2,417 research outputs found

    Post-quantum security of hash functions

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    The research covered in this thesis is dedicated to provable post-quantum security of hash functions. Post-quantum security provides security guarantees against quantum attackers. We focus on analyzing the sponge construction, a cryptographic construction used in the standardized hash function SHA3. Our main results are proving a number of quantum security statements. These include standard-model security: collision-resistance and collapsingness, and more idealized notions such as indistinguishability and indifferentiability from a random oracle. All these results concern quantum security of the classical cryptosystems. From a more high-level perspective we find new applications and generalize several important proof techniques in post-quantum cryptography. We use the polynomial method to prove quantum indistinguishability of the sponge construction. We also develop a framework for quantum game-playing proofs, using the recently introduced techniques of compressed random oracles and the One-way-To-Hiding lemma. To establish the usefulness of the new framework we also prove a number of quantum indifferentiability results for other cryptographic constructions. On the way to these results, though, we address an open problem concerning quantum indifferentiability. Namely, we disprove a conjecture that forms the basis of a no-go theorem for a version of quantum indifferentiability

    Collapsing sponges: Post-quantum security of the sponge construction

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    We investigate the post-quantum security of hash functions based on the sponge construction. A crucial property for hash functions in the post-quantum setting is the collapsing property (a strengthening of collision-resistance). We show that the sponge construction is collapsing (and in consequence quantum collision-resistant) under suitable assumptions about the underlying block function. In particular, if the block function is a random function or a (non-invertible) random permutation, the sponge construction is collapsing

    Quantum Lazy Sampling and Game-Playing Proofs for Quantum Indifferentiability

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    Game-playing proofs constitute a powerful framework for classical cryptographic security arguments, most notably applied in the context of indifferentiability. An essential ingredient in such proofs is lazy sampling of random primitives. We develop a quantum game-playing proof framework by generalizing two recently developed proof techniques. First, we describe how Zhandry's compressed quantum oracles [Zha18] can be used to do quantum lazy sampling from non-uniform function distributions. Second, we observe how Unruh's one-way-to-hiding lemma [Unr14] can also be applied to compressed oracles, providing a quantum counterpart to the fundamental lemma of game-playing. Subsequently, we use our game-playing framework to prove quantum indifferentiability of the sponge construction, assuming a random internal function or a random permutation. Our results upgrade post-quantum security of SHA-3 to the same level that is proven against classical adversaries

    Quantum Indifferentiability of SHA-3

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    In this paper we prove quantum indifferentiability of the sponge construction instantiated with random (invertible) permutations. With this result we bring the post-quantum security of the standardized SHA-3 hash function to the level matching its security against classical adversaries. To achieve our result, we generalize the compressed-oracle technique of Zhandry (Crypto\u2719) by defining and proving correctness of a compressed permutation oracle. We believe our technique will find applications in many more cryptographic constructions

    Quantum Lazy Sampling and Game-Playing Proofs for Quantum Indifferentiability

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    Game-playing proofs constitute a powerful framework for non-quantum cryptographic security arguments, most notably applied in the context of indifferentiability. An essential ingredient in such proofs is lazy sampling of random primitives. We develop a quantum game-playing proof framework by generalizing two recently developed proof techniques. First, we describe how Zhandry's compressed quantum oracles~(Crypto'19) can be used to do quantum lazy sampling of a class of non-uniform function distributions. Second, we observe how Unruh's one-way-to-hiding lemma~(Eurocrypt'14) can also be applied to compressed oracles, providing a quantum counterpart to the fundamental lemma of game-playing. Subsequently, we use our game-playing framework to prove quantum indifferentiability of the sponge construction, assuming a random internal function

    Estimating the cost of generic quantum pre-image attacks on SHA-2 and SHA-3

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    We investigate the cost of Grover's quantum search algorithm when used in the context of pre-image attacks on the SHA-2 and SHA-3 families of hash functions. Our cost model assumes that the attack is run on a surface code based fault-tolerant quantum computer. Our estimates rely on a time-area metric that costs the number of logical qubits times the depth of the circuit in units of surface code cycles. As a surface code cycle involves a significant classical processing stage, our cost estimates allow for crude, but direct, comparisons of classical and quantum algorithms. We exhibit a circuit for a pre-image attack on SHA-256 that is approximately 2153.82^{153.8} surface code cycles deep and requires approximately 212.62^{12.6} logical qubits. This yields an overall cost of 2166.42^{166.4} logical-qubit-cycles. Likewise we exhibit a SHA3-256 circuit that is approximately 2146.52^{146.5} surface code cycles deep and requires approximately 2202^{20} logical qubits for a total cost of, again, 2166.52^{166.5} logical-qubit-cycles. Both attacks require on the order of 21282^{128} queries in a quantum black-box model, hence our results suggest that executing these attacks may be as much as 275275 billion times more expensive than one would expect from the simple query analysis.Comment: Same as the published version to appear in the Selected Areas of Cryptography (SAC) 2016. Comments are welcome

    Post-quantum security of hash functions

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    Quantum Search for Scaled Hash Function Preimages

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    We present the implementation of Grover's algorithm in a quantum simulator to perform a quantum search for preimages of two scaled hash functions, whose design only uses modular addition, word rotation, and bitwise exclusive or. Our implementation provides the means to assess with precision the scaling of the number of gates and depth of a full-fledged quantum circuit designed to find the preimages of a given hash digest. The detailed construction of the quantum oracle shows that the presence of AND gates, OR gates, shifts of bits and the reuse of the initial state along the computation, require extra quantum resources as compared with other hash functions based on modular additions, XOR gates and rotations. We also track the entanglement entropy present in the quantum register at every step along the computation, showing that it becomes maximal at the inner core of the first action of the quantum oracle, which implies that no classical simulation based on Tensor Networks would be of relevance. Finally, we show that strategies that suggest a shortcut based on sampling the quantum register after a few steps of Grover's algorithm can only provide some marginal practical advantage in terms of error mitigation.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figure

    Attacking post-quantum cryptography

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