1,959 research outputs found

    Vision-Aided Navigation for Autonomous Vehicles Using Tracked Feature Points

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    This thesis discusses the evaluation, implementation, and testing of several navigation algorithms and feature extraction algorithms using an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and an image capture device (camera) mounted on a ground robot and a quadrotor UAV. The vision-aided navigation algorithms are implemented on data-collected from sensors on an unmanned ground vehicle and a quadrotor, and the results are validated by comparison with GPS data. The thesis investigates sensor fusion techniques for integrating measured IMU data with information extracted from image processing algorithms in order to provide accurate vehicle state estimation. This image-based information takes the forms of features, such as corners, that are tracked over multiple image frames. An extended Kalman filter (EKF) in implemented to fuse vision and IMU data. The main goal of the work is to provide navigation of mobile robots in GPS-denied environments such as indoor environments, cluttered urban environments, or space environments such as asteroids, other planets or the moon. The experimental results show that combining pose information extracted from IMU readings along with pose information extracted from a vision-based algorithm managed to solve the drift problem that comes from using IMU alone and the scale problem that comes from using a monocular vision-based algorithm alone

    Accurate 3D maps from depth images and motion sensors via nonlinear Kalman filtering

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    This paper investigates the use of depth images as localisation sensors for 3D map building. The localisation information is derived from the 3D data thanks to the ICP (Iterative Closest Point) algorithm. The covariance of the ICP, and thus of the localization error, is analysed, and described by a Fisher Information Matrix. It is advocated this error can be much reduced if the data is fused with measurements from other motion sensors, or even with prior knowledge on the motion. The data fusion is performed by a recently introduced specific extended Kalman filter, the so-called Invariant EKF, and is directly based on the estimated covariance of the ICP. The resulting filter is very natural, and is proved to possess strong properties. Experiments with a Kinect sensor and a three-axis gyroscope prove clear improvement in the accuracy of the localization, and thus in the accuracy of the built 3D map.Comment: Submitted to IROS 2012. 8 page

    An Underwater SLAM System using Sonar, Visual, Inertial, and Depth Sensor

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    This paper presents a novel tightly-coupled keyframe-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) system with loop-closing and relocalization capabilities targeted for the underwater domain. Our previous work, SVIn, augmented the state-of-the-art visual-inertial state estimation package OKVIS to accommodate acoustic data from sonar in a non-linear optimization-based framework. This paper addresses drift and loss of localization -- one of the main problems affecting other packages in underwater domain -- by providing the following main contributions: a robust initialization method to refine scale using depth measurements, a fast preprocessing step to enhance the image quality, and a real-time loop-closing and relocalization method using bag of words (BoW). An additional contribution is the addition of depth measurements from a pressure sensor to the tightly-coupled optimization formulation. Experimental results on datasets collected with a custom-made underwater sensor suite and an autonomous underwater vehicle from challenging underwater environments with poor visibility demonstrate performance never achieved before in terms of accuracy and robustness


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    Sensor fusion is a process in which data from different sensors is combined to acquire an output that cannot be obtained from individual sensors. This dissertation first considers a 2D image level real world problem from rail industry and proposes a novel solution using sensor fusion, then proceeds further to the more complicated 3D problem of multi sensor fusion for UAV pose estimation. One of the most important safety-related tasks in the rail industry is an early detection of defective rolling stock components. Railway wheels and wheel bearings are two components prone to damage due to their interactions with the brakes and railway track, which makes them a high priority when rail industry investigates improvements to current detection processes. The main contribution of this dissertation in this area is development of a computer vision method for automatically detecting the defective wheels that can potentially become a replacement for the current manual inspection procedure. The algorithm fuses images taken by wayside thermal and vision cameras and uses the outcome for the wheel defect detection. As a byproduct, the process will also include a method for detecting hot bearings from the same images. We evaluate our algorithm using simulated and real data images from UPRR in North America and it will be shown in this dissertation that using sensor fusion techniques the accuracy of the malfunction detection can be improved. After the 2D application, the more complicated 3D application is addressed. Precise, robust and consistent localization is an important subject in many areas of science such as vision-based control, path planning, and SLAM. Each of different sensors employed to estimate the pose have their strengths and weaknesses. Sensor fusion is a known approach that combines the data measured by different sensors to achieve a more accurate or complete pose estimation and to cope with sensor outages. In this dissertation, a new approach to 3D pose estimation for a UAV in an unknown GPS-denied environment is presented. The proposed algorithm fuses the data from an IMU, a camera, and a 2D LiDAR to achieve accurate localization. Among the employed sensors, LiDAR has not received proper attention in the past; mostly because a 2D LiDAR can only provide pose estimation in its scanning plane and thus it cannot obtain full pose estimation in a 3D environment. A novel method is introduced in this research that enables us to employ a 2D LiDAR to improve the full 3D pose estimation accuracy acquired from an IMU and a camera. To the best of our knowledge 2D LiDAR has never been employed for 3D localization without a prior map and it is shown in this dissertation that our method can significantly improve the precision of the localization algorithm. The proposed approach is evaluated and justified by simulation and real world experiments

    Cooperative Relative Positioning of Mobile Users by Fusing IMU Inertial and UWB Ranging Information

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    Relative positioning between multiple mobile users is essential for many applications, such as search and rescue in disaster areas or human social interaction. Inertial-measurement unit (IMU) is promising to determine the change of position over short periods of time, but it is very sensitive to error accumulation over long term run. By equipping the mobile users with ranging unit, e.g. ultra-wideband (UWB), it is possible to achieve accurate relative positioning by trilateration-based approaches. As compared to vision or laser-based sensors, the UWB does not need to be with in line-of-sight and provides accurate distance estimation. However, UWB does not provide any bearing information and the communication range is limited, thus UWB alone cannot determine the user location without any ambiguity. In this paper, we propose an approach to combine IMU inertial and UWB ranging measurement for relative positioning between multiple mobile users without the knowledge of the infrastructure. We incorporate the UWB and the IMU measurement into a probabilistic-based framework, which allows to cooperatively position a group of mobile users and recover from positioning failures. We have conducted extensive experiments to demonstrate the benefits of incorporating IMU inertial and UWB ranging measurements.Comment: accepted by ICRA 201

    Keyframe-based visual–inertial odometry using nonlinear optimization

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    Combining visual and inertial measurements has become popular in mobile robotics, since the two sensing modalities offer complementary characteristics that make them the ideal choice for accurate visual–inertial odometry or simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). While historically the problem has been addressed with filtering, advancements in visual estimation suggest that nonlinear optimization offers superior accuracy, while still tractable in complexity thanks to the sparsity of the underlying problem. Taking inspiration from these findings, we formulate a rigorously probabilistic cost function that combines reprojection errors of landmarks and inertial terms. The problem is kept tractable and thus ensuring real-time operation by limiting the optimization to a bounded window of keyframes through marginalization. Keyframes may be spaced in time by arbitrary intervals, while still related by linearized inertial terms. We present evaluation results on complementary datasets recorded with our custom-built stereo visual–inertial hardware that accurately synchronizes accelerometer and gyroscope measurements with imagery. A comparison of both a stereo and monocular version of our algorithm with and without online extrinsics estimation is shown with respect to ground truth. Furthermore, we compare the performance to an implementation of a state-of-the-art stochastic cloning sliding-window filter. This competitive reference implementation performs tightly coupled filtering-based visual–inertial odometry. While our approach declaredly demands more computation, we show its superior performance in terms of accuracy
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