984 research outputs found

    Slow 0.1 Hz Breathing and Body Posture Induced Perturbations of RRI and Respiratory Signal Complexity and Cardiorespiratory Coupling

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    Objective: We explored the physiological background of the non-linear operating mode of cardiorespiratory oscillators as the fundamental question of cardiorespiratory homeodynamics and as a prerequisite for the understanding of neurocardiovascular diseases. We investigated 20 healthy human subjects for changes using electrocardiac RR interval (RRI) and respiratory signal (Resp) Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA, α1RRI, α2RRI, α1Resp, α2Resp), Multiple Scaling Entropy (MSERRI1−4, MSERRI5−10, MSEResp1−4, MSEResp5−10), spectral coherence (CohRRI−Resp), cross DFA (ρ1 and ρ2) and cross MSE (XMSE1−4 and XMSE5−10) indices in four physiological conditions: supine with spontaneous breathing, standing with spontaneous breathing, supine with 0.1 Hz breathing and standing with 0.1 Hz breathing. Main results: Standing is primarily characterized by the change of RRI parameters, insensitivity to change with respiratory parameters, decrease of CohRRI−Resp and insensitivity to change of in ρ1, ρ2, XMSE1−4, and XMSE5−10. Slow breathing in supine position was characterized by the change of the linear and non-linear parameters of both signals, reflecting the dominant vagal RRI modulation and the impact of slow 0.1 Hz breathing on Resp parameters. CohRRI−Resp did not change with respect to supine position, while ρ1 increased. Slow breathing in standing reflected the qualitatively specific state of autonomic regulation with striking impact on both cardiac and respiratory parameters, with specific patterns of cardiorespiratory coupling. Significance: Our results show that cardiac and respiratory short term and long term complexity parameters have different, state dependent patterns. Sympathovagal non-linear interactions are dependent on the pattern of their activation, having different scaling properties when individually activated with respect to the state of their joint activation. All investigated states induced a change of α1 vs. α2 relationship, which can be accurately expressed by the proposed measure—inter-fractal angle θ. Short scale (α1 vs. MSE1−4) and long scale (α2 vs. MSE5−10) complexity measures had reciprocal interrelation in standing with 0.1 Hz breathing, with specific cardiorespiratory coupling pattern (ρ1 vs. XMSE1−4). These results support the hypothesis of hierarchical organization of cardiorespiratory complexity mechanisms and their recruitment in ascendant manner with respect to the increase of behavioral challenge complexity. Specific and comprehensive cardiorespiratory regulation in standing with 0.1 Hz breathing suggests this state as the potentially most beneficial maneuver for cardiorespiratory conditioning. © Copyright © 2020 Matić, Platiša, Kalauzi and Bojić

    Pulse respiration quotient as a measure sensitive to changes in dynamic behavior of cardiorespiratory coupling such as body posture and breathing regime

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    In this research we explored the (homeo)dynamic character of cardiorespiratory coupling (CRC) under the influence of different body posture and breathing regimes. Our tool for it was the pulse respiration quotient (PRQ), representing the number of heartbeat intervals per breathing cycle. We obtained non-integer PRQ values using our advanced Matlab® algorithm and applied it on the signals of 20 healthy subjects in four conditions: supine position with spontaneous breathing (Supin), standing with spontaneous breathing (Stand), supine position with slow (0.1 Hz) breathing (Supin01) and standing with slow (0.1 Hz) breathing (Stand01).Main results: Linear features of CRC (in PRQ signals) were dynamically very sensitive to posture and breathing rhythm perturbations. There are obvious increases in PRQ mean level and variability under the separated and joined influence of orthostasis and slow (0.1 Hz) breathing. This increase was most pronounced in Stand01 as the state of joint influences. Importantly, PRQ dynamic modification showed greater sensitivity to body posture and breathing regime changes than mean value and standard deviation of heart rhythm and breathing rhythm. In addition, as a consequence of prolonged supine position, we noticed the tendency to integer quantization of PRQ (especially after 14 min), in which the most common quantization number was 4:1 (demonstrated in other research reports as well). In orthostasis and slow breathing, quantization can also be observed, but shifted to other values. We postulate that these results manifest resonance effects induced by coupling patterns from sympathetic and parasympathetic adjustments (with the second as dominant factor).Significance: Our research confirms that cardiorespiratory coupling adaptability could be profoundly explored by precisely calculated PRQ parameter since cardiorespiratory regulation in healthy subjects is characterized by a high level of autonomic adaptability (responsiveness) to posture and breathing regime, although comparisons with pathological states has yet to be performed. We found Stand01 to be the most provoking state for the dynamic modification of PRQ (cardiorespiratory inducement). As such, Stand01 has the potential of using for PRQ tuning by conditioning the cardiorespiratory autonomic neural networks, e.g., in the cases where PRQ is disturbed by environmental (i.e., microgravity) or pathologic conditions

    Modeling of heart rate variability and respiratory muscle activity in organophosphate poisoned patients

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksWe propose an extended model of cardiovascular regulation to assess heart rate variability in patients poisoned with organophosphate during their treatment with mechanical ventilation. The model was modified to fit a population of 21 patients poisoned with organophosphorus compounds and undergoing mechanical ventilation. The extended model incorporated the respiratory muscle activity measured by surface electromyography for quantifying the vagal-sympathetic engagement during spontaneous breathing test. The order and structure of the parasympathetic and the sympathetic transfer function with respect to the original model were modified to a second-order system. In this extended model, the parameters related to the vagal-sympathetic response (corner frequency and constant gain) were correlated with respiratory muscle activity. When the diaphragm's contractions were stronger, the sympathetic corner frequency increased while the parasympathetic corner frequency and gain decreased. Thus, the proposed model could be useful to improve the ventilatory support and pharmacological treatment for patients poisoned with organophosphorus compounds considering the vagal-sympathetic response inferred from the respiratory muscle activityPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Short-term heart rate dynamics methodology and novel applications

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    Autonomic Nervous System characterization in hyperbaric environments considering respiratory component and non-linear analysis of Heart Rate Variability

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    Objectives: an evaluation of Principal Dynamic Mode (PDM) and Orthogonal Subspace Projection (OSP) methods to characterize the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) response in three different hyperbaric environments was performed. Methods: ECG signals were recorded in two different stages (baseline and immersion) in three different hyperbaric environments: (a) inside a hyperbaric chamber, (b) in a controlled sea immersion, (c) in a real reservoir immersion. Time-domain parameters were extracted from the RR series of the ECG. From the Heart Rate Variability signal (HRV), classic Power Spectral Density (PSD), PDM (a non-linear analysis of HRV which is able to separate sympathetic and parasympathetic activities) and OSP (an analysis of HRV which is able to extract the respiratory component) methods were used to assess the ANS response. Results: PDM and OSP parameters follows the same trend when compared to the PSD ones for the hyperbaric chamber dataset. Comparing the three hyperbaric scenarios, significant differences were found: i) heart rate decreased and RMSSD increased in the hyperbaric chamber and the controlled dive, but they had the opposite behavior during the uncontrolled dive; ii) power in the OSP respiratory component was lower than power in the OSP residual component in cases a and c; iii) PDM and OSP methods showed a significant increase in sympathetic activity during both dives, but parasympathetic activity increased only during the uncontrolled dive. Conclusions: PDM and OSP methods could be used as an alternative measurement of ANS response instead of the PSD method. OSP results indicate that most of the variation in the heart rate variability cannot be described by changes in the respiration, so changes in ANS response can be assigned to other factors. Time-domain parameters reflect vagal activation in the hyperbaric chamber and in the controlled dive because of the effect of pressure. In the uncontrolled dive, sympathetic activity seems to be dominant, due to the effects of other factors such as physical activity, the challenging environment, and the influence of breathing through the scuba mask during immersion. In sum, a careful description of the changes in all the possible factors that could affect the ANS response between baseline and immersion stages in hyperbaric environments is needed for better interpretation of the results

    Autonomic activity in Gulf War veterans using heart rate and systolic blood pressure variability

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    Heart rate variability (HRV) describes variations of heart rate and is attributed to cyclic fluctuations in autonomic tone. The different methods of heart rate variability analysis allow for a non-invasive assessment of autonomic activity. This study analyzes the heart rate variability through both frequency domain methods and joint time-frequency domain methods which were executed through the LabVJEW graphical programming language. These algorithms were utilized to assess autonomic nervous system activity in Gulf War veterans with no health complaints versus Gulf War veterans with chronic fatigue syndrome. The heart rate variability analysis was obtained from acquired measurements of heart rate and blood pressure during periods of steady-state supine and standing positions. The subject populations as well as the physiological signals utilized in this study were obtained from the East Orange DVA Medical Center. The results of this study indicate that there is no significant difference (p\u3c.05) in autonomic nervous system activity, as assessed with low frequency/high frequency ratios, between Gulf War veterans with no health complaints versus Gulf War veterans with chronic fatigue syndrome. The results also indicate that there is no significant difference (p\u3c.05) in the index of autonomic balance yielded from each of the LF/HF ratios obtained from the heart rate and blood pressure variabilities, respectively, versus the LF{BP}/HF{ECG}ratio

    Acute and chronic effects of exercise in adults with Down syndrome

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    Doutoramento em Motricidade Humana na especialidade de Ciências da Motricidade.This thesis intended to explore both the acute and chronic physiological adaptations of persons with Down syndrome (DS) in response to exercise. Specifically, in terms of acute exercise responses, we aimed at investigating the submaximal exercise capacity and cardiac autonomic function of adults with and without DS. Subsequently, we determined whether 12 weeks of exercise training were effective in improving exercise capacity (economy and peak oxygen uptake – VO2peak) and autonomic function both in adults with and without DS. Overall, we found that the submaximal exercise capacity of adults with DS was characterized by poor walking economy, but appropriate VO2 kinetics. As importantly, these individuals demonstrated reduced cardiac responsiveness to changes in the sympathovagal balance resulting from submaximal dynamic exercise. Findings also indicated a breakdown in their fractal scaling properties of heart rate dynamics that was transversal to resting, exercise and post-exercise recovery conditions. Moreover, compared to nondisabled participants, adults with DS showed reduced cardiodeceleration during recovery from peak exercise intensities. Finally, in general terms, a combined exercise regimen resulted in gains of similar magnitude between participants with and without DS for submaximal exercise capacity and cardiac autonomic function. In conclusion, this thesis provides evidence that persons with DS have reduced submaximal exercise capacity and that this is paired by disturbed autonomic function. Nevertheless, these results also indicate that exercise training is an effective intervention for improving their physiological function in similar magnitude as in adults without DS.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.PIDDAC, SFRH/BD/45896/200

    On time-frequency analysis of heart rate variability

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    On time-frequency analysis of heart rate variability

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