11 research outputs found

    A bibliometric and classification study of Project-based Learning in engineering education

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    Engineering education has been the subject of studies in search of approaches that provide better results in terms of learning. The Project Based Learning approach (PBL) is the subject of this study from the point of view of its application in Engineering. The objective is to present a classification and bibliometric analysis of PBL in Engineering. Publications on the subject were identified through queries at the journal databases at ISI Web of Science and Scopus SCImago between 2000 and 2016. The results highlight the benefits from the use of the PBL approach to learning in Engineering showing increased absorption of technical content by students and the development of soft and multi-disciplinary skills. The bibliometric analysis revealed the most relevant journals in the subject, authors and the most cited papers and keywords. New horizons to advance the use of PBL in engineering education are discussed

    Can Students Flourish in Engineering Classrooms?

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    This study investigated the role of a new paradigm in teaching large introductory, fundamental engineering mechanics (IFEM) courses that combined student-centered learning pedagogies and supplemental learning resources. Demographic characteristics in this study included a total of 405 students, of whom 347 (85.7%) are males and 58 are (14.3%) females. The students’ majors included aerospace engineering, agricultural engineering, civil engineering, construction engineering, industrial engineering, materials engineering, and mechanical engineering. Results of this study, as tested using an independent samples t-test, validated using a nonparametric independent samples test, and a general linear multivariate model analysis, indicated overwhelmingly that there is a difference between a class taught passively using the teacher-centered pedagogy and a class taught actively using student-centered pedagogy.The principal focus of this work was to determine if the new paradigm was successful in improving student understanding of course concepts in statics of engineering using student-centered pedagogies in large classes. After evaluating the effects of several variables on students’ academic success, the results may provide important information for both faculty members and researchers and present a convincing argument to faculty members interested in academic reform but hesitant to abandon conventional teaching practices. By promoting a new paradigm, the potential for improving understanding of engineering fundamentals on a larger scale may be realized

    A Project-based Learning curricular approach in a Production Engineering Program

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    The Industrial Engineering undergraduate program offered at the University of Brasília was structured on Project Based Learning (PBL) methodology. This innovative educational proposal allows the students to deploy their technical competencies through real problem solving situations. The methodology also stimulates the development of the students’ soft skills, by exposing them to a challenging environment. At the end of each project, the results are presented to an external agent, and are subsequently implemented. The objective of this paper is to present the evolution of the PSP courses, which adopt as guidelines both the PMBOK project management framework, as well as content from specific technical courses related to the project’s subject. One other relevant aspect of the PSP courses is their involvement of both undergraduate and graduate students from different Engineering areas, such as Industrial, Mechanical and Civil Engineering, which serves to foster a more holistic and integrated problem-solving skillset


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    Abstract: MathCad ® is a very popular software tool for mathematical and statistical analysis in science and engineering. Its low cost, ease of use, extensive function library, and worksheet-like user interface distinguish it among other commercial packages. Its features are also well suited to educational process. The use of natural mathematical notation and built-in measurement units are its two major advantages in teaching and learning. In this paper, its complementary use in the upper secondary physics education in Greece is explored. In order to demonstrate its application in the teaching process, a set of representative examples are presented. The main features and advantages of the software are also pointed out. The paper aims to present the benefits of the application of mathematical information technology tools in secondary physics education. In this effort, MathCad ® is probably the most promising solution


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    Active learning is all pedagogical alternatives that place the focus of learning on the students. With the mediation of competent teachers, the students learn by discovery, by investigation, and by problems. Such methodologies commonly promote more content retention and comprehension once the students are engaged in activities, whether through research, group collaborations, discussion, and problem solving. This work aimed to verify the temporal evolution of active learning methods in higher education Engineering courses, based on a systematic mapping of the literature. We observed which are the main researchers in this field, their geographic location and which methodologies are preferred in the context of these courses. From the results, we observe a growth of scientific publications on active learning methodologies and Engineering Education, especially in the last five years of the period analysed (between 2015 and 2020). We also see researchs on this field in all continents, with a predominance of studies led by American and European researchers. In the mapped studies, the inverted classroom and problem-based learning were the most identified methodologies. It demonstrates a concern of teachers in this area to promote activities with high involvement, which allow the development of personal and professional skills and competencies, even during their training period.Las metodologías activas pueden entenderse como alternativas pedagógicas que ponen el foco del aprendizaje en los alumnos. Con la mediación de profesores competentes, los alumnos aprenden a partir del descubrimiento, la investigación y los problemas. Estas metodologías suelen promover una mayor retención y comprensión de los contenidos enseñados, ya que el alumno participa en actividades, ya sea a través de la investigación, la colaboración en grupo, el debate y la resolución de problemas. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo verificar la evolución temporal del uso de las metodologías activas en el contexto de los cursos de educación superior en Ingeniería, a partir de un mapeo sistemático de la literatura. A partir de un protocolo de investigación debidamente definido, se buscó verificar cuáles son los principales investigadores en esta área, su ubicación geográfica y cuáles son las metodologías preferidas en el contexto de estos cursos. A partir de los resultados, se pudo observar que el crecimiento en el número de publicaciones científicas sobre metodologías activas en el contexto de la Enseñanza de la Ingeniería, especialmente en los últimos cinco años del período analizado (entre 2015 y 2020). Se puede observar la realización de investigaciones en este contexto en todos los continentes, con un predominio de estudios dirigidos por investigadores americanos y europeos. En los estudios mapeados, el flipped classroom y el aprendizaje basado en problemas fueron las metodologías más identificadas. Esto demuestra una mayor preocupación entre los profesores de la zona por promover actividades con alta implicación que permitan el desarrollo de habilidades y competencias personales y profesionales durante el periodo de formación.As metodologias ativas podem ser entendidas como alternativas pedagógicas que colocam o foco do aprendizado nos estudantes. Com mediação de docentes competentes, os alunos aprendem a partir da descoberta, da investigação e por problemas. Tais metodologias comumente promovem uma maior retenção e compreensão de contéudos ensinados, uma vez que o aprendiz se encontra engajado nas atividades, seja por meio de pesquisa, colaborações em grupo, discussão e resolução de problemas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a evolução temporal do uso de metodologias ativas, no contexto dos cursos superiores de Engenharia, a partir de um mapeamento sistemático da literatura. A partir de um protocolo de pesquisa devidamente definido, buscou-se verificar quais os principais pesquisadores desta área, sua localização geográfica e quais as metodologias preferidas no contexto destes cursos. A partir dos resultados, foi possível observar que o crescimento do número de publicações científicas sobre metodologias ativas no contexto da Educação em Engenharia, em especial nos últimos cinco anos do período analisado (entre 2015 e 2020). Pode-se notar a realização de pesquisas neste contexto em todos os continentes, com predomínio de estudos liderados por pesquisadores americanos e europeus. Nos estudos mapeados, a sala de aula invertida e a aprendizagem baseada em problemas foram as metodologias mais identificadas. Isso demostra uma maior preocupação dos professores da área em promover atividades com elevado envolvimento, que permitam o desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências pessoais e profissionais, ainda no período de formação

    Communication in Virtual Teams: Ten Years of Experience in Education

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    A new paradigm in teaching large engineering mechanics courses

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    This study investigated the role of a new paradigm in teaching large introductory fundamental engineering mechanics courses that combines student-centered learning and supplemental student resources. The sample consisted of close to 5000 engineering students from Iowa State University. Demographic characteristics in the study included students\u27 major, gender, performance in high school, and achievement and aptitude tests scores. Results of the study overwhelmingly showed that not only is there a difference between a class taught passively using the teacher-centered pedagogy and a class taught actively using the student-centered pedagogy, but also that the usage of the variety of student-centered pedagogies in statics of engineering is a significant predictor in student performance in mechanics of materials. The principal focus of this work was to determine if the new paradigm was successful in improving student understanding of course concepts in statics of engineering. After evaluating the effects of several variables on students\u27 academic success, the results may provide important information for both faculty and researchers and present a convincing argument to those faculty interested in a reform but hesitant to abandon conventional teaching practices. By promoting a new paradigm, the potential for improving understanding of engineering fundamentals on a larger scale may be realized

    Um modelo reflexivo para formação de engenheiros

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia ElétricaEste trabalho apresenta um modelo para desenvolvimento de currículo de engenharia que visa fortalecer elementos da prática profissional que habilitam engenheiros a lidarem com a incerteza e a complexidade inerentes ao mundo real. O modelo conceitual proposto é baseado nos princípios de "saberes práticos e teóricos", "aprender fazendo", "humanismo", "pensamento reflexivo", "contexto", sendo destacado o uso de problemas reais de engenharia para construir, tanto o conhecimento teórico, quanto o conhecimento prático, ambos essenciais ao contexto do exercício profissional. Para tornar as idéias do modelo mais claras é desenvolvido um exemplo de currículo em engenharia de controle e automação. O currículo desenvolvido, utilizando o modelo, é então comparado com o currículo tradicional da engenharia a fim de discutir suas vantagens e limitações. Na parte final, são discutidas algumas questões sobre a implantação de um curso baseado no modelo proposto e as perspectivas de continuidade do trabalho