7 research outputs found

    Automatic Performance Optimization of Stencil Codes

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    A widely used class of codes are stencil codes. Their general structure is very simple: data points in a large grid are repeatedly recomputed from neighboring values. This predefined neighborhood is the so-called stencil. Despite their very simple structure, stencil codes are hard to optimize since only few computations are performed while a comparatively large number of values have to be accessed, i.e., stencil codes usually have a very low computational intensity. Moreover, the set of optimizations and their parameters also depend on the hardware on which the code is executed. To cut a long story short, current production compilers are not able to fully optimize this class of codes and optimizing each application by hand is not practical. As a remedy, we propose a set of optimizations and describe how they can be applied automatically by a code generator for the domain of stencil codes. A combination of a space and time tiling is able to increase the data locality, which significantly reduces the memory-bandwidth requirements: a standard three-dimensional 7-point Jacobi stencil can be accelerated by a factor of 3. This optimization can target basically any stencil code, while others are more specialized. E.g., support for arbitrary linear data layout transformations is especially beneficial for colored kernels, such as a Red-Black Gauss-Seidel smoother. On the one hand, an optimized data layout for such kernels reduces the bandwidth requirements while, on the other hand, it simplifies an explicit vectorization. Other noticeable optimizations described in detail are redundancy elimination techniques to eliminate common subexpressions both in a sequence of statements and across loop boundaries, arithmetic simplifications and normalizations, and the vectorization mentioned previously. In combination, these optimizations are able to increase the performance not only of the model problem given by Poisson’s equation, but also of real-world applications: an optical flow simulation and the simulation of a non-isothermal and non-Newtonian fluid flow

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques

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    IMPACT 2013 in Berlin, Germany (in conjuction with HiPEAC 2013) is the third workshop in a series of international workshops on polyhedral compilation techniques. The previous workshops were held in Chamonix, France (2011) in conjuction with CGO 2011 and Paris, France (2012) in conjuction with HiPEAC 2012

    Precise data locality optimization of nested loops

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    International audienceA significant source for enhancing application performance and for reducing power consumption in embedded processor applications is to improve the usage of the memory hierarchy. In this paper, a temporal and spatial locality optimization framework of nested loops is proposed, driven by parameterized cost functions. The considered loops can be imperfectly nested. New data layouts are propagated through the connected references and through the loop nests as constraints for optimizing the next connected reference in the same nest or in the other ones. Unlike many existing methods, special attention is paid to TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer) effectiveness since TLB misses can take from tens to hundreds of processor cycles. Our approach only considers active data, that is, array elements that are actually accessed by a loop, in order to prevent useless memory loads and take advantage of storage compression and temporal locality. Moreover, the same data transformation is not necessarily applied to a whole array. Depending on the referenced data subsets, the transformation can result in different data layouts for a same array. This can significantly improve the performance since a priori incompatible references can be simultaneously optimized. Finally, the process does not only consider the innermost loop level but all levels. Hence, large strides when control returns to the enclosing loop are avoided in several cases, and better optimization is provided in the case of a small index range of the innermost loop

    Precise Data Locality Optimization of Nested Loops

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    A significant source for enhancing application performance and for reducing power consumption in embedded processor applications is to improve the usage of the memory hierarchy. In this paper, a temporal and spatial locality optimization framework of nested loops is proposed, driven by parameterized cost functions. The considered loops can be imperfectly nested. New data layouts are propagated through the connected references and through the loop nests as constraints for optimizing the next connected reference in the same nest or in the other ones. Unlike many existing methods, special attention is paid to TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer) effectiveness since TLB misses can take from tens to hundreds of processor cycles. Our approach only considers active data, that is, array elements that are actually accessed by a loop, in order to prevent useless memory loads and take advantage of storage compression and temporal locality. Moreover, the same data transformation is not necessarily applied to a whole array. Depending on the referenced data subsets, the transformation can result in different data layouts for a same array. This can significantly improve the performance since a priori incompatible references can be simultaneously optimized. Finally, the process does not only consider the innermost loop level but all levels. Hence, large strides when control returns to the enclosing loop are avoided in several cases, and better optimization is provided in the case of a small index range of the innermost loop

    Die Herausforderungen nichtlinearer Parameter und Variablen in automatischer Schleifenparallelisierung

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    With the rise of manycore processors, parallelism is becoming a mainstream necessity. Unfortunately, parallel programming is inherently more difficult than sequential programming; therefore, techniques for automatic parallelisation will become indispensable. We aim at extending the well-known polyhedron model, which promises this automation, beyond some of its current restrictions. Up to now, loop bounds and array subscripts in the modelled codes must be expressions linear in both the variables and the parameters. We lift this restriction and allow certain polynomial expressions instead of linear ones. With our extensions, we are able to handle more programs in all phases of the parallelisation process (dependence analysis, transformation of the program model, code generation). We extend Banerjee's classical dependence analysis to handle one non-linear parameter p, i.e., we are able to determine precisely the solutions of the system of conflict equalities for input programs with non-linear array accesses like A[p*i] in dependence of the residue class of p. We make contributions to three transformations desirable in automatic parallelisation. First, we show that using a generalised Simplex algorithm, which we have developed, schedules with non-linear parameters like theta(i)=floor(i/n) can be computed. In addition, such schedules can be expressed easily as a quantifier elimination problem but this approach turns out to be computationally less efficient with the available implementation. As a second transformation, we study parametric tiling which is used to adapt a parallelised program to the number of available processors at run time. Third, we present a localisation technique to exploit scratchpad memories on architectures on which data caching has to be handled by software. We transform a given code such that it keeps values which are reused in successive iterations of a sequential loop in the scratchpad. An access to a value written in an earlier iteration is served from the scratchpad to accelerate the access. In general, this transformation introduces non-linear loop bounds in the transformed model. Finally, we present an algorithm for generating code for arbitrary semi-algebraic iteration sets, i.e., for iteration sets described by polynomial inequalities in the variables and parameters. This is a vast generalisation of existing polyhedral code generation techniques. Although our algorithm is less efficient than polyhedral code generators, this paves the way for a code generator that can handle arbitrary parametric tilings and other transformations which introduce non-linear parameters (like non-linear schedules and the localisation we present) or even non-linear variables

    Code-Optimierung im Polyedermodell - Effizienzsteigerung von parallelen Schleifensätzen

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    A safe basis for automatic loop parallelization is the polyhedron model which represents the iteration domain of a loop nest as a polyhedron in Zn\mathbb{Z}^n. However, turning the parallel loop program in the model to efficient code meets with several obstacles, due to which performance may deteriorate seriously -- especially on distributed memory architectures. We introduce a fine-grained model of the computation performed and show how this model can be applied to create efficient code