305 research outputs found

    Parallel detrended fluctuation analysis for fast event detection on massive PMU data

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    ("(c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.")Phasor measurement units (PMUs) are being rapidly deployed in power grids due to their high sampling rates and synchronized measurements. The devices high data reporting rates present major computational challenges in the requirement to process potentially massive volumes of data, in addition to new issues surrounding data storage. Fast algorithms capable of processing massive volumes of data are now required in the field of power systems. This paper presents a novel parallel detrended fluctuation analysis (PDFA) approach for fast event detection on massive volumes of PMU data, taking advantage of a cluster computing platform. The PDFA algorithm is evaluated using data from installed PMUs on the transmission system of Great Britain from the aspects of speedup, scalability, and accuracy. The speedup of the PDFA in computation is initially analyzed through Amdahl's Law. A revision to the law is then proposed, suggesting enhancements to its capability to analyze the performance gain in computation when parallelizing data intensive applications in a cluster computing environment

    A New Framework for the Analysis of Large Scale Multi-Rate Power Data

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    A new framework for the analysis of large scale, multi-rate power data is introduced. The system comprises high rate power grid data acquisition devices, software modules for big data management and large scale time series analysis. The power grid modeling and simulation modules enable to run power flow simulations. Visualization methods support data exploration for captured, simulated and analyzed energy data. A remote software control module for the proposed tools is provided

    Personalized large scale classification of public tenders on hadoop

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    Ce projet a été réalisé dans le cadre d’un partenariat entre Fujitsu Canada et Université Laval. Les besoins du projets ont été centrés sur une problématique d’affaire définie conjointement avec Fujitsu. Le projet consistait à classifier un corpus d’appels d’offres électroniques avec une approche orienté big data. L’objectif était d’identifier avec un très fort rappel les offres pertinentes au domaine d’affaire de l’entreprise. Après une séries d’expérimentations à petite échelle qui nous ont permise d’illustrer empiriquement (93% de rappel) l’efficacité de notre approche basé sur l’algorithme BNS (Bi-Normal Separation), nous avons implanté un système complet qui exploite l’infrastructure technologique big data Hadoop. Nos expérimentations sur le système complet démontrent qu’il est possible d’obtenir une performance de classification tout aussi efficace à grande échelle (91% de rappel) tout en exploitant les gains de performance rendus possible par l’architecture distribuée de Hadoop.This project was completed as part of an innovation partnership with Fujitsu Canada and Université Laval. The needs and objectives of the project were centered on a business problem defined jointly with Fujitsu. Our project aimed to classify a corpus of electronic public tenders based on state of the art Hadoop big data technology. The objective was to identify with high recall public tenders relevant to the IT services business of Fujitsu Canada. A small scale prototype based on the BNS algorithm (Bi-Normal Separation) was empirically shown to classify with high recall (93%) the public tender corpus. The prototype was then re-implemented on a full scale Hadoop cluster using Apache Pig for the data preparation pipeline and using Apache Mahout for classification. Our experimentation show that the large scale system not only maintains high recall (91%) on the classification task, but can readily take advantage of the massive scalability gains made possible by Hadoop’s distributed architecture

    Data processing of high-rate low-voltage distribution grid recordings for smart grid monitoring and analysis

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    Power networks will change from a rigid hierarchic architecture to dynamic interconnected smart grids. In traditional power grids, the frequency is the controlled quantity to maintain supply and load power balance. Thereby, high rotating mass inertia ensures for stability. In the future, system stability will have to rely more on real-time measurements and sophisticated control, especially when integrating fluctuating renewable power sources or high-load consumers like electrical vehicles to the low-voltage distribution grid. In the present contribution, we describe a data processing network for the in-house developed low-voltage, high-rate measurement devices called electrical data recorder (EDR). These capture units are capable of sending the full high-rate acquisition data for permanent storage in a large-scale database. The EDR network is specifically designed to serve for reliable and secured transport of large data, live performance monitoring, and deep data mining. We integrate dedicated different interfaces for statistical evaluation, big data queries, comparative analysis, and data integrity tests in order to provide a wide range of useful post-processing methods for smart grid analysis. We implemented the developed EDR network architecture for high-rate measurement data processing and management at different locations in the power grid of our Institute. The system runs stable and successfully collects data since several years. The results of the implemented evaluation functionalities show the feasibility of the implemented methods for signal processing, in view of enhanced smart grid operation. © 2015, Maaß et al.; licensee Springer

    Security Log Analysis Using Hadoop

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    Hadoop is used as a general-purpose storage and analysis platform for big data by industries. Commercial Hadoop support is available from large enterprises, like EMC, IBM, Microsoft and Oracle and Hadoop companies like Cloudera, Hortonworks, and Map Reduce. Hadoop is a scheme written in Java that allows distributed processes of large data sets across clusters of computers using programming models. A Hadoop frame work application works in an environment that provides storage and computation across clusters of computers. This is designed to scale up from a single server to thousands of machines with local computation and storage. Security breaches happen most frequently nowadays which can be found out by monitoring the server logs. This server-log analysis can be done by using Hadoop. This takes the analysis to the next level by improving security forensics which can be done as a low-cost platform
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