263 research outputs found

    Practical Key Recovery for Discrete-Logarithm Based Authentication Schemes from Random Nonce Bits.

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    International audienceWe propose statistical cryptanalysis of discrete-logarithm based authentication schemes such as Schnorr identification scheme or Girault-Poupard-Stern identification and signature schemes. We consider two scenarios where an adversary is given some information on the nonces used during the signature generation process or during some identification sessions. In the first scenario, we assume that some bits of the nonces are known exactly by the adversary, while no information is provided about the other bits. We show, for instance, that the GPS scheme with 128-bit security can be broken using only 710 signatures assuming that the adversary knows (on average) one bit per nonce. In the second scenario, we assume that all bits of the nonces are obtained from the correct ones by independent bit flipping with some small probability. A detailed heuristic analysis is provided, supported by extensive experiments

    RSA, DH, and DSA in the Wild

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    This book chapter outlines techniques for breaking cryptography by taking advantage of implementation mistakes made in practice, with a focus on those that exploit the mathematical structure of the most widely used public-key primitives

    Cache-Timing Techniques: Exploiting the DSA Algorithm

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    Side-channel information is any type of information leaked through unexpected channels due to physical features of a system dealing with data. The memory cache can be used as a side-channel, leakage and exploitation of side-channel information from the executing processes is possible, leading to the recovery of secret information. Cache-based side-channel attacks represent a serious threat to implementations of several cryptographic primitives, especially in shared libraries. This work explains some of the cache-timing techniques commonly used to exploit vulnerable software. Using a particular combination of techniques and exploiting a vulnerability found in the implementation of the DSA signature scheme in the OpenSSL shared library, a cache-timing attack is performed against the DSA’s sliding window exponentiation algorithm. Moreover, the attack is expanded to show that it is possible to perform cache-timing attacks against protocols relying on the DSA signature scheme. SSH and TLS are attacked, leading to a key-recovery attack: 260 SSH-2 handshakes to extract a 1024/160-bit DSA hostkey from an OpenSSH server, and 580 TLS 1.2 handshakes to extract a 2048/256-bit DSA key from an stunnel server

    Recovering Secrets From Prefix-Dependent Leakage

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    We discuss how to recover a secret bitstring given partial information obtained during a computation over that string, assuming the computation is a deterministic algorithm processing the secret bits sequentially. That abstract situation models certain types of side-channel attacks against discrete logarithm and RSA-based cryptosystems, where the adversary obtains information not on the secret exponent directly, but instead on the group or ring element that varies at each step of the exponentiation algorithm. Our main result shows that for a leakage of a single bit per iteration, under suitable statistical independence assumptions, one can recover the whole secret bitstring in polynomial time. We also discuss how to cope with imperfect leakage, extend the model to kk-bit leaks, and show how our algorithm yields attacks on popular cryptosystems such as (EC)DSA

    Virtualized Reconfigurable Resources and Their Secured Provision in an Untrusted Cloud Environment

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    The cloud computing business grows year after year. To keep up with increasing demand and to offer more services, data center providers are always searching for novel architectures. One of them are FPGAs, reconfigurable hardware with high compute power and energy efficiency. But some clients cannot make use of the remote processing capabilities. Not every involved party is trustworthy and the complex management software has potential security flaws. Hence, clients’ sensitive data or algorithms cannot be sufficiently protected. In this thesis state-of-the-art hardware, cloud and security concepts are analyzed and com- bined. On one side are reconfigurable virtual FPGAs. They are a flexible resource and fulfill the cloud characteristics at the price of security. But on the other side is a strong requirement for said security. To provide it, an immutable controller is embedded enabling a direct, confidential and secure transfer of clients’ configurations. This establishes a trustworthy compute space inside an untrusted cloud environment. Clients can securely transfer their sensitive data and algorithms without involving vulnerable software or a data center provider. This concept is implemented as a prototype. Based on it, necessary changes to current FPGAs are analyzed. To fully enable reconfigurable yet secure hardware in the cloud, a new hybrid architecture is required.Das Geschäft mit dem Cloud Computing wächst Jahr für Jahr. Um mit der steigenden Nachfrage mitzuhalten und neue Angebote zu bieten, sind Betreiber von Rechenzentren immer auf der Suche nach neuen Architekturen. Eine davon sind FPGAs, rekonfigurierbare Hardware mit hoher Rechenleistung und Energieeffizienz. Aber manche Kunden können die ausgelagerten Rechenkapazitäten nicht nutzen. Nicht alle Beteiligten sind vertrauenswürdig und die komplexe Verwaltungssoftware ist anfällig für Sicherheitslücken. Daher können die sensiblen Daten dieser Kunden nicht ausreichend geschützt werden. In dieser Arbeit werden modernste Hardware, Cloud und Sicherheitskonzept analysiert und kombiniert. Auf der einen Seite sind virtuelle FPGAs. Sie sind eine flexible Ressource und haben Cloud Charakteristiken zum Preis der Sicherheit. Aber auf der anderen Seite steht ein hohes Sicherheitsbedürfnis. Um dieses zu bieten ist ein unveränderlicher Controller eingebettet und ermöglicht eine direkte, vertrauliche und sichere Übertragung der Konfigurationen der Kunden. Das etabliert eine vertrauenswürdige Rechenumgebung in einer nicht vertrauenswürdigen Cloud Umgebung. Kunden können sicher ihre sensiblen Daten und Algorithmen übertragen ohne verwundbare Software zu nutzen oder den Betreiber des Rechenzentrums einzubeziehen. Dieses Konzept ist als Prototyp implementiert. Darauf basierend werden nötige Änderungen von modernen FPGAs analysiert. Um in vollem Umfang eine rekonfigurierbare aber dennoch sichere Hardware in der Cloud zu ermöglichen, wird eine neue hybride Architektur benötigt

    Protecting Privacy and Ensuring Security of RFID Systems Using Private Authentication Protocols

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    Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) systems have been studied as an emerging technology for automatic identification of objects and assets in various applications ranging from inventory tracking to point of sale applications and from healthcare applications to e-passport. The expansion of RFID technology, however, gives rise to severe security and privacy concerns. To ensure the widespread deployment of this technology, the security and privacy threats must be addressed. However, providing solutions to the security and privacy threats has been a challenge due to extremely inadequate resources of typical RFID tags. Authentication protocols can be a possible solution to secure RFID communications. In this thesis, we consider RFID authentication protocols based on symmetric key cryptography. We identify the security and privacy requirements for an RFID system. We present four protocols in this thesis. First, we propose a lightweight authentication protocol for typical tags that can perform symmetric key operations. This protocol makes use of pseudo random number generators (PRNG) and one way hash functions to ensure the security and privacy requirements of RFID systems. Second, we define the desynchronizing attack and describe the vulnerabilities of this attack in RFID systems. We propose a robust authentication protocol that can prevent the desynchronizing attack. This protocol can recover the disabled tags that are desynchronized with the reader because of this attack. Third, we introduce a novel authentication protocol based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) to avoid the counterfeiting problem of RFID systems. This protocol is appropriate for the RFID tags that can perform the operations of ECC. Finally, to address the tradeoff between scalability and privacy of RFID systems, we propose an efficient anonymous authentication protocol. We characterize the privacy of RFID systems and prove that our protocol preserves the privacy of RFID tags and achieves better scalability as well

    Key management for wireless sensor network security

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have attracted great attention not only in industry but also in academia due to their enormous application potential and unique security challenges. A typical sensor network can be seen as a combination of a number of low-cost sensor nodes which have very limited computation and communication capability, memory space, and energy supply. The nodes are self-organized into a network to sense or monitor surrounding information in an unattended environment, while the self-organization property makes the networks vulnerable to various attacks.Many cryptographic mechanisms that solve network security problems rely directly on secure and efficient key management making key management a fundamental research topic in the field of WSNs security. Although key management for WSNs has been studied over the last years, the majority of the literature has focused on some assumed vulnerabilities along with corresponding countermeasures. Specific application, which is an important factor in determining the feasibility of the scheme, has been overlooked to a large extent in the existing literature.This thesis is an effort to develop a key management framework and specific schemes for WSNs by which different types of keys can be established and also can be distributed in a self-healing manner; explicit/ implicit authentication can be integrated according to the security requirements of expected applications. The proposed solutions would provide reliable and robust security infrastructure for facilitating secure communications in WSNs.There are five main parts in the thesis. In Part I, we begin with an introduction to the research background, problems definition and overview of existing solutions. From Part II to Part IV, we propose specific solutions, including purely Symmetric Key Cryptography based solutions, purely Public Key Cryptography based solutions, and a hybrid solution. While there is always a trade-off between security and performance, analysis and experimental results prove that each proposed solution can achieve the expected security aims with acceptable overheads for some specific applications. Finally, we recapitulate the main contribution of our work and identify future research directions in Part V