632 research outputs found

    Actuation Technologies for Soft Robot Grippers and Manipulators: A Review

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    Purpose of Review The new paradigm of soft robotics has been widely developed in the international robotics community. These robots being soft can be used in applications where delicate yet effective interaction is necessary. Soft grippers and manipulators are important, and their actuation is a fundamental area of study. The main purpose of this work is to provide readers with fast references to actuation technologies for soft robotic grippers in relation to their intended application. Recent Findings The authors have surveyed recent findings on actuation technologies for soft grippers. They presented six major kinds of technologies which are either used independently for actuation or in combination, e.g., pneumatic actuation combined with electro-adhesion, for certain applications. Summary A review on the latest actuation technologies for soft grippers and manipulators is presented. Readers will get a guide on the various methods of technology utilization based on the application

    A shape memory alloy-based biomimetic robotic hand : design, modelling and experimental evaluation

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    Every year more the 400,000 people are subject to an upper limb amputation. Projections foresee that this number may double by the 2050. Infections, trauma, cancer, or complications that arise in blood vessels represent the main causes for amputations. The access to prosthetic care is worldwide extremely limited. This is mainly due to the high cost both of commercially available prostheses and of the rehabilitation procedure which every prostheses user has to endure. Aside from high costs, commercially available hand prostheses have faced high rejection rates, mainly due to the their heavy weight, noisy operation and also to the unnatural feel of the fingers. To overcome these limitations, new materials, such as Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs), have been considered as potential candidate actuators for these kind of devices. In order to provide a contribution in the development of performant and easily affordable hand prostheses, the development of a novel and cost-effective five-fingered hand prototype actuated by Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) wires is presented in this work. The dissertation starts with the description of a first generation of a SMA actuated finger. Structure assemblage and performances in term of force, motion and reactiveness are investigated to highlight advantages and disadvantages of the prototype. In order to improve the achievable performances, a second generation of SMA actuated finger having soft features is introduced. Its structure, a five-fingered hand prosthesis having intrinsically elastic fingers, capable to grasp several types of objects with a considerable force, and an entirely 3D printed structure is then presented. Comparing this prototype with the most important prostheses developed so far, relevant advantages especially in term of noiseless actuation, cost, weight, responsiveness and force can be highlighted. A finite element based framework is then developed, to enable additional structure optimization and further improve the SMA finger performances. On the same time, a concentrated parameters physics-based model is formulated to allow, in the future, an easier control of the device, characterized by strong nonlinearities mainly due to the Shape Memory alloy hysteretic behavior.Jedes Jahr werden weltweit bei mehr als 400.000 Menschen Amputationen der oberen Gliedmaßen durchgefĂŒhrt. Prognosen gehen davon aus, dass sich diese Zahl bis zum Jahr 2050 verdoppeln wird. Hauptursachen der Amputationen sind Infektionen, UnfĂ€lle, Krebs oder Durchblutungsstörungen. Der Zugang zu prothetischer Versorgung ist besonders in den EntwicklungslĂ€ndern stark eingeschrĂ€nkt. Dies liegt vor allem an den hohen Kosten sowohl der im Handel erhĂ€ltlichen Prothesen als auch des Rehabilitationsprozesses, den jeder ProthesentrĂ€ger durchlaufen muss. Neben den hohen Kosten haben kommerziell erhĂ€ltliche Handprothesen aufgrund ihres hohen Gewichts, des lauten Betriebes und auch des unnatĂŒrlichen GefĂŒhls hohe Ablehnungsraten. Um diese EinschrĂ€nkungen zu ĂŒberwinden, wurden neue Materialien, wie z.B. FormgedĂ€chtnislegierungen (SMAs), als potenzielle Materialien fĂŒr den Antrieb von Prothesen untersucht . Um einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung von leistungsfĂ€higen und erschwinglichen Handprothesen zu leisten, wird in dieser Arbeit die Entwicklung eines neuartigen und kostengĂŒnstigen FĂŒnf-Finger-Handprototyps vorgestellt, der durch DrĂ€hte aus FormgedĂ€chtnislegierungen aktiviert wird. Die Doktorarbeit beginnt mit der Beschreibung der ersten Generation eines SMA-aktivierten Fingers. Zuerst wird der Aufbau und das Wirkungsprinzip des SMA Fingers erlĂ€utert und die Leistungs- und BewegungsfĂ€higkeit des Systems untersucht sowie Vor- und Nachteile des Prototyps dargestellt. Anschließend, um die erreichbare LeistungsfĂ€higkeit zu verbessern, wird eine zweite Generation von SMA-gesteuerten Fingern vorgestellt, die eine vollstĂ€ndig in 3D gedruckte Struktur aufweisen. Diese FĂŒnffinger-Handprothese mit inhĂ€rent elastischen Fingern ermöglicht nicht nur das Greifen unterschiedlich geformter Objekte sondern auch das Heben und Halten schwerer GegenstĂ€nde. Dieser neuartige Prototyp wird mit den wichtigsten bisher entwickelten Prothesen verglichen und die relevanten Vorteile insbesondere in Bezug auf gerĂ€uschlose Ansteuerung, Kosten, Gewicht, Reaktionszeit und Kraft hervorgehoben. Abschließend wird ein Finite-Elemente-Modell entwickelt, mit Hilfe dessen die Fingerstruktur weiter optimiert und die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit des SMA-Fingers noch verbessert werden kann. ZusĂ€tzlich wird ein Konzentriertes-Parameter-Modell formuliert, um, in der Zukunft, eine leichtere Regelung des Systems zu ermöglichen. Dieses ist notwendig, da der SMA-Finger starke NichtlinearitĂ€ten aufweist, die auf das hysteretische Verhalten der FormgedĂ€chtnislegierung zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren sind

    Soft Actuators and Robotic Devices for Rehabilitation and Assistance

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    Soft actuators and robotic devices have been increasingly applied to the field of rehabilitation and assistance, where safe human and machine interaction is of particular importance. Compared with their widely used rigid counterparts, soft actuators and robotic devices can provide a range of significant advantages; these include safe interaction, a range of complex motions, ease of fabrication and resilience to a variety of environments. In recent decades, significant effort has been invested in the development of soft rehabilitation and assistive devices for improving a range of medical treatments and quality of life. This review provides an overview of the current state-of-the-art in soft actuators and robotic devices for rehabilitation and assistance, in particular systems that achieve actuation by pneumatic and hydraulic fluid-power, electrical motors, chemical reactions and soft active materials such as dielectric elastomers, shape memory alloys, magnetoactive elastomers, liquid crystal elastomers and piezoelectric materials. Current research on soft rehabilitation and assistive devices is in its infancy, and new device designs and control strategies for improved performance and safe human-machine interaction are identified as particularly untapped areas of research. Finally, insights into future research directions are outlined

    Soft Actuators and Robotic Devices for Rehabilitation and Assistance

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    Soft actuators and robotic devices have been increasingly applied to the field of rehabilitation and assistance, where safe human and machine interaction is of particular importance. Compared with their widely used rigid counterparts, soft actuators and robotic devices can provide a range of significant advantages; these include safe interaction, a range of complex motions, ease of fabrication and resilience to a variety of environments. In recent decades, significant effort has been invested in the development of soft rehabilitation and assistive devices for improving a range of medical treatments and quality of life. This review provides an overview of the current state-of-the-art in soft actuators and robotic devices for rehabilitation and assistance, in particular systems that achieve actuation by pneumatic and hydraulic fluid-power, electrical motors, chemical reactions and soft active materials such as dielectric elastomers, shape memory alloys, magnetoactive elastomers, liquid crystal elastomers and piezoelectric materials. Current research on soft rehabilitation and assistive devices is in its infancy, and new device designs and control strategies for improved performance and safe human-machine interaction are identified as particularly untapped areas of research. Finally, insights into future research directions are outlined

    Hand exo-muscular system for assisting astronauts during extravehicular activities

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    Human exploration of the Solar System is one of the most challenging objectives included in the space programs of the most important space agencies in the world. Since the Apollo program, and especially with the construction and operation of the International Space Station, extravehicular activities (EVA) have become an important part of space exploration. This article presents a soft hand exoskeleton designed to address one of the problems that astronauts face during spacewalks: hand fatigue caused by the pressurized EVA gloves. This device will reduce the stiffness of the spacesuit glove by counteracting the force exerted by the pressurized glove. To this end, the system makes use of a set of six flexible actuators, which use a shape memory alloy (SMA) wire as the actuating element. SMAs have been chosen because some of their features, such as low volume and high force-to-weight ratio, make them a suitable choice taking into account the constraints imposed by the use of the device in a spacesuit. Besides describing the different mechanical and electronic subsystems that compose the exoskeleton, this article presents a preliminary assessment of the device; several tests to characterize its nominal operation have been carried out, as well as position and force control tests to study its controllability and evaluate its suitability as a force assistive device.The research leading to these results has received funding from the STAMAS (Smart Technology for Artificial Muscle Applications in Space) project,** funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Program for Research (FP7) (Grant No. 312815)

    One-shot additive manufacturing of robotic finger with embedded sensing and actuation

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    A main challenge in the additive manufacturing (AM) field is the possibility to create structures with embedded actuators and sensors: addressing this requirement would lead to a reduction of manual assembly tasks and product cost, pushing AM technologies into a new dimension for the fabrication of assembly-free smart objects. The main novelty of the present paper is the one shot fabrication of a 3D printed soft finger with an embedded shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator and two different 3D printed sensors (strain gauge and capacitive force sensor). 3D printed structures, fabricated with the proposed approach, can be immediately activated after their removal from the build plate, providing real-time feedback because of the embedded sensing units. Three different materials from two nozzles were extruded to fabricate the passive elements and sensing units of the proposed bioinspired robotic finger and a custom-made Cartesian pick and place robot (CPPR) was employed to integrate the SMA spring actuator into the 3D printed robotic finger during the fabrication processes. Another novelty of the present paper is the direct integration of SMA actuators during the 3D printing process. The low melting thermoplastic polycaprolactone (PCL) was extruded: its printing temperature of 70 °C is lower than the SMA austenitic start temperature, preventing the SMA activation during the manufacturing process. Two different sensors based on the piezoresistive principle and capacitive principle were studied, 3D printed and characterized, showing respectively a sensitivity ratio of change in resistance to finger bending angle to be 674.8 Ω∘Angle and a capacitance to force ratio of 0.53pFN . The proposed manufacturing approach paves the way for significant advancement of AM technologies in the field of smart structures with embedded actuators to provide real-time feedback, offering several advantages, especially in the soft robotics domain

    Development of a SMA-fishing-line-McKibben bending actuator

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    High power-to-weight ratio soft artificial muscles are of overarching importance to enable inherently safer solutions to human-robot interactions. Traditional air driven soft McKibben artificial muscles are linear actuators. It is impossible for them to realize bending motions through a single McKibben muscle. Over two McKibben muscles should normally be used to achieve bending or rotational motions, leading to heavier and larger systems. In addition, air driven McKibben muscles are highly nonlinear in nature, making them difficult to be controlled precisely. A SMA(shape memory alloy)–fishing–line–McKibben (SFLM) bending actuator has been developed. This novel artificial actuator, made of a SMA-fishing-line muscle and a McKibben muscle, was able to produce the maximum output force of 3.0 N and the maximum bending angle (the rotation of the end face) of 61°. This may promote the application of individual McKibben muscles or SMA-fishing-line muscles alone. An output force control method for SFLM is proposed, and based on MATLAB/Simulink software the experiment platform is set up, the effectiveness of control system is verified through output force experiments. A three-fingered SFLM gripper driven by three SFLMs has been designed for a case study, which the maximum carrying capacity is 650.4 ± 0.2 g
