5 research outputs found

    Positive-Unlabeled Learning for inferring drug interactions based on heterogeneous attributes

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    BACKGROUND: Investigating and understanding drug-drug interactions (DDIs) is important in improving the effectiveness of clinical care. DDIs can occur when two or more drugs are administered together. Experimentally based DDI detection methods require a large cost and time. Hence, there is a great interest in developing efficient and useful computational methods for inferring potential DDIs. Standard binary classifiers require both positives and negatives for training. In a DDI context, drug pairs that are known to interact can serve as positives for predictive methods. But, the negatives or drug pairs that have been confirmed to have no interaction are scarce. To address this lack of negatives, we introduce a Positive-Unlabeled Learning method for inferring potential DDIs. RESULTS: The proposed method consists of three steps: i) application of Growing Self Organizing Maps to infer negatives from the unlabeled dataset; ii) using a pairwise similarity function to quantify the overlap between individual features of drugs and iii) using support vector machine classifier for inferring DDIs. We obtained 6036 DDIs from DrugBank database. Using the proposed approach, we inferred 589 drug pairs that are likely to not interact with each other; these drug pairs are used as representative data for the negative class in binary classification for DDI prediction. Moreover, we classify the predicted DDIs as Cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzyme-Dependent and CYP-Independent interactions invoking their locations on the Growing Self Organizing Map, due to the particular importance of these enzymes in clinically significant interaction effects. Further, we provide a case study on three predicted CYP-Dependent DDIs to evaluate the clinical relevance of this study. CONCLUSION: Our proposed approach showed an absolute improvement in F1-score of 14 and 38% in comparison to the method that randomly selects unlabeled data points as likely negatives, depending on the choice of similarity function. We inferred 5300 possible CYP-Dependent DDIs and 592 CYP-Independent DDIs with the highest posterior probabilities. Our discoveries can be used to improve clinical care as well as the research outcomes of drug development

    Computational and human-based methods for knowledge discovery over knowledge graphs

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    The modern world has evolved, accompanied by the huge exploitation of data and information. Daily, increasing volumes of data from various sources and formats are stored, resulting in a challenging strategy to manage and integrate them to discover new knowledge. The appropriate use of data in various sectors of society, such as education, healthcare, e-commerce, and industry, provides advantages for decision support in these areas. However, knowledge discovery becomes challenging since data may come from heterogeneous sources with important information hidden. Thus, new approaches that adapt to the new challenges of knowledge discovery in such heterogeneous data environments are required. The semantic web and knowledge graphs (KGs) are becoming increasingly relevant on the road to knowledge discovery. This thesis tackles the problem of knowledge discovery over KGs built from heterogeneous data sources. We provide a neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence system that integrates symbolic and sub-symbolic frameworks to exploit the semantics encoded in a KG and its structure. The symbolic system relies on existing approaches of deductive databases to make explicit, implicit knowledge encoded in a KG. The proposed deductive database DSDS can derive new statements to ego networks given an abstract target prediction. Thus, DSDS minimizes data sparsity in KGs. In addition, a sub-symbolic system relies on knowledge graph embedding (KGE) models. KGE models are commonly applied in the KG completion task to represent entities in a KG in a low-dimensional vector space. However, KGE models are known to suffer from data sparsity, and a symbolic system assists in overcoming this fact. The proposed approach discovers knowledge given a target prediction in a KG and extracts unknown implicit information related to the target prediction. As a proof of concept, we have implemented the neuro-symbolic system on top of a KG for lung cancer to predict polypharmacy treatment effectiveness. The symbolic system implements a deductive system to deduce pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions encoded in a set of rules through the Datalog program. Additionally, the sub-symbolic system predicts treatment effectiveness using a KGE model, which preserves the KG structure. An ablation study on the components of our approach is conducted, considering state-of-the-art KGE methods. The observed results provide evidence for the benefits of the neuro-symbolic integration of our approach, where the neuro-symbolic system for an abstract target prediction exhibits improved results. The enhancement of the results occurs because the symbolic system increases the prediction capacity of the sub-symbolic system. Moreover, the proposed neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence system in Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is evaluated, demonstrating its effectiveness in determining relatedness among standards and analyzing their properties to detect unknown relations in the I4.0KG. The results achieved allow us to conclude that the proposed neuro-symbolic approach for an abstract target prediction improves the prediction capability of KGE models by minimizing data sparsity in KGs