2 research outputs found

    Multi-objective Optimization Proposal with Fuzzy Coefficients in both Constraints and Objective Functions.

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    Propuesta de optimizaci贸n multiobjetivo con coeficientes difusos en restricciones y en funciones objetivo.AbstractFuzzy sets, and more specifically, fuzzy numbers can be a very suitable way to include uncertainty within the formulation and solution of linear problems with multiple goals. Goals in a decision problem do not need to be either maximized, or minimized, as in classical mathematical programming, but they are substituted by aspiration levels, and they need to be met in order to satisfy the decision-maker. Experience shows that it is easier for the decision-maker to formulate both objectives and constraints with fuzzy coefficients, rather than specify a defined quantity for the matrices A, b or g. This paper shows the versatility of a methodology that solves multi-objective linear problems, formulated with fuzzy coefficients. This conception becomes an alternative in contrast with the hard methodologies predominant in Operations Research, since the fuzzy approach allows the decision-maker to make uncertain assumptions both for the formulation and solution of optimization problems.Keywords:聽Fuzzy logic, multi-criteria analysis, triangular fuzzy numbers.ResumenLos conjuntos difusos y espec铆ficamente los n煤meros difusos constituyen una manera efectiva de incluir la incertidumbre en la formulaci贸n y soluci贸n de problemas lineales de optimizaci贸n multiobjetivo. Las metas en un problema de decisi贸n no necesitan ser maximizadas ni minimizadas, como ocurre en las herramientas cl谩sicas de programaci贸n matem谩tica, sino que se pueden sustituir por niveles de aspiraci贸n, las cuales constituyen las expectativas para un decisor. La experiencia demuestra que es m谩s f谩cil para el decisor formular los objetivos y las restricciones en un problema con coeficientes difusos, en vez de simplemente especificar un n煤mero concreto en las matrices A, b 贸 g. Este art铆culo presenta la versatilidad de una formulaci贸n metodol贸gica que permite resolver problemas multiobjetivo de tipo lineal, los cuales son formulados con coeficientes difusos. Esta concepci贸n constituye una alternativa a las metodolog铆as duras que dominan la investigaci贸n de operaciones, dado que la aproximaci贸n difusa permite que los decisores realicen presunciones inciertas en la formulaci贸n y soluci贸n en los problemas de optimizaci贸n.Palabras Clave:聽L贸gica difusa, an谩lisis multiobjetivo, n煤meros triangulares difusos

    Fuzzy Efficiency Measures in Data Envelopment Analysis Using Lexicographic Multiobjective Approach

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.There is an extensive literature in data envelopment analysis (DEA) aimed at evaluating the relative efficiency of a set of decision-making units (DMUs). Conventional DEA models use definite and precise data while real-life problems often consist of some ambiguous and vague information, such as linguistic terms. Fuzzy sets theory can be effectively used to handle data ambiguity and vagueness in DEA problems. This paper proposes a novel fully fuzzified DEA (FFDEA) approach where, in addition to input and output data, all the variables are considered fuzzy, including the resulting efficiency scores. A lexicographic multi-objective linear programming (MOLP) approach is suggested to solve the fuzzy models proposed in this study. The contribution of this paper is fivefold: (1) both fuzzy Constant and Variable Returns to Scale models are considered to measure fuzzy efficiencies; (2) a classification scheme for DMUs, based on their fuzzy efficiencies, is defined with three categories; (3) fuzzy input and output targets are computed for improving the inefficient DMUs; (4) a super-efficiency FFDEA model is also formulated to rank the fuzzy efficient DMUs; and (5) the proposed approach is illustrated, and compared with existing methods, using a dataset from the literature