11 research outputs found

    Baird Counterexample is Solved: with an example of How to Debug a Two-time-scale Algorithm

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    Baird counterexample was proposed by Leemon Baird in 1995, first used to show that the Temporal Difference (TD(0)) algorithm diverges on this example. Since then, it is often used to test and compare off-policy learning algorithms. Gradient TD algorithms solved the divergence issue of TD on Baird counterexample. However, their convergence on this example is still very slow, and the nature of the slowness is not well understood, e.g., see (Sutton and Barto 2018). This note is to understand in particular, why TDC is slow on this example, and provide a debugging analysis to understand this behavior. Our debugging technique can be used to study the convergence behavior of two-time-scale stochastic approximation algorithms. We also provide empirical results of the recent Impression GTD algorithm on this example, showing the convergence is very fast, in fact, in a linear rate. We conclude that Baird counterexample is solved, by an algorithm with the convergence guarantee to the TD solution in general, and a fast convergence rate

    Convergence of Least Squares Temporal Difference Methods Under General Conditions

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    We consider approximate policy evaluation for finite state and action Markov decision processes (MDP) in the off-policy learning context and with the simulation-based least squares temporal difference algorithm, LSTD(λ). We establish for the discounted cost criterion that the off-policy LSTD(λ) converges almost surely under mild, minimal conditions. We also analyze other convergence and boundedness properties of the iterates involved in the algorithm, and based on them, we suggest a modification in its practical implementation. Our analysis uses theories of both finite space Markov chains and Markov chains on topological spaces, in particular, the e-chains

    Direct Gradient Temporal Difference Learning

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    Off-policy learning enables a reinforcement learning (RL) agent to reason counterfactually about policies that are not executed and is one of the most important ideas in RL. It, however, can lead to instability when combined with function approximation and bootstrapping, two arguably indispensable ingredients for large-scale reinforcement learning. This is the notorious deadly triad. Gradient Temporal Difference (GTD) is one powerful tool to solve the deadly triad. Its success results from solving a doubling sampling issue indirectly with weight duplication or Fenchel duality. In this paper, we instead propose a direct method to solve the double sampling issue by simply using two samples in a Markovian data stream with an increasing gap. The resulting algorithm is as computationally efficient as GTD but gets rid of GTD's extra weights. The only price we pay is a logarithmically increasing memory as time progresses. We provide both asymptotic and finite sample analysis, where the convergence rate is on-par with the canonical on-policy temporal difference learning. Key to our analysis is a novel refined discretization of limiting ODEs.Comment: Submitted to JMLR in Apr 202

    Least Squares Temporal Difference Methods : An Analysis Under General Conditions

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    This technical report is a revised and extended version of the technical report C-2010-1. It contains simplified and improved proofs, as well as extensions of some of the earlier results.We consider approximate policy evaluation for finite state and action Markov decision processes (MDP) with the least squares temporal difference algorithm, LSTD(λ), in an explorationenhanced off-policy learning context. We establish for the discounted cost criterion that the off-policy LSTD(λ) converges almost surely under mild, minimal conditions. We also analyze other convergence and boundedness properties of the iterates involved in the algorithm. Our analysis draws on theories of both finite space Markov chains and weak Feller Markov chains on topological spaces. Our results can be applied to other temporal difference algorithms and MDP models. As examples, we give a convergence analysis of an off-policy TD(λ) algorithm and extensions to MDP with compact action and state spaces

    A new Gradient TD Algorithm with only One Step-size: Convergence Rate Analysis using LL-λ\lambda Smoothness

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    Gradient Temporal Difference (GTD) algorithms (Sutton et al., 2008, 2009) are the first O(d)O(d) (dd is the number features) algorithms that have convergence guarantees for off-policy learning with linear function approximation. Liu et al. (2015) and Dalal et. al. (2018) proved the convergence rates of GTD, GTD2 and TDC are O(tα/2)O(t^{-\alpha/2}) for some α(0,1)\alpha \in (0,1). This bound is tight (Dalal et al., 2020), and slower than O(1/t)O(1/\sqrt{t}). GTD algorithms also have two step-size parameters, which are difficult to tune. In literature, there is a "single-time-scale" formulation of GTD. However, this formulation still has two step-size parameters. This paper presents a truly single-time-scale GTD algorithm for minimizing the Norm of Expected td Update (NEU) objective, and it has only one step-size parameter. We prove that the new algorithm, called Impression GTD, converges at least as fast as O(1/t)O(1/t). Furthermore, based on a generalization of the expected smoothness (Gower et al. 2019), called LL-λ\lambda smoothness, we are able to prove that the new GTD converges even faster, in fact, with a linear rate. Our rate actually also improves Gower et al.'s result with a tighter bound under a weaker assumption. Besides Impression GTD, we also prove the rates of three other GTD algorithms, one by Yao and Liu (2008), another called A-transpose-TD (Sutton et al., 2008), and a counterpart of A-transpose-TD. The convergence rates of all the four GTD algorithms are proved in a single generic GTD framework to which LL-λ\lambda smoothness applies. Empirical results on Random walks, Boyan chain, and Baird counterexample show that Impression GTD converges much faster than existing GTD algorithms for both on-policy and off-policy learning problems, with well-performing step-sizes in a big range

    Approximate policy iteration: A survey and some new methods

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    We consider the classical policy iteration method of dynamic programming (DP), where approximations and simulation are used to deal with the curse of dimensionality. We survey a number of issues: convergence and rate of convergence of approximate policy evaluation methods, singularity and susceptibility to simulation noise of policy evaluation, exploration issues, constrained and enhanced policy iteration, policy oscillation and chattering, and optimistic and distributed policy iteration. Our discussion of policy evaluation is couched in general terms and aims to unify the available methods in the light of recent research developments and to compare the two main policy evaluation approaches: projected equations and temporal differences (TD), and aggregation. In the context of these approaches, we survey two different types of simulation-based algorithms: matrix inversion methods, such as least-squares temporal difference (LSTD), and iterative methods, such as least-squares policy evaluation (LSPE) and TD (λ), and their scaled variants. We discuss a recent method, based on regression and regularization, which rectifies the unreliability of LSTD for nearly singular projected Bellman equations. An iterative version of this method belongs to the LSPE class of methods and provides the connecting link between LSTD and LSPE. Our discussion of policy improvement focuses on the role of policy oscillation and its effect on performance guarantees. We illustrate that policy evaluation when done by the projected equation/TD approach may lead to policy oscillation, but when done by aggregation it does not. This implies better error bounds and more regular performance for aggregation, at the expense of some loss of generality in cost function representation capability. Hard aggregation provides the connecting link between projected equation/TD-based and aggregation-based policy evaluation, and is characterized by favorable error bounds.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (No.ECCS-0801549)Los Alamos National Laboratory. Information Science and Technology InstituteUnited States. Air Force (No.FA9550-10-1-0412