11 research outputs found

    Approximating minimum-power edge-multicovers

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    Given a graph with edge costs, the {\em power} of a node is themaximum cost of an edge incident to it, and the power of a graph is the sum of the powers of its nodes. Motivated by applications in wireless networks, we consider the following fundamental problem in wireless network design. Given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with edge costs and degree bounds {r(v):vV}\{r(v):v \in V\}, the {\sf Minimum-Power Edge-Multi-Cover} ({\sf MPEMC}) problem is to find a minimum-power subgraph JJ of GG such that the degree of every node vv in JJ is at least r(v)r(v). We give two approximation algorithms for {\sf MPEMC}, with ratios O(logk)O(\log k) and k+1/2k+1/2, where k=maxvVr(v)k=\max_{v \in V} r(v) is the maximum degree bound. This improves the previous ratios O(logn)O(\log n) and k+1k+1, and implies ratios O(logk)O(\log k) for the {\sf Minimum-Power kk-Outconnected Subgraph} and O(logklognnk)O(\log k \log \frac{n}{n-k}) for the {\sf Minimum-Power kk-Connected Subgraph} problems; the latter is the currently best known ratio for the min-cost version of the problem

    Approximating minimum power covers of intersecting families and directed edge-connectivity problems

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    AbstractGiven a (directed) graph with costs on the edges, the power of a node is the maximum cost of an edge leaving it, and the power of the graph is the sum of the powers of its nodes. Let G=(V,E) be a graph with edge costs {c(e):e∈E} and let k be an integer. We consider problems that seek to find a min-power spanning subgraph G of G that satisfies a prescribed edge-connectivity property. In the Min-Powerk-Edge-Outconnected Subgraph problem we are given a root r∈V, and require that G contains k pairwise edge-disjoint rv-paths for all v∈V−r. In the Min-Powerk-Edge-Connected Subgraph problem G is required to be k-edge-connected. For k=1, these problems are at least as hard as the Set-Cover problem and thus have an Ω(ln|V|) approximation threshold. For k=Ω(nε), they are unlikely to admit a polylogarithmic approximation ratio [15]. We give approximation algorithms with ratio O(kln|V|). Our algorithms are based on a more general O(ln|V|)-approximation algorithm for the problem of finding a min-power directed edge-cover of an intersecting set-family; a set-family F is intersecting if X∩Y,X∪Y∈F for any intersecting X,Y∈F, and an edge set I covers F if for every X∈F there is an edge in I entering X

    Minimum Cost Topology Construction for Rural Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Minimum Shared-Power Edge Cut

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    We introduce a problem called the Minimum Shared-Power Edge Cut (MSPEC). The input to the problem is an undirected edge-weighted graph with distinguished vertices s and t, and the goal is to find an s-t cut by assigning "powers" at the vertices and removing an edge if the sum of the powers at its endpoints is at least its weight. The objective is to minimize the sum of the assigned powers. MSPEC is a graph generalization of a barrier coverage problem in a wireless sensor network: given a set of unit disks with centers in a rectangle, what is the minimum total amount by which we must shrink the disks to permit an intruder to cross the rectangle undetected, i.e. without entering any disc. This is a more sophisticated measure of barrier coverage than the minimum number of disks whose removal breaks the barrier. We develop a fully polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for MSPEC. We give polynomial time algorithms for the special cases where the edge weights are uniform, or the power values are restricted to a bounded set. Although MSPEC is related to network flow and matching problems, its computational complexity (in P or NP-hard) remains open

    Optimization problems in network connectivity

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student-submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 115-120).Besides being one of the principal driving forces behind research in algorithmic theory for more than five decades, network optimization has assumed increased significance in recent times with the advent and widespread use of a variety of large-scale real-life networks. The primary goal of such networks is to connect vertices (representing a variety of real-life entities) in a robust and inexpensive manner, and to store and retrieve such connectivity information efficiently. In this thesis, we present efficient algorithms aimed at achieving these broad goals. The main results presented in this thesis are as follows. -- Cactus Construction. We give a near-linear time Monte Carlo algorithm for constructing a cactus representation of all the minimum cuts in an undirected graph. -- Cut Sparsification. A cut sparsifier of an undirected graph is a sparse graph on the same set of vertices that preserves its cut values up to small errors. We give new combinatorial and algorithmic results for constructing cut sparsifiers. -- Online Steiner Tree. Given an undirected graph as input, the goal of the Steiner tree problem is to select its minimum cost subgraph that connects a designated subset of vertices. We give the first online algorithm for the Steiner tree problem that has a poly-logarithmic competitive ratio when the input graph has both node and edge costs. -- Network Activation Problems. In the design of real-life wireless networks, a typical objective is to select one among a possible set of parameter values at each node such that the set of activated links satisfy some desired connectivity properties. We formalize this as the network activation model, and give approximation algorithms for various fundamental network design problems in this model.by Debmalya Panigrahi.Ph.D

    Approximation algorithms for distributed and selfish agents

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mathematics, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 157-165).Many real-world systems involve distributed and selfish agents who optimize their own objective function. In these systems, we need to design efficient mechanisms so that system-wide objective is optimized despite agents acting in their own self interest. In this thesis, we develop approximation algorithms and decentralized mechanisms for various combinatorial optimization problems in such systems. First, we investigate the distributed caching and a general set of assignment problems. We develop an almost tight LP-based ... approximation algorithm and a local search ... approximation algorithm for these problems. We also design efficient decentralized mechanisms for these problems and study the convergence of the corresponding games. In the following chapters, we study the speed of convergence to high quality solutions on (random) best-response paths of players. First, we study the average social value on best response paths in basic-utility, market sharing, and cut games. Then, we introduce the sink equilibrium as a new equilibrium concept. We argue that, unlike Nash equilibria, the selfish behavior of players converges to sink equilibria and all strategic games have a sink equilibrium. To illustrate the use of this new concept, we study the social value of sink equilibria in weighted selfish routing (or weighted congestion) games and valid-utility (or submodular-utility) games. In these games, we bound the average social value on random best-response paths for sink equilibria.. Finally, we study cross-monotonic cost sharings and group-strategyproof mechanisms.(cont.) We study the limitations imposed by the cross-monotonicity property on cost-sharing schemes for several combinatorial optimization games including set cover and metric facility location. We develop a novel technique based on the probabilistic method for proving upper bounds on the budget-balance factor of cross-monotonic cost sharing schemes, deriving tight or nearly-tight bounds for these games. At the end, we extend some of these results to group-strategyproof mechanisms.by Vahab S. Mirrokni.Ph.D

    Power optimization for connectivity problems

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    Abstract. Given a graph with costs on the edges, the power of a node is the maximum cost of an edge leaving it, and the power of the graph is the sum of the powers of the nodes of this graph. Motivated by applications in wireless multi-hop networks, we consider four fundamental problems under the power minimization criteria: the Min-Power b-Edge-Cover problem (MPb-EC) where the goal is to find a min-power subgraph so that thedegreeofeverynodev is at least some given integer b(v), the Min-Power k-node Connected Spanning Subgraph problem (MPk-CSS), Min-Power k-edge Connected Spanning Subgraph problem (MPk-ECSS), and finally the Min-Power k-Edge-Disjoint Paths problem in directed graphs (MPk-EDP). We give an O(log 4 n)-approximation algorithm for MPb-EC. This gives an O(log 4 n)-approximation algorithm for MPk-CSS for most values of k, improving the best previously known O(k)-approximation guarantee. In contrast, we obtain an O ( √ n) approximation algorithm for MPk-ECSS, and for its variant in directed graphs (i.e., MPk-EDP), we establish the following inapproximability threshold: MPk-EDP cannot be approximated within O(2 log1−ε n) for any fixed ε>0, unless NP-hard problems can be solved in quasi-polynomial time.