133,983 research outputs found

    Hiding Symbols and Functions: New Metrics and Constructions for Information-Theoretic Security

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    We present information-theoretic definitions and results for analyzing symmetric-key encryption schemes beyond the perfect secrecy regime, i.e. when perfect secrecy is not attained. We adopt two lines of analysis, one based on lossless source coding, and another akin to rate-distortion theory. We start by presenting a new information-theoretic metric for security, called symbol secrecy, and derive associated fundamental bounds. We then introduce list-source codes (LSCs), which are a general framework for mapping a key length (entropy) to a list size that an eavesdropper has to resolve in order to recover a secret message. We provide explicit constructions of LSCs, and demonstrate that, when the source is uniformly distributed, the highest level of symbol secrecy for a fixed key length can be achieved through a construction based on minimum-distance separable (MDS) codes. Using an analysis related to rate-distortion theory, we then show how symbol secrecy can be used to determine the probability that an eavesdropper correctly reconstructs functions of the original plaintext. We illustrate how these bounds can be applied to characterize security properties of symmetric-key encryption schemes, and, in particular, extend security claims based on symbol secrecy to a functional setting.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    LDPC Code Design for the BPSK-constrained Gaussian Wiretap Channel

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    A coding scheme based on irregular low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes is proposed to send secret messages from a source over the Gaussian wiretap channel to a destination in the presence of a wiretapper, with the restriction that the source can send only binary phase-shift keyed (BPSK) symbols. The secrecy performance of the proposed coding scheme is measured by the secret message rate through the wiretap channel as well as the equivocation rate about the message at the wiretapper. A code search procedure is suggested to obtain irregular LDPC codes that achieve good secrecy performance in such context.Comment: submitted to IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 - Communication Theory Symposiu

    Orthogonal Multiple Access with Correlated Sources: Feasible Region and Pragmatic Schemes

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    In this paper, we consider orthogonal multiple access coding schemes, where correlated sources are encoded in a distributed fashion and transmitted, through additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels, to an access point (AP). At the AP, component decoders, associated with the source encoders, iteratively exchange soft information by taking into account the source correlation. The first goal of this paper is to investigate the ultimate achievable performance limits in terms of a multi-dimensional feasible region in the space of channel parameters, deriving insights on the impact of the number of sources. The second goal is the design of pragmatic schemes, where the sources use "off-the-shelf" channel codes. In order to analyze the performance of given coding schemes, we propose an extrinsic information transfer (EXIT)-based approach, which allows to determine the corresponding multi-dimensional feasible regions. On the basis of the proposed analytical framework, the performance of pragmatic coded schemes, based on serially concatenated convolutional codes (SCCCs), is discussed

    A unary error correction code for the near-capacity joint source and channel coding of symbol values from an infinite set

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    A novel Joint Source and Channel Code (JSCC) is proposed, which we refer to as the Unary Error Correction (UEC) code. Unlike existing JSCCs, our UEC facilitates the practical encoding of symbol values that are selected from a set having an infinite cardinality. Conventionally, these symbols are conveyed using Separate Source and Channel Codes (SSCCs), but we demonstrate that the residual redundancy that is retained following source coding results in a capacity loss, which is found to have a value of 1.11 dB in a particular practical scenario. By contrast, the proposed UEC code can eliminate this capacity loss, or reduce it to an infinitesimally small value. Furthermore, the UEC code has only a moderate complexity, facilitating its employment in practical low-complexity applications

    Bilayer Protograph Codes for Half-Duplex Relay Channels

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    Despite encouraging advances in the design of relay codes, several important challenges remain. Many of the existing LDPC relay codes are tightly optimized for fixed channel conditions and not easily adapted without extensive re-optimization of the code. Some have high encoding complexity and some need long block lengths to approach capacity. This paper presents a high-performance protograph-based LDPC coding scheme for the half-duplex relay channel that addresses simultaneously several important issues: structured coding that permits easy design, low encoding complexity, embedded structure for convenient adaptation to various channel conditions, and performance close to capacity with a reasonable block length. The application of the coding structure to multi-relay networks is demonstrated. Finally, a simple new methodology for evaluating the end-to-end error performance of relay coding systems is developed and used to highlight the performance of the proposed codes.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Trans. Wireless Com

    Source coding with escort distributions and Renyi entropy bounds

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    We discuss the interest of escort distributions and R\'enyi entropy in the context of source coding. We first recall a source coding theorem by Campbell relating a generalized measure of length to the R\'enyi-Tsallis entropy. We show that the associated optimal codes can be obtained using considerations on escort-distributions. We propose a new family of measure of length involving escort-distributions and we show that these generalized lengths are also bounded below by the R\'enyi entropy. Furthermore, we obtain that the standard Shannon codes lengths are optimum for the new generalized lengths measures, whatever the entropic index. Finally, we show that there exists in this setting an interplay between standard and escort distributions

    Optimal coding and the origins of Zipfian laws

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    The problem of compression in standard information theory consists of assigning codes as short as possible to numbers. Here we consider the problem of optimal coding -- under an arbitrary coding scheme -- and show that it predicts Zipf's law of abbreviation, namely a tendency in natural languages for more frequent words to be shorter. We apply this result to investigate optimal coding also under so-called non-singular coding, a scheme where unique segmentation is not warranted but codes stand for a distinct number. Optimal non-singular coding predicts that the length of a word should grow approximately as the logarithm of its frequency rank, which is again consistent with Zipf's law of abbreviation. Optimal non-singular coding in combination with the maximum entropy principle also predicts Zipf's rank-frequency distribution. Furthermore, our findings on optimal non-singular coding challenge common beliefs about random typing. It turns out that random typing is in fact an optimal coding process, in stark contrast with the common assumption that it is detached from cost cutting considerations. Finally, we discuss the implications of optimal coding for the construction of a compact theory of Zipfian laws and other linguistic laws.Comment: in press in the Journal of Quantitative Linguistics; definition of concordant pair corrected, proofs polished, references update