24,311 research outputs found

    Power Play

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    Pretty power play

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    No Power Play

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    A parasite's power play

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    Power Play: A U.S. Senator Pushes

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    This case shows an American health-insurance executive being asked by a U.S. senator to “back pay” a canceled health-insurance policy so that the senator’s brother’s hospital bills would be paid. The reader discovers how elected officials can use their power to influence and abuse regulated industries. The reader also considers the dilemmas and consequences of pressure from elected officials to perform illegal acts. This case is appropriate for courses in Business Ethics, Insurance, and Government


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    Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan penggunaan strategi power play dalam pertandingan futsal pada kompetisi Indonesia Futsal League 2013 Seri 2 Bandung. Banyak hal yang mempengaruhi berhasil atau gagalnya penggunaan strategi power play dalam pertandingan futsal. Power play sering dilakukan pada saat menit-menit terakhir pertandingan dimana saat kondisi fisik mulai menurun, diharapkan dapat mencetak gol dengan waktu yang terbatas membuat konsentrasi pemain mulai berkurang, sehingga berakibat sering kali terjadi kesalahan teknik saat melakukan power play. Untuk mendapatkan data penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif sebagai metode penelitiannya. Dalam metode ini penulis mendapatkan data tanpa memberikan perlakukan kepada kelompok sampel. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan cara mengobservasi seluruh pertandingan menjadi sampel. Jadi teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sampel populasi. Populasi dan sampel penelitian terdiri dari para pemain futsal yang bertanding pada kompetisi Indonesia Futsal League 2013 Seri 2 Bandung di Gymnasium UPI Bandung yang berjumlah 9 pertandingan dan 7 klub futsal tebaik yang ada di Indonesia. Presentase keberhasil strategi power play pada kompetisi Indonesian futsal league (IFL) 2013 Seri 2 Bandung adalah 17,81 %. Presentase kegagalan power play pada kompetisi Indonesian Futsal League (IFL) 2013 Seri 2 Bandung adalah 82,19 %. Dari analisis data penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan tingkat keberhasilan penggunaan strategi power play pada pertandingan masih rendah

    Power Play: The Termination of Alberta’s PPAs

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    By now, any Albertans who follow the news are probably aware of something called a Power Purchase Arrangement (PPA). Up until a few months ago, the PPA holders — which included TransCanada, ENMAX, and Capital Power — were responsible for buying electricity from legacy power plants at pre-determined rates and selling it into the grid. But with power prices falling and costs rising, the PPAs are no longer profitable. So, early in 2016, they backed away from these arrangements and handed the money losing PPAs over to an entity known as the Balancing Pool. With the electricity bills of Alberta households and business in the balance, it’s been a high-stakes dispute between the companies and the government ever since. The government estimates losses to Alberta ratepayers may be up to 2billionandallegestheregulationsunderwhichthecompaniesterminatedtheirPPAsareinvalid.They’regoingtocourttotryandproveit.Thecompaniescounterwithsubstantiallylowercostestimatesandpointtochangesingovernmentpolicyasapermissiblereasonfortermination.Howdidweenduphere?HowcostlywillthePPAterminationsreallybe?Giventheimportanceofthisissue,wecutthroughthepoliticsandseewhatdatahastosay.Therearethreekeypiecestothepuzzle.First,inJune2015theprovincestrengthenedrulesaroundemissionsfromlargeindustrialfacilities.Thenewrulesgavemoreambitioustargetstofacilitiesandincreasedthechargeongreenhousegasemissionsabovetheirtargetsfrom2 billion and alleges the regulations under which the companies terminated their PPAs are invalid. They’re going to court to try and prove it. The companies counter with substantially lower cost estimates and point to changes in government policy as a permissible reason for termination. How did we end up here? How costly will the PPA terminations really be? Given the importance of this issue, we cut through the politics and see what data has to say. There are three key pieces to the puzzle. First, in June 2015 the province strengthened rules around emissions from large industrial facilities. The new rules gave more ambitious targets to facilities and increased the charge on greenhouse gas emissions above their targets from 15 per tonne to 30.Second,inNovember2015,theClimateLeadershipPanelrecommendedleavingthepriceonemissionsat30. Second, in November 2015, the Climate Leadership Panel recommended leaving the price on emissions at 30 per tonne but changing the targets to treat all power producers equally regardless of their emissions intensity. For coal, this was a big hit, and the industry was recommending — and hoping for — a better deal that they didn’t get. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, electricity prices collapsed. Despite the fears of many, the new climate policies are unlikely to increase electricity prices. This makes it difficult for coal power to cover its now higher costs. Overall, we find policy changes account for roughly half the drop in PPA values, while falling prices account for the other half. The good news for Albertans is the drop in value appears to amount only to 900million,andsinceoneofthePPAsisalreadyownedbyAlberta’sBalancingPooltherealcostofthesechangesiscloserto900 million, and since one of the PPAs is already owned by Alberta’s Balancing Pool the real cost of these changes is closer to 600 million. All in, that amounts to about $2.25 a month for a typical household, but it will only show up if power prices remain very low. So, while there is a chance consumers will pay it, they will only end up doing so if they are saving far more on power

    Power play and the changing face of English

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    Power Play: Rethinking Roles in the Art Classroom

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    Art teachers can work toward changing the power dynamics in their classrooms by using a student-centered approach, as demonstrated by an example lesson about contemporary painter Kehinde Wiley. Includes recommended resources for information on culturally relevant pedagog


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    Sebagai seorang pemain futsal, kemampuan teknikal dan taktikal individu yang baik harus dimiliki selain mental yang bagus. Dalam suatu permainan futsal, terdapat berbagai macam sistem strategi. Salah satunya adalah power play yang biasanya digunakan untuk mengejar ketertinggalan poin di menit-menit ahir pertandingan. Power play dimainkan oleh lima orang pemain termasuk penjaga gawang. Beberapa tim futsal melakukan taktik power play untuk menambah jumlah gol dan memperkecil poin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat keefektifan dari strategi power play dalam mencetak gol pada permainan futsal. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen semu dengan perbandingan 2 tim yang akan melakukan pertandingan uji coba untuk mendapatkan hasil penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa taktik power play efektif dalam permainan futsal dari segi bola passing, durasi penguasaan bola dan juga gol lebih banyak pada saat tim melakukan taktik power play. Simpulan pada penelitian ini adalah taktik power play yang dilakukan dalam pertandingan uji coba efektif untuk mencetak gol yang lebih banyak. Kata kunci: Efektivitas, Taktik, Power play, Futsal, Gol
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