38 research outputs found

    Power-aware allocation of MBSFN subframes using Discontinuous Cell Transmission in LTE systems

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    In LTE and its evolutions, energy efficiency is a critical aspect, also in view of the dramatic traffic growth foreseen for the next years. Cell Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) techniques can be important tools to achieve the needed efficiency in the networks, and one possibility is to implement the DTX by switching off the eNB at some subframes (MBSFN subframes) and not in others (where reference signals are also transmitted). Switching schedules in LTE are made for larger periods (e.g., 40/80ms or even more). We present an algorithm that i) estimates how many resources will be needed in a period, and ii) shows how many resource blocks to activate in each subframe so as to maximize the power efficiency. The problem is formulated as an integer linear problem and solved heuristically. Numerical results show that the power saving is significant, close to the theoretical minimum at low loads, and it comes with a tolerable extra dela

    Exploiting LTE D2D communications in M2M Fog platforms: Deployment and practical issues

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    Fog computing is envisaged as the evolution of the current centralized cloud to support the forthcoming Internet of Things revolution. Its distributed architecture aims at providing location awareness and low-latency interactions to Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications. In this context, the LTE-Advanced technology and its evolutions are expected to play a major role as a communication infrastructure that guarantees low deployment costs, plug-and-play seamless configuration and embedded security. In this paper, we show how the LTE network can be configured to support future M2M Fog computing platforms. In particular it is shown how a network deployment that exploits Device-to-Device (D2D) communications, currently under definition within 3GPP, can be employed to support efficient communication between Fog nodes and smart objects, enabling low-latency interactions and locality-preserving multicast transmissions. The proposed deployment is presented highlighting the issues that its practical implementation raises. The advantages of the proposed approach against other alternatives are shown by means of simulation

    Radio resource allocation algorithms for multicast OFDM systems

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorVideo services have become highly demanded in mobile networks leading to an unprecedented traffic growth. It is expected that traffic from wireless and mobile devices will account for nearly 70 percent of total IP traffic by the year 2020, and the video services will account for nearly 75 percent of mobile data traffic by 2022. Multicast transmission is one of the key enablers towards a more spectral and energy efficient distribution of multimedia content in current and envisaged mobile networks. It is worth noting that multicast is a mechanism that efficiently delivers the same content to many users, not only focusing on video broadcasting, but also distributing many other media, such as software updates, weather forecast or breaking news. Although multicast services are available in Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) networks, new improvements are needed in some areas to handle the demands expected in the near future. Resource allocation techniques for multicast services are one of the main challenging issues, since it is required the development of novel schemes to meet the demands of their evolution towards the next generation. Most multicast techniques adopt rather conservative strategies that select a very robust modulation and coding scheme (MCS), whose characteristics are determined by the propagation conditions experienced by the worst user in the group in order to ensure that all users in a multicast group are able to correctly decode the received data. Obviously, this robustness comes at the prize of a low spectral efficiency. This thesis presents an exhaustive study of broadcast/multicast technology for current mobile networks, especially focusing on the scheduling and resource allocation (SRA) strategies to maximize the potential benefits that multicast transmissions imply on the spectral efficiency. Based on that issue, some contributions have been made to the state of the art in the radio resource management (RRM) for current and beyond mobile multicast services. • In the frame of LTE/LTE-A, the evolved multimedia broadcast and multicast service (eMBMS) shares the physical layer resources with the unicast transmission mode (at least up to Release 12). Consequently, the time allocation to multicast transmission is limited to a maximum of a 60 percent, and the remaining subframes (at least 40 percent) are reserved for unicast transmissions. With the aim of achieving the maximum aggregated data rate (ADR) among the multicast users, we have implemented several innovative SRA schemes that combine the allocation of multicast and unicast resources in the LTE/LTE-A frame, guaranteeing the prescribed quality of service (QoS) requirements for every user. • In the specific context of wideband communication systems, the selection of the multicast MCS has often relied on the use of wideband channel quality indicators (CQIs), providing rather imprecise information regarding the potential capacity of the multicast channel. Only recently has the per-subband CQI been used to improve the spectral efficiency of the system without compromising the link robustness. We have proposed novel subband CQI-based multicast SRA strategies that, relying on the selection of more spectrally efficient transmission modes, lead to increased data rates while still being able to fulfill prescribed QoS metrics. • Mobile broadcast/multicast video services require effective and low complexity SRA strategies. We have proposed an SRA strategy based on multicast subgrouping and the scalable video coding (SVC) technique for multicast video delivery. This scheme focuses on reducing the search space of solutions and optimizes the ADR. The results in terms of ADR, spectral efficiency, and fairness among multicast users, along with the low complexity of the algorithm, show that this new scheme is adequate for real systems. These contributions are intended to serve as a reference that motivate ongoing and future investigation in the challenging field of RRM for broadcast/ multicast services in next generation mobile networks.La demanda de servicios de vídeo en las redes móviles ha sufrido un incremento exponencial en los últimos años, lo que a su vez ha desembocado en un aumento sin precedentes del tráfico de datos. Se espera que antes del año 2020, el trafico debido a dispositivos móviles alcance cerca del 70 por ciento del tráfico IP total, mientras que se prevé que los servicios de vídeo sean prácticamente el 75 por ciento del tráfico de datos en las redes móviles hacia el 2022. Las transmisiones multicast son una de las tecnologías clave para conseguir una distribución más eficiente, tanto espectral como energéticamente, del contenido multimedia en las redes móviles actuales y futuras. Merece la pena reseñar que el multicast es un mecanismo de entrega del mismo contenido a muchos usuarios, que no se enfoca exclusivamente en la distribución de vídeo, sino que también permite la distribución de otros muchos contenidos, como actualizaciones software, información meteorológica o noticias de última hora. A pesar de que los servicios multicast ya se encuentran disponibles en las redes Long Term Evolution (LTE) y LTE-Advanced (LTE-A), la mejora en algunos ámbitos resulta necesaria para manejar las demandas que se prevén a corto plazo. Las técnicas de asignación de recursos para los servicios multicast suponen uno de los mayores desafíos, ya que es necesario el desarrollo de nuevos esquemas que nos permitan acometer las exigencias que supone su evolución hacia la próxima generación. La mayor parte de las técnicas multicast adoptan estrategias conservadoras, seleccionando esquemas de modulación y codificación (MCS) impuestos por las condiciones de propagación que experimenta el usuario del grupo con peor canal, para así asegurar que todos los usuarios pertenecientes al grupo multicast sean capaces de decodificar correctamente los datos recibidos. Como resulta obvio, la utilización de esquemas tan robustos conlleva el precio de sufrir una baja eficiencia espectral. Esta tesis presenta un exhaustivo estudio de la tecnología broadcast/ multicast para las redes móviles actuales, que se centra especialmente en las estrategias de asignación de recursos (SRA), cuyo objetivo es maximizar los beneficios que la utilización de transmisiones multicast potencialmente implica en términos de eficiencia espectral. A partir de dicho estudio, hemos realizado varias contribuciones al estado del arte en el ámbito de la gestión de recursos radio (RRM) para los servicios multicast, aplicables en las redes móviles actuales y futuras. • En el marco de LTE/LTE-A, el eMBMS comparte los recursos de la capa física con las transmisiones unicast (al menos hasta la revisión 12). Por lo tanto, la disponibilidad temporal de las transmisiones multicast está limitada a un máximo del 60 por ciento, reservándose las subtramas restantes (al menos el 40 por ciento) para las transmisiones unicast. Con el objetivo de alcanzar la máxima tasa total de datos (ADR) entre los usuarios multicast, hemos implementado varios esquemas innovadores de SRA que combinan la asignación de los recursos multicast y unicast de la trama LTE/LTE-A, garantizando los requisitos de QoS a cada usuario. • En los sistemas de comunicaciones de banda ancha, la selección del MCS para transmisiones multicast se basa habitualmente en la utilización de CQIs de banda ancha, lo que proporciona información bastante imprecisa acerca de la capacidad potencial del canal multicast. Recientemente se ha empezado a utilizar el CQI por subbanda para mejorar la eficiencia espectral del sistema sin comprometer la robustez de los enlaces. Hemos propuesto nuevas estrategias para SRA multicast basadas en el CQI por subbanda que, basándose en la selección de los modos de transmisión con mayor eficiencia espectral, conducen a mejores tasas de datos, a la vez que permiten cumplir los requisitos de QoS. • Los servicios móviles de vídeo broadcast/multicast precisan estrategias eficientes de SRA con baja complejidad. Hemos propuesto una estrategia de SRA basada en subgrupos multicast y la técnica de codificación de vídeo escalable (SVC) para la difusión de vídeo multicast, la cual se centra en reducir el espacio de búsqueda de soluciones y optimizar el ADR. Los resultados obtenidos en términos de ADR, eficiencia espectral y equidad entre los usuarios multicast, junto con la baja complejidad del algoritmo, ponen de manifiesto que el esquema propuesto es adecuado para su implantación en sistemas reales. Estas contribuciones pretenden servir de referencia que motive la investigación actual y futura en el interesante ámbito de RRM para los servicios broadcast/multicast en las redes móviles de próxima generación.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Multimedia y ComunicacionesPresidente: Atilio Manuel Da Silva Gameiro.- Secretario: Víctor Pedro Gil Jiménez.- Vocal: María de Diego Antó

    Resource Allocation in LTE Advanced for QoS and Energy Efficiency

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    Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) are establishing themselves as the new standard of 4G cellular networks in Europe and in several other parts of the world. Their success will largely depend on their ability to support Quality of Service for different types of users, at reasonable costs. The quality of service will depend on how effectively the cell bandwidth is shared among the users. The cost will depend – among many other factors – on how effectively we exploit the cell capacity. Being able to exploit bandwidth efficiently postpones the time when network upgrades are required. On the other hand, operation costs also depend on the energy efficiency of the cellular network, which should avoid wasting power when few users are connected. As for bandwidth efficiency, the recent LTE/LTE-A standards introduced MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) transmission modes, which allow both reliability and efficiency to be increased. MIMO can increase the throughput significantly. In a MIMO system, the selection of the MIMO transmission modes (whether Transmission Diversity, Spatial Multiplexing, or Multi-User MIMO) plays a key feature in determining the achievable rate and the error probability experienced by the users. MIMO-unaware scheduling policies, which neglect the transmission mode selection problem, do not perform well under MIMO. In the current literature, few MIMO-aware LTE-A scheduling policies have been designed. However, despite being proposed for LTE-A, these solutions do not take into account some constraints inherent to LTE-A, hence leading to unfeasible allocations. In this work, we propose a new framework for Transmission Mode Selection and Frequency. Domain Packet Scheduling, which is compliant with the constraints of the LTE-A standard. The resource allocation framework accommodates real-time requirements and fairness on demand, while the bulk of the resources are allocated in an opportunistic fashion, i.e. so as to maximize the cell throughput. Our results show that our proposal provides real-time connections with the desired level of QoS, without utterly sacrificing the cell throughput. As far as energy efficiency is concerned, we studied the problem of minimizing the RF power used by the eNodeB, while maintaining the same level of service for the users. We devised a provisioning framework that exploits the Multicast/Broadcast over a Single Frequency Network (MBSFN) mechanism to deactivate the eNodeB on some Transmission Time Intervals (TTI), and computes the minimum-power activation required for guaranteeing a given level of service. Our results show that the provisioning framework is stable, and that it allows significant savings with respect to an always-on policy, with marginal impact on the latency experienced by the users

    Energy Management in LTE Networks

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    Wireless cellular networks have seen dramatic growth in number of mobile users. As a result, data requirements, and hence the base-station power consumption has increased significantly. It in turn adds to the operational expenditures and also causes global warming. The base station power consumption in long-term evolution (LTE) has, therefore, become a major challenge for vendors to stay green and profitable in competitive cellular industry. It necessitates novel methods to devise energy efficient communication in LTE. Importance of the topic has attracted huge research interests worldwide. Energy saving (ES) approaches proposed in the literature can be broadly classified in categories of energy efficient resource allocation, load balancing, carrier aggregation, and bandwidth expansion. Each of these methods has its own pros and cons leading to a tradeoff between ES and other performance metrics resulting into open research questions. This paper discusses various ES techniques for the LTE systems and critically analyses their usability through a comprehensive comparative study

    Safety on the roads: LTE alternatives for sending ITS messages

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    © © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This article discusses different alternatives for sending intelligent transportation systems (ITS) messages using long-term evolution (LTE) networks. Specifically, it compares the unicast and evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Services (eMBMS) transmission modes by means of system-level simulations and a cost modeling analysis. The optimum configuration of the eMBMS carrier is studied for the case of ITS services. This article also includes some recommendations on the configuration of the ITS server in charge of distributing safety messages as well as on its interaction with the mobile network operator (MNO). The results show that eMBMS is significantly more efficient in terms of resource consumption than the unicast mode, implying an important reduction of the delivery costs.Calabuig Gaspar, J.; Monserrat Del Río, JF.; Gozálvez, D.; Klemp, O. (2014). Safety on the roads: LTE alternatives for sending ITS messages. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. 9(4):61-70. doi:10.1109/MVT.2014.2362272S61709


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    Nowadays, the usage of smart phones is very popular. More and more people access the Internet with their smart phones. This demands higher data rates from the mobile network operators. Every year the number of users and the amount of information is increasing dramatically. The wireless technology should ensure high data rates to be able to compete with the wire-based technology. The main advantage of the wireless system is the ability for user to be mobile. The 4G LTE system made it possible to gain very high peak data rates. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the improvement of the system performance for the downlink based on different antenna configurations and different scheduling algorithms. Moreover, the fairness between the users using different schedulers has been analyzed and evaluated. Furthermore, the energy efficiency of the scheduling algorithms in the downlink of LTE systems has been considered. Some important parts of the LTE system are described in the theoretical part of this thesis.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format


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    Due to the rapidly increasing demand for internet traffic, mobile operators have faced a problem of bandwidth availability. Since only licensed spectrum has been previously utilized by wireless networks, moving LTE to the 5 GHz unlicensed bands has become a popular research initiative, known as LTELicensed Assisted Access (LTE-LAA). This thesis studies the feasibility and implementation of LTE-LAA, and sets a goal of confirming the effectiveness of this technology. An alternative implementation of a Listen-Before-Talk channel contention mechanism is tested in this work with the use of LTE-A Vienna Link Level Simulator. The obtained results suggest that LTE-LAA is capable of boosting network throughput while providing harmonious coexistence with the IEEE 802.11 standard operating in the same unlicensed spectrum

    Survey of Green Radio Communications Networks: Techniques and Recent Advances

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    Energy efficiency in cellular networks has received significant attention from both academia and industry because of the importance of reducing the operational expenditures and maintaining the profitability of cellular networks, in addition to making these networks "greener. " Because the base station is the primary energy consumer in the network, efforts have been made to study base station energy consumption and to find ways to improve energy efficiency. In this paper, we present a brief review of the techniques that have been used recently to improve energy efficiency, such as energy-efficient power amplifier techniques, time-domain techniques, cell switching, management of the physical layer through multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) management, heterogeneous network architectures based on Micro-Pico-Femtocells, cell zooming, and relay techniques. In addition, this paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each technique to contribute to a better understanding of each of the techniques and thereby offer clear insights to researchers about how to choose the best ways to reduce energy consumption in future green radio networks

    Increased energy efficiency in LTE networks through reduced early handover

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    “A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy”.Long Term Evolution (LTE) is enormously adopted by several mobile operators and has been introduced as a solution to fulfil ever-growing Users (UEs) data requirements in cellular networks. Enlarged data demands engage resource blocks over prolong time interval thus results into more dynamic power consumption at downlink in Basestation. Therefore, realisation of UEs requests come at the cost of increased power consumption which directly affects operator operational expenditures. Moreover, it also contributes in increased CO2 emissions thus leading towards Global Warming. According to research, Global Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems consume approximately 1200 to 1800 Terawatts per hour of electricity annually. Importantly mobile communication industry is accountable for more than one third of this power consumption in ICT due to increased data requirements, number of UEs and coverage area. Applying these values to global warming, telecommunication is responsible for 0.3 to 0.4 percent of worldwide CO2 emissions. Moreover, user data volume is expected to increase by a factor of 10 every five years which results in 16 to 20 percent increase in associated energy consumption which directly effects our environment by enlarged global warming. This research work focuses on the importance of energy saving in LTE and initially propose bandwidth expansion based energy saving scheme which combines two resource blocks together to form single super RB, thereby resulting in reduced Physical Downlink Control Channel Overhead (PDCCH). Thus, decreased PDCCH overhead helps in reduced dynamic power consumption up to 28 percent. Subsequently, novel reduced early handover (REHO) based idea is proposed and combined with bandwidth expansion to form enhanced energy ii saving scheme. System level simulations are performed to investigate the performance of REHO scheme; it was found that reduced early handover provided around 35% improved energy saving while compared to LTE standard in 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) based scenario. Since there is a direct relationship between energy consumption, CO2 emissions and vendors operational expenditure (OPEX); due to reduced power consumption and increased energy efficiency, REHO subsequently proven to be a step towards greener communication with lesser CO2 footprint and reduced operational expenditure values. The main idea of REHO lies in the fact that it initiate handovers earlier and turn off freed resource blocks as compare to LTE standard. Therefore, the time difference (Transmission Time Intervals) between REHO based early handover and LTE standard handover is a key component for energy saving achieved, which is estimated through axiom of Euclidean geometry. Moreover, overall system efficiency is investigated through the analysis of numerous performance related parameters in REHO and LTE standard. This led to a key finding being made to guide the vendors about the choice of energy saving in relation to radio link failure and other important parameters