4 research outputs found

    Canonic Realizations of Voltage-Controlled Floating Inductors Using CFOAs and Analog Multipliers

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    Abstract New voltage-controlled floating inductors employing CFOAs and an analog multiplier have been presented which have the attractive features of using a canonic number of passive components (only two resistors and a capacitor) and not requiring any component-matching conditions and design constraints for the intended type of inductance realization. The workability and applications of the new circuits have been demonstrated by SPICE simulation and hardware experimental results based upon AD844-type CFOAs and AD633-type/MPY534 type analog multipliers

    A new wideband electronically tunable grounded resistor employing only three MOS transistors

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    In this paper, a new wideband electronically tunable grounded resistor, namely a grounded voltage controlled resistor (GVCR) including only three MOS transistors, is suggested. The proposed GVCR, without requiring any additional bias currents and voltages, has only one control voltage. Linearity analysis for the proposed GVCR is given. A new second-order multifunctional filter using two differential voltage current conveyors is also included as an application example. Some postlayout simulation results with SPICE are included to show the performance, workability, and effectiveness. © 2016 Tübitak

    Grounded Voltage Controlled Positive Resistor with Ultra Low Power Consumption

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    In this work, a new CMOS based grounded voltage controlled positive resistor (GVCPR) with one control voltage is proposed. The proposed GVCPR employs only five CMOS transistors, one operated in triode region and others operated in saturation region or OFF. One of the main properties of the proposed GVCPR is its ultra low power consumption; however, a single active component matching condition is needed. A number of SPICE simulation results using IBM 0.13 um SIGE013 level-7 CMOS process parameters such as its performance analysis and verification in tunable voltage-mode first-order all-pass filter and high-Q & high-gain voltage-mode multiple-feedback second-order band-pass filter are included to confirm the theory. The superior performance of the proposed GVCPR is also proven by numeric Figure of Merit calculation

    CMOS Realization of All-Positive Pinched Hysteresis Loops

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    Two novel nonlinear circuits that exhibit an all-positive pinched hysteresis loop are proposed. These circuits employ two NMOS transistors, one of which operates in its triode region, in addition to two first-order filter sections. We show the equivalency to a charge-controlled resistance (memristance) in a decremental state via detailed analysis. Simulation and experimental results verify the proposed theory