12 research outputs found

    Powerful Resource Discovery for Arigatoni Overlay Network

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    International audienceArigatoni is a structured multi-layer overlay network providing various services with variable guarantees, and promoting an intermittent participation in the overlay since peers can appear, disappear, and organize themselves dynamically. Arigatoni provides fully decentralized, asynchronous and scalable resource discovery; it also provides mechanisms for dealing with an overlay with a dynamic topology. This paper introduces a non trivial improvement of the resource discovery protocol by allowing the registration and request of multiple instances of the same service, service conjunctions, and multiple services. Adding multiple instances is a non trivial task since the discovery protocol must keep track (when routing requests) of peers that accept to serve and peers that deny the service. Adding service conjunctions allows a single peer to offer different services at the same time. Simulations show that it is efficient and scalable

    Logical Networks: Self-organizing Overlay Networks and Overlay Computing Systems: [EPI Proposal V2.0]

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    Contents 1 Team on March 15, 2010 ...........................................42 Capsule ...........................................52.1 Slogan and logo............................................ 5 2.2 One equation fits all and keywords ................................. 6 2.3 How to read this proposal ...................................... 63 Vertical view ...........................................63.1 Panorama............................................... 6 3.2 General definitions .......................................... 8 3.3 Virtual organization ......................................... 9 3.4 Execution model ........................................... 94 Horizontal view ...............................................94.1 Panorama............................................... 94.2 Arigatoni overlay network ...................................... 10 4.2.1 Arigatoni units........................................ 10 4.2.2 Virtual organizations in Arigatoni ............................. 12 4.2.3 Resource discovery protocol (RDP)............................. 12 4.2.4 Virtual Intermittent Protocol (VIP) ............................ 13 4.2.5 iNeu: librairies for network computing........................... 144.3 Babelchord, a DHT’s tower ..................................... 144.4 Synapse,interconnecting heterogeneous overlay networks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154.5 Cross-layer overlay design for geo-sensible applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Diagonal view...............................................175.1 Panorama............................................... 17 5.2 Trees versus graphs: a conflict without a cause .......................... 17 5.3 Fault tolerance ............................................ 18 5.4 Parametricity and universality ................................... 18 5.5 Social networking........................................... 19 5.6 Choice of development platform................................... 19 5.7 Quality metrics for an overlay computer .............................. 19 5.8 Trust and security .......................................... 20 5.9 New models of computations .................................... 216 Topics and time line...............................................226.1 Panorama............................................... 226.2 Topicview............................................... 22 6.2.1 Vertical issues......................................... 22 6.2.2 Horizontal issues ....................................... 22 6.2.3 Diagonalissues........................................ 236.3 Timeview............................................... 23 6.3.1 Short-term .......................................... 23 6.3.2 Medium-term......................................... 24 6.3.3 Long-term........................................... 247 Potential application domains ...........................................247.1 Panorama............................................... 24 7.2 P2P social networks ......................................... 25 7.3 Overlay computer for mobile ad hoc networks........................... 25 7.4 OverStic: the mesh overlay network in Sophia Antipolis ..................... 27 7.5 Reducing the Digital Divide..................................... 28 7.6 GRID applications: scenario for seismic monitoring ....................... 29 7.7 Interconnection of heterogeneous overlay networks ........................ 30 7.8 Toward an overlay network of things (RFID) ........................... 318 Software ...........................................328.1 Panorama............................................... 328.2 Prototype software.......................................... 32 8.2.1 Arigatoni simulator ..................................... 32 8.2.2 Ariwheels........................................... 32 8.2.3 BabelChord.......................................... 36 8.2.4 Synapse............................................ 37 8.2.5 Open-Synapse Client..................................... 38 8.2.6 myTransport Gui....................................... 39 8.2.7 CarPal: a P2P carpooling service ............................. 39 8.2.8 Husky interpreter....................................... 408.3 Potential software .......................................... 41 8.3.1 myMed (in french), see http://www-sop.inria.fr/mymed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 Contracts...........................................439.1 INTERREG Alcotra: myMed,2010-2013.............................. 43 9.2 COLOR:JMED,2010 ........................................ 43 9.3 FP6 FET GlobalComputing: IST AEOLUS, 2006-2010 ..................... 43 9.4 JET TEMPUS DEUKS, 2007-2009................................. 4410 Collaborations ...........................................4411 Self assessment ...........................................4411.1 Trivia ................................................. 45 11.2 Conclusions.............................................. 45We propose foundations for generic overlay networks and overlay computing systems. Such overlays are built over a large number of distributed computational agents, virtually organized in colonies or virtual organizations, and ruled by a leader (broker) who is elected democratically (vox populi, vox dei) or imposed by system administrators (primus inter pares). Every agent asks the broker to log in the colony by declaring the resources that can be offered (with variable guarantees). Once logged in, an agent can ask the broker for other resources. Colonies can recursively be considered as evolved agents who can log in an outermost colony governed by another super-leader. Communications and routing intra-colonies goes through a broker-2-broker PKI-based negotiation. Every broker routes intra- and inter- service requests by filtering its resource routing table, and then forwarding the request first inside its colony, and second outside, via the proper super-leader (thus applying an endogenous-first-estrogen- last strategy). Theoretically, queries are formulæ in first-order logic equipped with a small program used to orchestrate and synchronize atomic formulæ (atomic services). When the client agent receives notification of all (or part of) the requested resources, then the real resource exchange is performed directly by the server(s) agents, without any further mediation of the broker, in a pure peer-to-peer fashion. The proposed overlay promotes an intermittent participation in the colony, since peers can appear, disappear, and organize themselves dynamically. This implies that the routing process may lead to failures, because some agents have quit or are temporarily unavailable, or they were logged out manu militari by the broker due to their poor performance or greediness. We aim to design, validate through simulation, and implement these foundations in an overlay network computer system. (From [Liquori-Cosnard TGC-07 paper])

    Designing and Handling Failure issues in a Structured Overlay Network Based Grid

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    Grid computing is the computing paradigm that is concerned with coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, autonomous multi-institutional virtual organizations. Data exchange and service allocation between virtual organizations are challenging problems in the field of Grid computing, due to the decentralization of Grid systems. The resource management in a Grid system ensures efficiency and usability. The required efficiency and usability of Grid systems can be achieved by building a decentralized multi-virtual Grid system. In this thesis we present a decentralized multi-virtual resource management framework in which the system is divided into virtual organizations, each controlled by a broker. An overlay network of brokers is responsible for global resource management and managing the allocation of services. We address two main issues for both local and global resource management: 1) decentralized allocation of tasks to suitable nodes to achieve both local and global load balancing; and 2) handling of both regular and broker failures. Experimental results verify that the system achieves dependable performance with various loads of services and broker failures

    LogNet: Extending Internet with a Network Aware Discovery Service: [Extended abstract]

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    [Everything needs to change, so everything can stay the same, From “The Leopard” by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa] Internet in recent years has become a huge set of channels for content distribution. And this has highlighted limits and inefficiencies of the current protocol suite originally designed for host-to-host communication. This paper joins the research efforts addressed by the new Internet challenges by proposing LogNet, a conservative extension of the current TCP/IP hourglass Internet architecture, that provides a new network aware Content Discovery Service.Contents are referred via the new notion of HyperNames (HN), whose rich syntax allow to specify, hosts, pki, fingerprint and a large list of optional logical attributes (tags) attached to the content name, such as mutable vs immutable contents, digital signatures, ownership, availability, price, etc. HyperNames are in part human-readable and in part machine-readable and only in the latter case self-certifying.Publication and discovery of HN is achieved using the new distributed service Content Name System (CNS) with related protocol, whose behavior and architecture is, partly, inspired by the DNS, and whose “routing logic” uses the BGP inter domain routing information.The core of CNS is the HyperName Lookup Algorithm (HLA) which “tunes” content discovery of being network aware, by exploiting the Autonomous System (AS) relationships. In partic- ular, the HLA starts the content discovery process in the local AS (i.e., where the query starts), and in case of negative answer, propagate the query by accounting for the AS-to-AS relationships (i.e., peering, provider-to-customer, customer-to-provider). After discovered the owner(s) or the purveyor(s) of the content we are looking for, the latter can be retrieved using common transfer protocols (centralized or distributed), since the actors of this transfer are chosen in a network aware fashion (i.e., as close as possible one to each other)

    CarPal: interconnecting overlay networks for a community-driven shared mobility

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    http://www-sop.inria.fr/lognet/carpalInternational audienceCar sharing and carpooling have proven to be an effective solution to reduce the amount of running vehicles by increasing the number of passengers per car amongst medium/big communities like schools or enterprises. However, the success of such practice relies on the community ability to effectively share and retrieve information about travelers and itineraries. Structured overlay networks such as Chord have emerged recently as a flexible solution to handle large amount of data without the use of high-end servers, in a decentralized manner. In this paper we present CarPal, a proof-of-concept for a mobility sharing application that leverages a Distributed Hash Table to allow a community of people to spontaneously share trip information without the costs of a centralized structure. The peer-to-peer architecture allows moreover the deployment on portable devices and opens new scenarios where trips and sharing requests can be updated in real time. Using an original protocol already developed that allows to interconnect different overlays/communities, the success rate (number of shared rides) can be boosted up thus increasing the effectiveness of our solution. Simulations results are shown to give a possible estimate of such effectiveness

    A network aware resource discovery service (a performance evaluation study)

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    International audienceInternet in recent years has become a huge set of channels for content distribution highlighting limits and inefficiencies of the current protocol suite originally designed for host-to-host communication. In this paper we exploit recent advances in Information Centric Networks in the attempt to reshape the actual Internet infrastructure from a host-centric to a name-centric paradigm where the focus is on named data instead of machine name hosting those data. In particular, we pro- pose a Content Name System Service that provides a new network aware Content Discovery Service. The CNS behavior and architecture uses the BGP inter-domain routing information. In particular, the service registers and discovers resource names in each Autonomous System: contents are discovered by searching through the augmented AS graph represen- tation classifying ASes into customer, provider, and peering, as the BGP protocol does.Performance of CNS can be characterized by the fraction of Autonomous Systems that successfully locate a requested content and by the average number of CNS Servers explored during the search phase. A C-based simulator of CNS is developed and is run over real ASes topologies provided by the Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis to provide estimates of both performance indexes. Preliminary performance and sensitivity results show the CNS approach is promising and can be efficiently implemented by incrementally deploying CNS Servers

    A Network Aware Resource Discovery Service

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    International audienceInternet in recent years has become a huge set of channels for content distribution highlighting limits and inefficiencies of the current protocol suite originally designed for host-to-host communication. In this paper we exploit recent advances in Information Centric Networks in the attempt to reshape the actual Internet infrastructure from a host-centric to a name-centric paradigm where the focus is on named data instead of machine name hosting those data. In particular, we pro- pose a Content Name System Service that provides a new network aware Content Discovery Service. The CNS behavior and architecture uses the BGP inter-domain routing information. In particular, the service registers and discovers resource names in each Autonomous System: contents are discovered by searching through the augmented AS graph represen- tation classifying ASes into customer, provider, and peering, as the BGP protocol does.Performance of CNS can be characterized by the fraction of Autonomous Systems that successfully locate a requested content and by the average number of CNS Servers explored during the search phase. A C-based simulator of CNS is developed and is run over real ASes topologies provided by the Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis to provide estimates of both performance indexes. Preliminary performance and sensitivity results show the CNS approach is promising and can be efficiently implemented by incrementally deploying CNS Servers

    ETSI SmartM2M Technical Report 103714: Study for oneM2M Discovery and Query use cases and requirements

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    The oneM2M system has implemented basic native discovery capabilities. In order to enhance the semantic capabilities of the oneM2M architecture by providing solid contributions to the oneM2M standards, four Technical Reports have been developed. Each of them is the outcome of a special study phase: requirements, study, simulation and standardization phase. The present document covers the first phase and provides the basis for the other documents.The use cases specified in the present document lead to potential requirements, which extend the existing requirements of the use case documented in oneM2M TR-0001 [i.19], clause 12.9 with a focus on the discovery and query capabilities, introducing a direct relation with the semantic aspects and enabling more sophisticated semantic queries as e.g. a capability in the CSE, that takes routing decisions for forwarding a received Advanced Semantic Discovery Query.oneM2M has currently native discovery capabilities that work properly only if the search is related to specific known sources of information (e.g. searching for the values of a known set of containers) or if the discovery is well scoped and designed (e.g. the lights in a house). When oneM2M is used to discover wide sets of data or unknown sets of data, the functionality is typically integrated by ad hoc applications that are expanding the oneM2M functionality. This means that this core function may be implemented with different flavours and this is not optimal for interworking and interoperability.The objective of the present document [i.1] in conjunction with three other ones [i.2], [i.3] and [i.4] is the study and development of semantic Discovery and Query capabilities for oneM2M and its contribution to the oneM2M standard.The goal is to enable an easy and efficient discovery of information and a proper interworking with external source/consumers of information (e.g. a distributed data base in a smart city or in a firm), or to directly search information in the oneM2M system for big data purposes