624 research outputs found

    SLIP: 10 years ago and 10 years from now

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    Founded in 1999, the ACM SLIP Workshop is now in its 12th year. The 2010 SLIP Panel session will highlight perspectives from three individuals who have had great influence on the course of SLIP, and provide an opportunity for lively discussion by workshop attendees of prospects for the next 10 years of SLIP. This panel summary records preliminary thoughts of the panelists on two starting questions

    Toward fast and accurate architecture exploration in a hardware/software codesign flow

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    Layout regularity metric as a fast indicator of process variations

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    Integrated circuits design faces increasing challenge as we scale down due to the increase of the effect of sensitivity to process variations. Systematic variations induced by different steps in the lithography process affect both parametric and functional yields of the designs. These variations are known, themselves, to be affected by layout topologies. Design for Manufacturability (DFM) aims at defining techniques that mitigate variations and improve yield. Layout regularity is one of the trending techniques suggested by DFM to mitigate process variations effect. There are several solutions to create regular designs, like restricted design rules and regular fabrics. These regular solutions raised the need for a regularity metric. Metrics in literature are insufficient for different reasons; either because they are qualitative or computationally intensive. Furthermore, there is no study relating either lithography or electrical variations to layout regularity. In this work, layout regularity is studied in details and a new geometrical-based layout regularity metric is derived. This metric is verified against lithographic simulations and shows good correlation. Calculation of the metric takes only few minutes on 1mm x 1mm design, which is considered fast compared to the time taken by simulations. This makes it a good candidate for pre-processing the layout data and selecting certain areas of interest for lithographic simulations for faster throughput. The layout regularity metric is also compared against a model that measures electrical variations due to systematic lithographic variations. The validity of using the regularity metric to flag circuits that have high variability using the developed electrical variations model is shown. The regularity metric results compared to the electrical variability model results show matching percentage that can reach 80%, which means that this metric can be used as a fast indicator of designs more susceptible to lithography and hence electrical variations

    Skybridge: 3-D Integrated Circuit Technology Alternative to CMOS

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    Continuous scaling of CMOS has been the major catalyst in miniaturization of integrated circuits (ICs) and crucial for global socio-economic progress. However, scaling to sub-20nm technologies is proving to be challenging as MOSFETs are reaching their fundamental limits and interconnection bottleneck is dominating IC operational power and performance. Migrating to 3-D, as a way to advance scaling, has eluded us due to inherent customization and manufacturing requirements in CMOS that are incompatible with 3-D organization. Partial attempts with die-die and layer-layer stacking have their own limitations. We propose a 3-D IC fabric technology, Skybridge[TM], which offers paradigm shift in technology scaling as well as design. We co-architect Skybridge's core aspects, from device to circuit style, connectivity, thermal management, and manufacturing pathway in a 3-D fabric-centric manner, building on a uniform 3-D template. Our extensive bottom-up simulations, accounting for detailed material system structures, manufacturing process, device, and circuit parasitics, carried through for several designs including a designed microprocessor, reveal a 30-60x density, 3.5x performance per watt benefits, and 10X reduction in interconnect lengths vs. scaled 16-nm CMOS. Fabric-level heat extraction features are shown to successfully manage IC thermal profiles in 3-D. Skybridge can provide continuous scaling of integrated circuits beyond CMOS in the 21st century.Comment: 53 Page

    Optimization techniques for high-performance digital circuits

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    The relentless push for high performance in custom dig-ital circuits has led to renewed emphasis on circuit opti-mization or tuning. The parameters of the optimization are typically transistor and interconnect sizes. The de-sign metrics are not just delay, transition times, power and area, but also signal integrity and manufacturability. This tutorial paper discusses some of the recently pro-posed methods of circuit optimization, with an emphasis on practical application and methodology impact. Circuit optimization techniques fall into three broad categories. The rst is dynamic tuning, based on time-domain simulation of the underlying circuit, typically combined with adjoint sensitivity computation. These methods are accurate but require the specication of in-put signals, and are best applied to small data- ow cir-cuits and \cross-sections " of larger circuits. Ecient sensitivity computation renders feasible the tuning of cir-cuits with a few thousand transistors. Second, static tuners employ static timing analysis to evaluate the per-formance of the circuit. All paths through the logic are simultaneously tuned, and no input vectors are required. Large control macros are best tuned by these methods. However, in the context of deep submicron custom de-sign, the inaccuracy of the delay models employed by these methods often limits their utility. Aggressive dy-namic or static tuning can push a circuit into a precip-itous corner of the manufacturing process space, which is a problem addressed by the third class of circuit op-timization tools, statistical tuners. Statistical techniques are used to enhance manufacturability or maximize yield. In addition to surveying the above techniques, topics such as the use of state-of-the-art nonlinear optimization methods and special considerations for interconnect siz-ing, clock tree optimization and noise-aware tuning will be brie y considered.

    Geometrically-constrained, parasitic-aware synthesis of analog ICs

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    In order to speed up the design process of analog ICs, iterations between different design stages should be avoided as much as possible. More specifically, spins between electrical and physical synthesis should be reduced for this is a very time-consuming task: if circuit performance including layout-induced degradations proves unacceptable, a re-design cycle must be entered, and electrical, physical, or both synthesis processes, would have to be repeated. It is also worth noting that if geometric optimization (e.g., area minimization) is undertaken after electrical synthesis, it may add up as another source of unexpected degradation of the circuit performance due to the impact of the geometric variables (e.g., transistor folds) on the device and the routing parasitic values. This awkward scenario is caused by the complete separation of said electrical and physical synthesis, a design practice commonly followed so far. Parasitic-aware synthesis, consisting in including parasitic estimates to the circuit netlist directly during electrical synthesis, has been proposed as solution. While most of the reported contributions either tackle parasitic-aware synthesis without paying special attention to geometric optimization or approach both issues only partially, this paper addresses the problem in a unified way. In what has been called layout-aware electrical synthesis, a simulation-based optimization algorithm explores the design space with geometric variables constrained to meet certain user-defined goals, which provides reliable estimates of layout-induced parasitics at each iteration, and, thereby, accurate evaluation of the circuit ultimate performance. This technique, demonstrated here through several design examples, requires knowing layout details beforehand; to facilitate this, procedural layout generation is used as physical synthesis approach due to its rapidness and ability to capture analog layout know-how.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2004-0175

    Exploitation dynamique des données de production pour améliorer les méthodes DFM dans l'industrie Microélectronique

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    La conception pour la fabrication ou DFM (Design for Manufacturing) est une méthode maintenant classique pour assurer lors de la conception des produits simultanément la faisabilité, la qualité et le rendement de la production. Dans l'industrie microélectronique, le Design Rule Manual (DRM) a bien fonctionné jusqu'à la technologie 250nm avec la prise en compte des variations systématiques dans les règles et/ou des modèles basés sur l'analyse des causes profondes, mais au-delà de cette technologie, des limites ont été atteintes en raison de l'incapacité à sasir les corrélations entre variations spatiales. D'autre part, l'évolution rapide des produits et des technologies contraint à une mise à jour dynamique des DRM en fonction des améliorations trouvées dans les fabs. Dans ce contexte les contributions de thèse sont (i) une définition interdisciplinaire des AMDEC et analyse de risques pour contribuer aux défis du DFM dynamique, (ii) un modèle MAM (mapping and alignment model) de localisation spatiale pour les données de tests, (iii) un référentiel de données basé sur une ontologie ROMMII (referential ontology Meta model for information integration) pour effectuer le mapping entre des données hétérogènes issues de sources variées et (iv) un modèle SPM (spatial positioning model) qui vise à intégrer les facteurs spatiaux dans les méthodes DFM de la microélectronique, pour effectuer une analyse précise et la modélisation des variations spatiales basées sur l'exploitation dynamique des données de fabrication avec des volumétries importantes.The DFM (design for manufacturing) methods are used during technology alignment and adoption processes in the semiconductor industry (SI) for manufacturability and yield assessments. These methods have worked well till 250nm technology for the transformation of systematic variations into rules and/or models based on the single-source data analyses, but beyond this technology they have turned into ineffective R&D efforts. The reason for this is our inability to capture newly emerging spatial variations. It has led an exponential increase in technology lead times and costs that must be addressed; hence, objectively in this thesis we are focused on identifying and removing causes associated with the DFM ineffectiveness. The fabless, foundry and traditional integrated device manufacturer (IDM) business models are first analyzed to see coherence against a recent shift in business objectives from time-to-market (T2M) and time-to-volume towards (T2V) towards ramp-up rate. The increasing technology lead times and costs are identified as a big challenge in achieving quick ramp-up rates; hence, an extended IDM (e-IDM) business model is proposed to support quick ramp-up rates which is based on improving the DFM ineffectiveness followed by its smooth integration. We have found (i) single-source analyses and (ii) inability to exploit huge manufacturing data volumes as core limiting factors (failure modes) towards DFM ineffectiveness during technology alignment and adoption efforts within an IDM. The causes for single-source root cause analysis are identified as the (i) varying metrology reference frames and (ii) test structures orientations that require wafer rotation prior to the measurements, resulting in varying metrology coordinates (die/site level mismatches). A generic coordinates mapping and alignment model (MAM) is proposed to remove these die/site level mismatches, however to accurately capture the emerging spatial variations, we have proposed a spatial positioning model (SPM) to perform multi-source parametric correlation based on the shortest distance between respective test structures used to measure the parameters. The (i) unstructured model evolution, (ii) ontology issues and (iii) missing links among production databases are found as causes towards our inability to exploit huge manufacturing data volumes. The ROMMII (referential ontology Meta model for information integration) framework is then proposed to remove these issues and enable the dynamic and efficient multi-source root cause analyses. An interdisciplinary failure mode effect analysis (i-FMEA) methodology is also proposed to find cyclic failure modes and causes across the business functions which require generic solutions rather than operational fixes for improvement. The proposed e-IDM, MAM, SPM, and ROMMII framework results in accurate analysis and modeling of emerging spatial variations based on dynamic exploitation of the huge manufacturing data volumes.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF