3,626 research outputs found

    A Chemistry-Inspired Framework for Achieving Consensus in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The aim of this paper is to show how simple interaction mechanisms, inspired by chemical systems, can provide the basic tools to design and analyze a mathematical model for achieving consensus in wireless sensor networks, characterized by balanced directed graphs. The convergence and stability of the model are first proven by using new mathematical tools, which are borrowed directly from chemical theory, and then validated by means of simulation results, for different network topologies and number of sensors. The underlying chemical theory is also used to derive simple interaction rules that may account for practical issues, such as the estimation of the number of neighbors and the robustness against perturbations. Finally, the proposed chemical solution is validated under real-world conditions by means of a four-node hardware implementation where the exchange of information among nodes takes place in a distributed manner (with no need for any admission control and synchronism procedure), simply relying on the transmission of a pulse whose rate is proportional to the state of each sensor.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, submitted to IEEE Sensors Journa

    Routing efficiency in wireless sensor-actor networks considering semi-automated architecture

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    Wireless networks have become increasingly popular and advances in wireless communications and electronics have enabled the development of different kind of networks such as Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs), Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and Wireless Sensor-Actor Networks (WSANs). These networks have different kind of characteristics, therefore new protocols that fit their features should be developed. We have developed a simulation system to test MANETs, WSNs and WSANs. In this paper, we consider the performance behavior of two protocols: AODV and DSR using TwoRayGround model and Shadowing model for lattice and random topologies. We study the routing efficiency and compare the performance of two protocols for different scenarios. By computer simulations, we found that for large number of nodes when we used TwoRayGround model and random topology, the DSR protocol has a better performance. However, when the transmission rate is higher, the routing efficiency parameter is unstable.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Topology Control Multi-Objective Optimisation in Wireless Sensor Networks: Connectivity-Based Range Assignment and Node Deployment

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    The distinguishing characteristic that sets topology control apart from other methods, whose motivation is to achieve effects of energy minimisation and an increased network capacity, is its network-wide perspective. In other words, local choices made at the node-level always have the goal in mind of achieving a certain global, network-wide property, while not excluding the possibility for consideration of more localised factors. As such, our approach is marked by being a centralised computation of the available location-based data and its reduction to a set of non-homogeneous transmitting range assignments, which elicit a certain network-wide property constituted as a whole, namely, strong connectedness and/or biconnectedness. As a means to effect, we propose a variety of GA which by design is multi-morphic, where dependent upon model parameters that can be dynamically set by the user, the algorithm, acting accordingly upon either single or multiple objective functions in response. In either case, leveraging the unique faculty of GAs for finding multiple optimal solutions in a single pass. Wherefore it is up to the designer to select the singular solution which best meets requirements. By means of simulation, we endeavour to establish its relative performance against an optimisation typifying a standard topology control technique in the literature in terms of the proportion of time the network exhibited the property of strong connectedness. As to which, an analysis of the results indicates that such is highly sensitive to factors of: the effective maximum transmitting range, node density, and mobility scenario under observation. We derive an estimate of the optimal constitution thereof taking into account the specific conditions within the domain of application in that of a WSN, thereby concluding that only GA optimising for the biconnected components in a network achieves the stated objective of a sustained connected status throughout the duration.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    The impact of incapacitation of multiple critial sensor nodes on wireless sensor network lifetime

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    Kablosuz Algılayıcı Aglar (KAA) askeri güvenlik ve çevre gözetleme vb. kritik kontrol etme uygulamalarında sıkça kullanılmaktadır. Bu tip kritik uygulamarda algılayıcı dügümler ? düsman saldırıları için potansiyel birer hedeftir. KAA'ların en önemli performans ölçütlerinden birisi ag yasam süresi oldugu için çe¸sitli saldırılarla algılayıcı dügümlerden en kritik olanlarının ele geçirilmesi ve i¸slevsiz hale getirilmesi ag yasam süresini ciddi miktarda etkilemektedir. Bu çalı¸smada Dogrusal Programlama (DP) tabanlı iki tane özgün algoritma geli¸stirilmis olup kritik dügümlerin ele geçirilmesinin KAA ya¸sam süresine olan etkileri sistematik biçimde ele alınmı¸stır. Bu çalısma sonucunda kritik dügümlerin ele geçirilmesinin ag yasam süresini ciddi ölçüde düsürdügü sonuçlarına varılmıstır.Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are envisioned to be utilized in many application areas such as critical infrastructure monitoring, therefore, WSN nodes are potential targets for adversaries. Network lifetime is one of the most important performance indicators in WSNs. Possibility of reducing the network lifetime significantly by eliminating a certain subset of nodes through various attacks will create the opportunity for the adversaries to hamper the performance of WSNs with a low risk of detection. However, the extent of reduction in network lifetime due to elimination of a group of critical sensor nodes has never been investigated in the literature. Therefore, in this study , we created a novel Linear Programming (LP) framework to model the impact of critical node elimination attacks on WSNs and explored the parameter space through numerical evaluations of the LP model. Our results show that critical node elimination attacks can shorten the network lifetime significantly