9 research outputs found

    Simultaneous slack budgeting and retiming for synchronous circuits optimization

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    Abstract- With the challenges of growing functionality and scaling chip size, the possible performance improvements should be considered in the earlier IC design stages, which gives more freedom to the later optimization. Potential slack as an effective metric of possible performance improvements is considered in this work which, as far as we known, is the first work that maximizes the potential slack by retiming for synchronous sequential circuit. A simultaneous slack budgeting and incremental retiming algorithm is proposed for maximizing potential slack. The overall slack budget is optimized by relocating the FFs iteratively with the MIS-based slack estimation. Compared with the potential slack of a well-known min-period retiming, our algorithm improves potential slack averagely 19.6 % without degrading the circuit performance in reasonable runtime. Furthermore, at the expense of a small amount of timing performance, 0.52 % and 2.08%, the potential slack is increased averagely by 19.89 % and 28.16 % separately, which give a hint of the tradeoff between the timing performance and the slack budget.

    Yield-driven power-delay-optimal CMOS full-adder design complying with automotive product specifications of PVT variations and NBTI degradations

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    We present the detailed results of the application of mathematical optimization algorithms to transistor sizing in a full-adder cell design, to obtain the maximum expected fabrication yield. The approach takes into account all the fabrication process parameter variations specified in an industrial PDK, in addition to operating condition range and NBTI aging. The final design solutions present transistor sizing, which depart from intuitive transistor sizing criteria and show dramatic yield improvements, which have been verified by Monte Carlo SPICE analysis

    ILP-based Supply and Threshold Voltage Assignment For Total Power Minimization

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    In this paper we present an ILP-based method to simultaneously assign supply and threshold voltages to individual gates for dynamic and leakage power minimization. In our three-step approach, low power min-flipflop (FF) retiming is first performed to reduce the clock period while taking the FF delay/power into consideration. Next, the subsequent voltage assignment formulated in ILP makes the best possible supply/threshold voltage assignment under the given clock period constraint set by the retiming. Finally, a post-process further refines the voltage assignment solution by exploiting the remaining timing slack in the circuit. Related experiments show that the min-FF retiming plus simultaneous Vdd/Vth assignment approach outperforms the existing max-FF retiming plus Vdd-only assignment approach

    Power minimization using simultaneous gate sizing, dual-Vdd and dual-Vth assignment

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    We develop an approach to minimize total power in a dual-Vdd and dual-Vth design. The algorithm runs in two distinct phases. The first phase relies on upsizing to create slack and maximize low Vdd assignments in a backward topological manner. The second phase proceeds in a forward topological fashion and both sizes and re-assigns gates to high Vdd to enable significant static power savings through high Vth assignment. The proposed algorithm is implemented and tested on a set of combinational benchmark circuits. A comparison with traditional CVS and dual-Vth/sizing algorithms demonstrate the advantage of the algorithm over a range of activity factors, including an average power reduction of 30 % (50%) at high (nominal) primary input activities

    Discrete Gate Sizing Methodologies for Delay, Area and Power Optimization

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    The modeling of an individual gate and the optimization of circuit performance has long been a critical issue in the VLSI industry. In this work, we first study of the gate sizing problem for today\u27s industrial designs, and explore the contributions and limitations of all the existing approaches, which mainly suffer from producing only continuous solutions, using outdated timing models or experiencing performance inefficiency. In this dissertation, we present our new discrete gate sizing technique which optimizes different aspects of circuit performance, including delay, area and power consumption. And our method is fast and efficient as it applies the local search instead of global exhaustive search during gate size selection process, which greatly reduces the search space and improves the computation complexity. In addition to that, it is also flexible with different timing models, and it is able to deal with the constraints of input/output slew and output load capacitance, under which very few previous research works were reported. We then propose a new timing model, which is derived from the classic Elmore delay model, but takes the features of modern timing models from standard cell library. With our new timing model, we are able to formulate the combinatorial discrete sizing problem as a simplified mathematical expression and apply it to existing Lagrangian relaxation method, which is shown to converge to optimal solution. We demonstrate that the classic Elmore delay model based gate sizing approaches can still be valid. Therefore, our work might provide a new look into the numerous Elmore delay model based research works in various areas (such as placement, routing, layout, buffer insertion, timing analysis, etc.)

    Guarded Evaluation: An Algorithm for Dynamic Power Reduction in FPGAs

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    Guarded evaluation is a power reduction technique that involves identifying sub-circuits (within a larger circuit) whose inputs can be held constant (guarded) at specific times during circuit operation, thereby reducing switching activity and lowering dynamic power. The concept is rooted in the property that under certain conditions, some signals within digital designs are not "observable" at design outputs, making the circuitry that generates such signals a candidate for guarding. Guarded evaluation has been demonstrated successfully for custom ASICs; in this work, we apply the technique to FPGAs. In ASICs, guarded evaluation entails adding additional hardware to the design, increasing silicon area and cost. Here, we apply the technique in a way that imposes minimal area overhead by leveraging existing unused circuitry within the FPGA. The LUT functionality is modified to incorporate the guards and reduce toggle rates. The primary challenge in guarded evaluation is in determining the specific conditions under which a sub-circuit's inputs can be held constant without impacting the larger circuit's functional correctness. We propose a simple solution to this problem based on discovering gating inputs using "non-inverting paths" and trimming inputs using "partial non-inverting paths" in the circuit's AND-Inverter graph representation. Experimental results show that guarded evaluation can reduce switching activity by as much as 32% for FPGAs with 6-LUT architectures and 25% for 4-LUT architectures, on average, and can reduce power consumption in the FPGA interconnect by 29% for 6-LUTs and 27% for 4-LUTs. A clustered architecture with four LUTs to a cluster and ten LUTs to a cluster produced the best power reduction results. We implement guarded evaluation at various stages of the FPGA CAD flow and analyze the reductions. We implement the algorithm as post technology mapping, post packing and post placement optimizations. Guarded Evaluation as a post technology mapping algorithm inserted the most number of guards and hence achieved the highest activity and interconnect reduction. However, guarding signals come with a cost of increased fanout and stress on routing resources. Packing and placement provides the algorithm with additional information of the circuit which is leveraged to insert high quality guards with minimal impact on routing. Experimental results show that post-packing and post-placement methods have comparable reductions to post-mapping with considerably lesser impact on the critical path delay and routability of the circuit

    Sizing discreto baseado em relaxação lagrangeana para minimização de leakage em circuitos digitais

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2013.A minimização da corrente de leakage é um passo essencial do projeto de circuitos digitais, uma vez que nas tecnologias CMOS recentes a potência de leakage tornou-se comparável à potência dinâmica. Gate sizing é uma técnica amplamente utilizada para minimização da potência de leakage devido à sua eficácia e ao baixo impacto que ele causa no fluxo standard cell. Em tal fluxo, o problema de sizing corresponde a selecionar, para cada porta do circuito, uma combinação de largura de porta e tensão de threshold disponível na biblioteca de células, de modo a satisfazer as restrições de projeto. A natureza discreta do problema, a qual o torna NP-difícil, e o grande número de portas nos circuitos contemporâneos têm motivado a busca por heurísticas eficientes, que sejam capazes de resolvê-lo em tempo de execução aceitável. Este trabalho apresenta três contribuições principais ao estado da arte. A primeira é uma formulação aperfeiçoada para o problema de sizing discreto baseada em Relaxação Lagrangeana (LR), a qual considera valores máximos de slew de entrada e de capacitância de saída das portas, impostas pelas bibliotecas standard cell. A segunda é uma heurística topológica gulosa para resolver a formulação LR proposta utilizando informações locais para guiar as decisões do algoritmo. A terceira contribuição reside em uma técnica híbrida de três passos para superar algumas das limitações da heurística topológica gulosa. Tal técnica híbrida inicia resolvendo a formulação LR assumindo um atraso crítico ligeiramente maior do que o atraso crítico-alvo e em seguida, aplica uma heurística rápida de recuperação de atraso para que o atraso crítico-alvo original seja satisfeito. Como terceiro passo, é usada uma heurística de recuperação de potência para reduzir ainda mais a potência de leakage explorando o espaço para otimização deixado pelos dois passos anteriores. Os experimentos práticos foram gerados utilizando-se a infraestrutura da Competição de Sizing Discreto do ISPD2012, a qual provê uma base comum para comparações justas com os trabalhos correlates mais recentes. Os resultados experimentais para a formulação LR usando a heurística topológica gulosa foram comparados com os resultados obtidos pelas três equipes melhor classificadas na Competição do ISPD 2012, os quais representavam o estado da arte no momento em que tais experimentos foram realizados. A potência de leakage obtida é, em média, 18,9%, 16,7% e 43,8% menor do que aquelas obtidas pelas três melhores equipes da Competição do ISPD2012, respectivamente, ao passo que o tempo de execução total é 38, 31 e 39 vezes menor. Com relação à técnica híbrida, a potência de leakage obtida é, em média, 8,15\\\\% menor do que aquela relatada pelo trabalho que representa o estado da arte na ocasião em que estes experimentos foram realizados, sendo o tempo total de execução uma ordem de magnitude menor. É Importante ressaltar que o trabalho estado da arte referido já havia superado as três melhores equipes da Competição do ISPD2012. 2013-12-05T23:12:19