26 research outputs found

    Observation of temporary accommodation for construction workers according to the code of practice for temporary construction site workers amenities and accommodation (ms2593:2015) in Johor, Malaysia

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    The Malaysian government is currently improving the quality of workers temporary accommodation by introducing MS2593:2015 (Code of Practice for Temporary Site Workers Amenities and Accommodation) in 2015. It is in line with the initiative in the Construction Industry Transformation Programme (2016-2020) to increase the quality and well-being of construction workers in Malaysia. Thus, to gauge the current practice of temporary accommodation on complying with the particular guideline, this paper has put forth the observation of such accommodation towards elements in Section 3 within MS2593:2015. A total of seventeen (17) temporary accommodation provided by Grade 6 and Grade 7 contractors in Johor were selected and assessed. The results disclosed that most of the temporary accommodation was not complying with the guideline, where only thirteen (13) out of fifty-eight (58) elements have recorded full compliance (100%), and the lowest compliance percentage (5.9%) are discovered in the Section 3.12 (Signage). In a nutshell, given the significant gap of compliance between current practices of temporary accommodation and MS2593:2015, a holistic initiative need to be in place for the guideline to be worthwhile

    Optimization Models Using Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory

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    Optimization is of central concern to a number of disciplines. Operations Research and Decision Theory are often considered to be identical with optimization. But also in other areas such as engineering design, regional policy, logistics and many others, the search for optimal solutions is one of the prime goals. The methods and models which have been used over the last decades in these areas have primarily been "hard" or "crisp", i.e. the solutions were considered to be either feasible or unfeasible, either above a certain aspiration level or below. This dichotomous structure of methods very often forced the modeler to approximate real problem situations of the more-or-less type by yes-or-no-type models, the solutions of which might turn out not to be the solutions to the real problems. This is particularly true if the problem under consideration includes vaguely defined relationships, human evaluations, uncertainty due to inconsistent or incomplete evidence, if natural language has to be modeled or if state variables can only be described approximately. Until recently, everything which was not known with certainty, i.e. which was not known to be either true or false or which was not known to either happen with certainty or to be impossible to occur, was modeled by means of probabilities. This holds in particular for uncertainties concerning the occurrence of events. probability theory was used irrespective of whether its axioms (such as, for instance, the law of large numbers) were satisfied or not, or whether the "events" could really be described unequivocally and crisply. In the meantime one has become aware of the fact that uncertainties concerning the occurrence as well as concerning the description of events ought to be modeled in a much more differentiated way. New concepts and theories have been developed to do this: the theory of evidence, possibility theory, the theory of fuzzy sets have been advanced to a stage of remarkable maturity and have already been applied successfully in numerous cases and in many areas. Unluckily, the progress in these areas has been so fast in the last years that it has not been documented in a way which makes these results easily accessible and understandable for newcomers to these areas: text-books have not been able to keep up with the speed of new developments; edited volumes have been published which are very useful for specialists in these areas, but which are of very little use to nonspecialists because they assume too much of a background in fuzzy set theory. To a certain degree the same is true for the existing professional journals in the area of fuzzy set theory. Altogether this volume is a very important and appreciable contribution to the literature on fuzzy set theory

    Operational Decision Making under Uncertainty: Inferential, Sequential, and Adversarial Approaches

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    Modern security threats are characterized by a stochastic, dynamic, partially observable, and ambiguous operational environment. This dissertation addresses such complex security threats using operations research techniques for decision making under uncertainty in operations planning, analysis, and assessment. First, this research develops a new method for robust queue inference with partially observable, stochastic arrival and departure times, motivated by cybersecurity and terrorism applications. In the dynamic setting, this work develops a new variant of Markov decision processes and an algorithm for robust information collection in dynamic, partially observable and ambiguous environments, with an application to a cybersecurity detection problem. In the adversarial setting, this work presents a new application of counterfactual regret minimization and robust optimization to a multi-domain cyber and air defense problem in a partially observable environment

    Satisficing solutions for multiobjective stochastic linear programming problems

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    Multiobjective Stochastic Linear Programming is a relevant topic. As a matter of fact, many real life problems ranging from portfolio selection to water resource management may be cast into this framework. There are severe limitations in objectivity in this field due to the simultaneous presence of randomness and conflicting goals. In such a turbulent environment, the mainstay of rational choice does not hold and it is virtually impossible to provide a truly scientific foundation for an optimal decision. In this thesis, we resort to the bounded rationality and chance-constrained principles to define satisficing solutions for Multiobjective Stochastic Linear Programming problems. These solutions are then characterized for the cases of normal, exponential, chi-squared and gamma distributions. Ways for singling out such solutions are discussed and numerical examples provided for the sake of illustration. Extension to the case of fuzzy random coefficients is also carried out.Decision Science

    Proceedings of the 5th MIT/ONR Workshop on C[3] Systems, held at Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, August 23 to 27, 1982

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    "December 1982."Includes bibliographies and index.Office of Naval Research Contract no. ONR/N00014-77-C-0532 NR041-519edited by Michael Athans ... [et al.]

    Developing collaborative planning support tools for optimised farming in Western Australia

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    Land-use (farm) planning is a highly complex and dynamic process. A land-use plan can be optimal at one point in time, but its currency can change quickly due to the dynamic nature of the variables driving the land-use decision-making process. These include external drivers such as weather and produce markets, that also interact with the biophysical interactions and management activities of crop production.The active environment of an annual farm planning process can be envisioned as being cone-like. At the beginning of the sowing year, the number of options open to the manager is huge, although uncertainty is high due to the inability to foresee future weather and market conditions. As the production year reveals itself, the uncertainties around weather and markets become more certain, as does the impact of weather and management activities on future production levels. This restricts the number of alternative management options available to the farm manager. Moreover, every decision made, such as crop type sown in a paddock, will constrains the range of management activities possible in that paddock for the rest of the growing season.This research has developed a prototype Land-use Decision Support System (LUDSS) to aid farm managers in their tactical farm management decision making. The prototype applies an innovative approach that mimics the way in which a farm manager and/or consultant would search for optimal solutions at a whole-farm level. This model captured the range of possible management activities available to the manager and the impact that both external (to the farm) and internal drivers have on crop production and the environment. It also captured the risk and uncertainty found in the decision space.The developed prototype is based on a Multiple Objective Decision-making (MODM) - á Posteriori approach incorporating an Exhaustive Search method. The objective set used for the model is: maximising profit and minimising environmental impact. Pareto optimisation theory was chosen as the method to select the optimal solution and a Monte Carlo simulator is integrated into the prototype to incorporate the dynamic nature of the farm decision making process. The prototype has a user-friendly front and back end to allow farmers to input data, drive the application and extract information easily

    A framework to manage uncertainties in cloud manufacturing environment

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    This research project aims to develop a framework to manage uncertainty in cloud manufacturing for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The framework includes a cloud manufacturing taxonomy; guidance to deal with uncertainty in cloud manufacturing, by providing a process to identify uncertainties; a detailed step-by-step approach to managing the uncertainties; a list of uncertainties; and response strategies to security and privacy uncertainties in cloud manufacturing. Additionally, an online assessment tool has been developed to implement the uncertainty management framework into a real life context. To fulfil the aim and objectives of the research, a comprehensive literature review was performed in order to understand the research aspects. Next, an uncertainty management technique was applied to identify, assess, and control uncertainties in cloud manufacturing. Two well-known approaches were used in the evaluation of the uncertainties in this research: Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) to prioritise uncertainties; and a fuzzy rule-based system to quantify security and privacy uncertainties. Finally, the framework was embedded into an online assessment tool and validated through expert opinion and case studies. Results from this research are useful for both academia and industry in understanding aspects of cloud manufacturing. The main contribution is a framework that offers new insights for decisions makers on how to deal with uncertainty at adoption and implementation stages of cloud manufacturing. The research also introduced a novel cloud manufacturing taxonomy, a list of uncertainty factors, an assessment process to prioritise uncertainties and quantify security and privacy related uncertainties, and a knowledge base for providing recommendations and solutions

    Preference elicitation from pairwise comparisons in multi-criteria decision making

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    Decision making is an essential activity for humans and often becomes complex in the presence of uncertainty or insufficient knowledge. This research aims at estimating preferences using pairwise comparisons. A decision maker uses pairwise comparison when he/she is unable to directly assign criteria weights or scores to the available options. The judgments provided in pairwise comparisons may not always be consistent for several reasons. Experimentation has been used to obtain statistical evidence related to the widely-used consistency measures. The results highlight the need to propose new consistency measures. Two new consistency measures - termed congruence and dissonance - are proposed to aid the decision maker in the process of elicitation. Inconsistencies in pairwise comparisons are of two types i.e. cardinal and ordinal. It is shown that both cardinal and ordinal consistency can be improved with the help of these two measures. A heuristic method is then devised to detect and remove intransitive judgments. The results suggest that the devised method is feasible for improving ordinal consistency and is computationally more efficient than the optimization-based methods. There exist situations when revision of judgments is not allowed and prioritization is required without attempting to remove inconsistency. A new prioritization method has been proposed using the graph-theoretic approach. Although the performance of the proposed prioritization method was found to be comparable to other approaches, it has practical limitation in terms of computation time. As a consequence, the problem of prioritization is explored as an optimization problem. A new method based on multi-objective optimization is formulated that offers multiple non-dominated solutions and outperforms all other relevant methods for inconsistent set of judgments. A priority estimation tool (PriEsT) has been developed that implements the proposed consistency measures and prioritization methods. In order to show the benefits of PriEsT, a case study involving Telecom infrastructure selection is presented.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo