition. Here, we use a similar framework to investigate the roles of several types of non-linear interactions known to exist in visual cortex, and of eccentricity-dependent processing. For each of these, we added a component to the salience model, including richer interactions among orientation-tuned units, both at spatial short range (for clutter reduction) and long range (for contour facilitation), and a detailed model of eccentricity-dependent changes in visual processing. Subjects free-viewed naturalistic and artificial images while their eye movements were recorded, and the resulting fixation locations were compared with the models’ predicted salience maps. We found that the proposed interactions indeed play a significant role in the spatiotemporal deployment of attention in natural scenes; about half of the observed inter-subject variance can be explained by these different models. This suggests that attentional guidance does not depend solely on local visual features, but must also include the effects of interactions among features. As models of these interactions become more accurate in predicting behaviorally-relevant salient locations, they become useful to a range of applications in computer vision and human-machine interface design
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