943 research outputs found

    An overview of bioinformatics tools for epitope prediction: Implications on vaccine development

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    AbstractExploitation of recombinant DNA and sequencing technologies has led to a new concept in vaccination in which isolated epitopes, capable of stimulating a specific immune response, have been identified and used to achieve advanced vaccine formulations; replacing those constituted by whole pathogen-formulations. In this context, bioinformatics approaches play a critical role on analyzing multiple genomes to select the protective epitopes in silico. It is conceived that cocktails of defined epitopes or chimeric protein arrangements, including the target epitopes, may provide a rationale design capable to elicit convenient humoral or cellular immune responses. This review presents a comprehensive compilation of the most advantageous online immunological software and searchable, in order to facilitate the design and development of vaccines. An outlook on how these tools are supporting vaccine development is presented. HIV and influenza have been taken as examples of promising developments on vaccination against hypervariable viruses. Perspectives in this field are also envisioned

    Peptide classification using optimal and information theoretic syntactic modeling

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    We consider the problem of classifying peptides using the information residing in their syntactic representations. This problem, which has been studied for more than a decade, has typically been investigated using distance-based metrics that involve the edit operations required in the peptide comparisons. In this paper, we shall demonstrate that the Optimal and Information Theoretic (OIT) model of Oommen and Kashyap [22] applicable for syntactic pattern recognition can be used to tackle peptide classification problem. We advocate that one can model the differences between compared strings as a mutation model consisting of random substitutions, insertions and deletions obeying the OIT model. Thus, in this paper, we show that the probability measure obtained from the OIT model can be perceived as a sequence similarity metric, using which a support vector machine (SVM)-based peptide classifier can be devised. The classifier, which we have built has been tested for eight different substitution matrices and for two different data sets, namely, the HIV-1 Protease cleavage sites and the T-cell epitopes. The results show that the OIT model performs significantly better than the one which uses a Needleman-Wunsch sequence alignment score, it is less sensitive to the substitution matrix than the other methods compared, and that when combined with a SVM, is among the best peptide classification methods availabl

    Emerging Vaccine Informatics

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    Vaccine informatics is an emerging research area that focuses on development and applications of bioinformatics methods that can be used to facilitate every aspect of the preclinical, clinical, and postlicensure vaccine enterprises. Many immunoinformatics algorithms and resources have been developed to predict T- and B-cell immune epitopes for epitope vaccine development and protective immunity analysis. Vaccine protein candidates are predictable in silico from genome sequences using reverse vaccinology. Systematic transcriptomics and proteomics gene expression analyses facilitate rational vaccine design and identification of gene responses that are correlates of protection in vivo. Mathematical simulations have been used to model host-pathogen interactions and improve vaccine production and vaccination protocols. Computational methods have also been used for development of immunization registries or immunization information systems, assessment of vaccine safety and efficacy, and immunization modeling. Computational literature mining and databases effectively process, mine, and store large amounts of vaccine literature and data. Vaccine Ontology (VO) has been initiated to integrate various vaccine data and support automated reasoning

    Prediction of MHC-peptide binding: a systematic and comprehensive overview

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    T cell immune responses are driven by the recognition of peptide antigens (T cell epitopes) that are bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. T cell epitope immunogenicity is thus contingent on several events, including appropriate and effective processing of the peptide from its protein source, stable peptide binding to the MHC molecule, and recognition of the MHC-bound peptide by the T cell receptor. Of these three hallmarks, MHC-peptide binding is the most selective event that determines T cell epitopes. Therefore, prediction of MHC-peptide binding constitutes the principal basis for anticipating potential T cell epitopes. The tremendous relevance of epitope identification in vaccine design and in the monitoring of T cell responses has spurred the development of many computational methods for predicting MHC-peptide binding that improve the efficiency and economics of T cell epitope identification. In this report, we will systematically examine the available methods for predicting MHC-peptide binding and discuss their most relevant advantages and drawbacks


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    Protein interactions drive diverse processes essential to living organisms, and thus numerous biomedical applications center on understanding, predicting, and designing how proteins recognize their partners. While unfortunately the number of interactions of interest still vastly exceeds the capabilities of experimental determination methods, computational methods promise to fill the gap. My thesis pursues the development and application of computational methods for several protein interaction prediction and design tasks. First, to improve protein-glycan interaction specificity prediction, I developed GlyBERT, which learns biologically relevant glycan representations encapsulating the components most important for glycan recognition within their structures. GlyBERT encodes glycans with a branched biochemical language and employs an attention-based deep language model to embed the correlation between local and global structural contexts. This approach enables the development of predictive models from limited data, supporting applications such as lectin binding prediction. Second, to improve protein-protein interaction prediction, I developed a unified geometric deep neural network, ‘PInet’ (Protein Interface Network), which leverages the best properties of both data- and physics-driven methods, learning and utilizing models capturing both geometrical and physicochemical molecular surface complementarity. In addition to obtaining state-of-the-art performance in predicting protein-protein interactions, PInet can serve as the backbone for other protein-protein interaction modeling tasks such as binding affinity prediction. Finally, I turned from ii prediction to design, addressing two important tasks in the context of antibodyantigen recognition. The first problem is to redesign a given antigen to evade antibody recognition, e.g., to help biotherapeutics avoid pre-existing immunity or to focus vaccine responses on key portions of an antigen. The second problem is to design a panel of variants of a given antigen to use as “bait” in experimental identification of antibodies that recognize different parts of the antigen, e.g., to support classification of immune responses or to help select among different antibody candidates. I developed a geometry-based algorithm to generate variants to address these design problems, seeking to maximize utility subject to experimental constraints. During the design process, the algorithm accounts for and balances the effects of candidate mutations on antibody recognition and on antigen stability. In retrospective case studies, the algorithm demonstrated promising precision, recall, and robustness of finding good designs. This work represents the first algorithm to systematically design antigen variants for characterization and evasion of polyclonal antibody responses

    SVM-based prediction of caspase substrate cleavage sites

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    BACKGROUND: Caspases belong to a class of cysteine proteases which function as critical effectors in apoptosis and inflammation by cleaving substrates immediately after unique sites. Prediction of such cleavage sites will complement structural and functional studies on substrates cleavage as well as discovery of new substrates. Recently, different computational methods have been developed to predict the cleavage sites of caspase substrates with varying degrees of success. As the support vector machines (SVM) algorithm has been shown to be useful in several biological classification problems, we have implemented an SVM-based method to investigate its applicability to this domain. RESULTS: A set of unique caspase substrates cleavage sites were obtained from literature and used for evaluating the SVM method. Datasets containing (i) the tetrapeptide cleavage sites, (ii) the tetrapeptide cleavage sites, augmented by two adjacent residues, P(1)' and P(2)' amino acids and (iii) the tetrapeptide cleavage sites with ten additional upstream and downstream flanking sequences (where available) were tested. The SVM method achieved an accuracy ranging from 81.25% to 97.92% on independent test sets. The SVM method successfully predicted the cleavage of a novel caspase substrate and its mutants. CONCLUSION: This study presents an SVM approach for predicting caspase substrate cleavage sites based on the cleavage sites and the downstream and upstream flanking sequences. The method shows an improvement over existing methods and may be useful for predicting hitherto undiscovered cleavage sites

    Prediction of B-cell Linear Epitopes with a Combination of Support Vector Machine Classification and Amino Acid Propensity Identification

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    Epitopes are antigenic determinants that are useful because they induce B-cell antibody production and stimulate T-cell activation. Bioinformatics can enable rapid, efficient prediction of potential epitopes. Here, we designed a novel B-cell linear epitope prediction system called LEPS, Linear Epitope Prediction by Propensities and Support Vector Machine, that combined physico-chemical propensity identification and support vector machine (SVM) classification. We tested the LEPS on four datasets: AntiJen, HIV, a newly generated PC, and AHP, a combination of these three datasets. Peptides with globally or locally high physicochemical propensities were first identified as primitive linear epitope (LE) candidates. Then, candidates were classified with the SVM based on the unique features of amino acid segments. This reduced the number of predicted epitopes and enhanced the positive prediction value (PPV). Compared to four other well-known LE prediction systems, the LEPS achieved the highest accuracy (72.52%), specificity (84.22%), PPV (32.07%), and Matthews' correlation coefficient (10.36%)