3,006 research outputs found

    On computations of the integrated space shuttle flowfield using overset grids

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    Numerical simulations using the thin-layer Navier-Stokes equations and chimera (overset) grid approach were carried out for flows around the integrated space shuttle vehicle over a range of Mach numbers. Body-conforming grids were used for all the component grids. Testcases include a three-component overset grid - the external tank (ET), the solid rocket booster (SRB) and the orbiter (ORB), and a five-component overset grid - the ET, SRB, ORB, forward and aft attach hardware, configurations. The results were compared with the wind tunnel and flight data. In addition, a Poisson solution procedure (a special case of the vorticity-velocity formulation) using primitive variables was developed to solve three-dimensional, irrotational, inviscid flows for single as well as overset grids. The solutions were validated by comparisons with other analytical or numerical solution, and/or experimental results for various geometries. The Poisson solution was also used as an initial guess for the thin-layer Navier-Stokes solution procedure to improve the efficiency of the numerical flow simulations. It was found that this approach resulted in roughly a 30 percent CPU time savings as compared with the procedure solving the thin-layer Navier-Stokes equations from a uniform free stream flowfield

    Modeling Interface Motion Of Combustion (MINOC). A computer code for two-dimensional, unsteady turbulent combustion

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    A computer code for calculating the flow field and flame propagation in a turbulent combustion tunnel is described. The model used in the analysis is the random vortex model, which allows the turbulent field to evolve as a fundamental solution to the Navier-Stokes equations without averaging or closure modeling. The program was used to study the flow field in a model combustor, formed by a rearward-facing step in a channel, in terms of the vorticity field, the turbulent shear stresses, the flame contours, and the concentration field. Results for the vorticity field reveal the formation of large-scale eddy structures in the turbulent flow downstream from the step. The concentration field contours indicate that most burning occurred around the outer edges of the large eddies of the shear layer

    Lagrangian vortex loops method for hydrodynamic loads computation in 3D incompressible flows

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    A new approach is developed for incompressible 3D flow simulation around bodies by Lagrangian vortex method. Closed vortex loops are considered as vortex elements, which are generated on all the body surface and provide the satisfaction of the no-slip boundary condition. The procedure of double layer potential density reconstruc- tion is considered, which consists of two steps. Firstly, the integral equation with respect to vortex sheet intensity is solved, which expresses the equality between the tangential components of flow velocity limit value and the body surface velocity. It is solved by using Galerkin approach. Secondly, the least-squares procedure is implemented, which permits to find nodal values of the double layer potential density. It is shown that the developed algorithm makes it possible to improve significantly the quality of solution for the bodies with very complicated geometry and low-quality surface meshes. The combination of this approach with vortex wake modelling with vortex loops, permits to simulate unsteady flows with higher resolution with acceptable numerical complexity. It can be useful for CFD applications and visual effects reproducing in computer graphics

    Numerical simulations of fuel droplet flows using a Lagrangian triangular mesh

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    The incompressible, Lagrangian, triangular grid code, SPLISH, was converted for the study of flows in and around fuel droplets. This involved developing, testing and incorporating algorithms for surface tension and viscosity. The major features of the Lagrangian method and the algorithms are described. Benchmarks of the algorithms are given. Several calculations are presented for kerosene droplets in air. Finally, extensions which make the code compressible and three dimensional are discussed

    Analysis of two-dimensional incompressible flow past airfoils using unsteady Navier-Stokes equations

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    The conservative form of the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations in terms of vorticity and stream function in generalized curvilinear coordinates are used to analyze the flow structure of steady separation and unsteady flow with massive separation. The numerical method solves the discretized equations using an ADI-BGE method. The method is applied to a symmetric 12 percent thick Joukowski airfoil. A conformal clustered grid is generated; several 1-D stretching transformations are used to obtain a grid that attempts to resolve many of the multiple scales of the unsteady flow with massive separation, while maintaining the transformation metrics to be smooth and continuous in the entire flow field. Detailed numerical results are obtained for three flow configurations (1) Re = 1000, alpha = 5 deg., (2) Re =1000, alpha = 15 deg., (3) Re = 10,000, alpha = 5 deg. No artificial dissipation was added; however, lack of a fine grid in the normal direction has presently led to results which are considered qualitative, especially for case (3)

    Unsteady flow and dynamic response analyses for helicopter rotor blades

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    Research is presented on helicopter rotor blade vibration and on two and three dimensional analyses of unsteady incompressible viscous flow past oscillating helicopter rotor blades. A summary is presented of the two international research collaborations which resulted from the NASA project: the collaboration under the auspices of NATO between the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, University of Brussels, Belgium and the Aerodynamics Research Establishment in Goettingen, West Germany, and the collaboration under the auspices of the National Science Foundation between UWM and the University of Hamburg and the Ship Research Establishment in Hamburg, West Germany. A summary is given of the benefits from the NASA project to UWM, the College of Engineering and Applied Science, and the participants on the project

    The instanton method and its numerical implementation in fluid mechanics

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    A precise characterization of structures occurring in turbulent fluid flows at high Reynolds numbers is one of the last open problems of classical physics. In this review we discuss recent developments related to the application of instanton methods to turbulence. Instantons are saddle point configurations of the underlying path integrals. They are equivalent to minimizers of the related Freidlin-Wentzell action and known to be able to characterize rare events in such systems. While there is an impressive body of work concerning their analytical description, this review focuses on the question on how to compute these minimizers numerically. In a short introduction we present the relevant mathematical and physical background before we discuss the stochastic Burgers equation in detail. We present algorithms to compute instantons numerically by an efficient solution of the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equations. A second focus is the discussion of a recently developed numerical filtering technique that allows to extract instantons from direct numerical simulations. In the following we present modifications of the algorithms to make them efficient when applied to two- or three-dimensional fluid dynamical problems. We illustrate these ideas using the two-dimensional Burgers equation and the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations

    An efficient user-oriented method for calculating compressible flow in an about three-dimensional inlets

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    A panel method is used to calculate incompressible flow about arbitrary three-dimensional inlets with or without centerbodies for four fundamental flow conditions: unit onset flows parallel to each of the coordinate axes plus static operation. The computing time is scarcely longer than for a single solution. A linear superposition of these solutions quite rigorously gives incompressible flow about the inlet for any angle of attack, angle of yaw, and mass flow rate. Compressibility is accounted for by applying a well-proven correction to the incompressible flow. Since the computing times for the combination and the compressibility correction are small, flows at a large number of inlet operating conditions are obtained rather cheaply. Geometric input is aided by an automatic generating program. A number of graphical output features are provided to aid the user, including surface streamline tracing and automatic generation of curves of curves of constant pressure, Mach number, and flow inclination at selected inlet cross sections. The inlet method and use of the program are described. Illustrative results are presented

    PLOT3D user's manual

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    PLOT3D is a computer graphics program designed to visualize the grids and solutions of computational fluid dynamics. Seventy-four functions are available. Versions are available for many systems. PLOT3D can handle multiple grids with a million or more grid points, and can produce varieties of model renderings, such as wireframe or flat shaded. Output from PLOT3D can be used in animation programs. The first part of this manual is a tutorial that takes the reader, keystroke by keystroke, through a PLOT3D session. The second part of the manual contains reference chapters, including the helpfile, data file formats, advice on changing PLOT3D, and sample command files
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