234 research outputs found

    On Achievable Rates of Line Networks with Generalized Batched Network Coding

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    To better understand the wireless network design with a large number of hops, we investigate a line network formed by general discrete memoryless channels (DMCs), which may not be identical. Our focus lies on Generalized Batched Network Coding (GBNC) that encompasses most existing schemes as special cases and achieves the min-cut upper bounds as the parameters batch size and inner block length tend to infinity. The inner blocklength of GBNC provides upper bounds on the required latency and buffer size at intermediate network nodes. By employing a bottleneck status technique, we derive new upper bounds on the achievable rates of GBNCs These bounds surpass the min-cut bound for large network lengths when the inner blocklength and batch size are small. For line networks of canonical channels, certain upper bounds hold even with relaxed inner blocklength constraints. Additionally, we employ a channel reduction technique to generalize the existing achievability results for line networks with identical DMCs to networks with non-identical DMCs. For line networks with packet erasure channels, we make refinement in both the upper bound and the coding scheme, and showcase their proximity through numerical evaluations.Comment: This paper was presented in part at ISIT 2019 and 2020, and is accepted by a JSAC special issu

    Batched Sparse Codes

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    Network coding can significantly improve the transmission rate of communication networks with packet loss compared with routing. However, using network coding usually incurs high computational and storage costs in the network devices and terminals. For example, some network coding schemes require the computational and/or storage capacities of an intermediate network node to increase linearly with the number of packets for transmission, making such schemes difficult to be implemented in a router-like device that has only constant computational and storage capacities. In this paper, we introduce BATched Sparse code (BATS code), which enables a digital fountain approach to resolve the above issue. BATS code is a coding scheme that consists of an outer code and an inner code. The outer code is a matrix generation of a fountain code. It works with the inner code that comprises random linear coding at the intermediate network nodes. BATS codes preserve such desirable properties of fountain codes as ratelessness and low encoding/decoding complexity. The computational and storage capacities of the intermediate network nodes required for applying BATS codes are independent of the number of packets for transmission. Almost capacity-achieving BATS code schemes are devised for unicast networks, two-way relay networks, tree networks, a class of three-layer networks, and the butterfly network. For general networks, under different optimization criteria, guaranteed decoding rates for the receiving nodes can be obtained.Comment: 51 pages, 12 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    V2X Content Distribution Based on Batched Network Coding with Distributed Scheduling

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    Content distribution is an application in intelligent transportation system to assist vehicles in acquiring information such as digital maps and entertainment materials. In this paper, we consider content distribution from a single roadside infrastructure unit to a group of vehicles passing by it. To combat the short connection time and the lossy channel quality, the downloaded contents need to be further shared among vehicles after the initial broadcasting phase. To this end, we propose a joint infrastructure-to-vehicle (I2V) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication scheme based on batched sparse (BATS) coding to minimize the traffic overhead and reduce the total transmission delay. In the I2V phase, the roadside unit (RSU) encodes the original large-size file into a number of batches in a rateless manner, each containing a fixed number of coded packets, and sequentially broadcasts them during the I2V connection time. In the V2V phase, vehicles perform the network coded cooperative sharing by re-encoding the received packets. We propose a utility-based distributed algorithm to efficiently schedule the V2V cooperative transmissions, hence reducing the transmission delay. A closed-form expression for the expected rank distribution of the proposed content distribution scheme is derived, which is used to design the optimal BATS code. The performance of the proposed content distribution scheme is evaluated by extensive simulations that consider multi-lane road and realistic vehicular traffic settings, and shown to significantly outperform the existing content distribution protocols.Comment: 12 pages and 9 figure

    On-the-fly Overlapping of Sparse Generations:A Tunable Sparse Network Coding Perspective

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    Zero-padding Network Coding and Compressed Sensing for Optimized Packets Transmission

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    Ubiquitous Internet of Things (IoT) is destined to connect everybody and everything on a never-before-seen scale. Such networks, however, have to tackle the inherent issues created by the presence of very heterogeneous data transmissions over the same shared network. This very diverse communication, in turn, produces network packets of various sizes ranging from very small sensory readings to comparatively humongous video frames. Such a massive amount of data itself, as in the case of sensory networks, is also continuously captured at varying rates and contributes to increasing the load on the network itself, which could hinder transmission efficiency. However, they also open up possibilities to exploit various correlations in the transmitted data due to their sheer number. Reductions based on this also enable the networks to keep up with the new wave of big data-driven communications by simply investing in the promotion of select techniques that efficiently utilize the resources of the communication systems. One of the solutions to tackle the erroneous transmission of data employs linear coding techniques, which are ill-equipped to handle the processing of packets with differing sizes. Random Linear Network Coding (RLNC), for instance, generates unreasonable amounts of padding overhead to compensate for the different message lengths, thereby suppressing the pervasive benefits of the coding itself. We propose a set of approaches that overcome such issues, while also reducing the decoding delays at the same time. Specifically, we introduce and elaborate on the concept of macro-symbols and the design of different coding schemes. Due to the heterogeneity of the packet sizes, our progressive shortening scheme is the first RLNC-based approach that generates and recodes unequal-sized coded packets. Another of our solutions is deterministic shifting that reduces the overall number of transmitted packets. Moreover, the RaSOR scheme employs coding using XORing operations on shifted packets, without the need for coding coefficients, thus favoring linear encoding and decoding complexities. Another facet of IoT applications can be found in sensory data known to be highly correlated, where compressed sensing is a potential approach to reduce the overall transmissions. In such scenarios, network coding can also help. Our proposed joint compressed sensing and real network coding design fully exploit the correlations in cluster-based wireless sensor networks, such as the ones advocated by Industry 4.0. This design focused on performing one-step decoding to reduce the computational complexities and delays of the reconstruction process at the receiver and investigates the effectiveness of combined compressed sensing and network coding

    BAR: Blockwise Adaptive Recoding for Batched Network Coding

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    Multi-hop networks become popular network topologies in various emerging Internet of things applications. Batched network coding (BNC) is a solution to reliable communications in such networks with packet loss. By grouping packets into small batches and restricting recoding to the packets belonging to the same batch, BNC has a much smaller computational and storage requirements at the intermediate nodes compared with a direct application of random linear network coding. In this paper, we propose a practical recoding scheme called blockwise adaptive recoding (BAR) which learns the latest channel knowledge from short observations so that BAR can adapt to the fluctuation of channel conditions. We focus on investigating practical concerns such as the design of efficient BAR algorithms. We also design and investigate feedback schemes for BAR under imperfect feedback systems. Our numerical evaluations show that BAR has significant throughput gain for small batch size compared with the existing baseline recoding scheme. More importantly, this gain is insensitive to inaccurate channel knowledge. This encouraging result suggests that BAR is suitable to be realized in practice as the exact channel model and its parameters could be unknown and subject to change from time to time.Comment: submitted for journal publicatio

    On Tunable Sparse Network Coding in Commercial Devices for Networks and Filesystems

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    A protocol design paradigm for rateless fulcrum code

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    Establecer servicios Multicast eficientes en una red con dispositivos heterogéneos y bajo los efectos de un canal con efecto de borradura es una de las prioridades actuales en la teoría de la codificación, en particular en Network Coding (NC). Además, el creciente número de clientes con dispositivos móviles de gran capacidad de procesamiento y la prevalencia de tráfico no tolerante al retardo han provocado una demanda de esquemas Multicast sin realimentación en lo que respecta a la gestión de recursos distribuidos. Las plataformas de comunicación actuales carecen de un control de codificación gradual y dinámico basado en el tipo de datos que se transmiten a nivel de la capa de aplicación. Este trabajo propone un esquema de transmisión fiable y eficiente basado en una codificación hibrida compuesta por una codificación sistemática y codificación de red lineal aleatoria (RLNC) denominada codificación Fulcrum. Este esquema híbrido de codificación distribuida tipo Rateless permite implementar un sistema adaptativo de gestión de recursos para aumentar la probabilidad de descodificación durante la recepción de datos en cada nodo receptor de la información. En última instancia, el esquema propuesto se traduce en un mayor rendimiento de la red y en tiempos de transmisión (RTT) mucho más cortos mediante la implementación eficiente de una corrección de errores hacia delante (FEC).DoctoradoDoctor en Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computació