150 research outputs found

    Robust Energy Management for Green and Survivable IP Networks

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    Despite the growing necessity to make Internet greener, it is worth pointing out that energy-aware strategies to minimize network energy consumption must not undermine the normal network operation. In particular, two very important issues that may limit the application of green networking techniques concern, respectively, network survivability, i.e. the network capability to react to device failures, and robustness to traffic variations. We propose novel modelling techniques to minimize the daily energy consumption of IP networks, while explicitly guaranteeing, in addition to typical QoS requirements, both network survivability and robustness to traffic variations. The impact of such limitations on final network consumption is exhaustively investigated. Daily traffic variations are modelled by dividing a single day into multiple time intervals (multi-period problem), and network consumption is reduced by putting to sleep idle line cards and chassis. To preserve network resiliency we consider two different protection schemes, i.e. dedicated and shared protection, according to which a backup path is assigned to each demand and a certain amount of spare capacity has to be available on each link. Robustness to traffic variations is provided by means of a specific modelling framework that allows to tune the conservatism degree of the solutions and to take into account load variations of different magnitude. Furthermore, we impose some inter-period constraints necessary to guarantee network stability and preserve the device lifetime. Both exact and heuristic methods are proposed. Experimentations carried out with realistic networks operated with flow-based routing protocols (i.e. MPLS) show that significant savings, up to 30%, can be achieved also when both survivability and robustness are fully guaranteed

    TREND towards more energy-efficient optical networks

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    International audienceWith one third of the world population online in 2013 and an international Internet bandwidth multiplied by more than eight since 2006, the ICT sector is a non-negligible contributor of worldwide greenhouse gases emissions and power consumption. Indeed, power consumption of telecommunication networks has become a major concern for all the actors of the domain, and efforts are made to reduce their impact on the overall figure of ICTs, and to support its foreseen growth in a sustainable way. In this context, the contributors of the European Network of Excellence TREND have developed innovative solutions to improve the energy efficiency of networks. This paper gives an overview of the solutions related to optical networks

    A quantitative survey of the power saving potential in IP-Over-WDM backbone networks

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    The power consumption in Information and Communication Technologies networks is growing year by year; this growth presents challenges from technical, economic, and environmental points of view. This has lead to a great number of research publications on "green" telecommunication networks. In response, a number of survey works have appeared as well. However, with respect to backbone networks, most survey works: 1) do not allow for an easy cross validation of the savings reported in the various works and 2) nor do they provide a clear overview of the individual and combined power saving potentials. Therefore, in this paper, we survey the reported saving potential in IP-over-WDM backbone telecommunication networks across the existing body of research in that area. We do this by mapping more than ten different approaches to a concise analytical model, which allows us to estimate the combined power reduction potential. Our estimates indicate that the power reduction potential of the once-only approaches is 2.3x in a Moderate Effort scenario and 31x in a Best Effort scenario. Factoring in the historic and projected yearly efficiency improvements ("Moore's law") roughly doubles both values on a ten-year horizon. The large difference between the outcome of Moderate Effort and Best Effort scenarios is explained by the disparity and lack of clarity of the reported saving results and by our (partly) subjective assessment of the feasibility of the proposed approaches. The Moderate Effort scenario will not be sufficient to counter the projected traffic growth, although the Best Effort scenario indicates that sufficient potential is likely available. The largest isolated power reduction potential is available in improving the power associated with cooling and power provisioning and applying sleep modes to overdimensioned equipment

    Evaluating the energy consumption and the energy savings potential in ICT backbone networks

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    Control Plane Strategies for Elastic Optical Networks

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    Energy management in communication networks: a journey through modelling and optimization glasses

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    The widespread proliferation of Internet and wireless applications has produced a significant increase of ICT energy footprint. As a response, in the last five years, significant efforts have been undertaken to include energy-awareness into network management. Several green networking frameworks have been proposed by carefully managing the network routing and the power state of network devices. Even though approaches proposed differ based on network technologies and sleep modes of nodes and interfaces, they all aim at tailoring the active network resources to the varying traffic needs in order to minimize energy consumption. From a modeling point of view, this has several commonalities with classical network design and routing problems, even if with different objectives and in a dynamic context. With most researchers focused on addressing the complex and crucial technological aspects of green networking schemes, there has been so far little attention on understanding the modeling similarities and differences of proposed solutions. This paper fills the gap surveying the literature with optimization modeling glasses, following a tutorial approach that guides through the different components of the models with a unified symbolism. A detailed classification of the previous work based on the modeling issues included is also proposed

    Research challenges on energy-efficient networking design

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    The networking research community has started looking into key questions on energy efficiency of communication networks. The European Commission activated under the FP7 the TREND Network of Excellence with the goal of establishing the integration of the EU research community in green networking with a long perspective to consolidate the European leadership in the field. TREND integrates the activities of major European players in networking, including manufacturers, operators, research centers, to quantitatively assess the energy demand of current and future telecom infrastructures, and to design energy-efficient, scalable and sustainable future networks. This paper describes the main results of the TREND research community and concludes with a roadmap describing the next steps for standardization, regulation agencies and research in both academia and industry.The research leading to these results has received funding from the EU 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under Grant Agreement No. 257740 (NoE TREND)

    Architectures and dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms for next generation optical access networks

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