179 research outputs found

    Porting the Sisal functional language to distributed-memory multiprocessors

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    Parallel computing is becoming increasingly ubiquitous in recent years. The sizes of application problems continuously increase for solving real-world problems. Distributed-memory multiprocessors have been regarded as a viable architecture of scalable and economical design for building large scale parallel machines. While these parallel machines can provide computational capabilities, programming such large-scale machines is often very difficult due to many practical issues including parallelization, data distribution, workload distribution, and remote memory latency. This thesis proposes to solve the programmability and performance issues of distributed-memory machines using the Sisal functional language. The programs written in Sisal will be automatically parallelized, scheduled and run on distributed-memory multiprocessors with no programmer intervention. Specifically, the proposed approach consists of the following steps. Given a program written in Sisal, the front end Sisal compiler generates a directed acyclic graph(DAG) to expose parallelism in the program. The DAG is partitioned and scheduled based on loop parallelism. The scheduled DAG is then translated to C programs with machine specific parallel constructs. The parallel C programs are finally compiled by the target machine specific compilers to generate executables. A distributed-memory parallel machine, the 80-processor ETL EM-X, has been chosen to perform experiments. The entire procedure has been implemented on the EMX multiprocessor. Four problems are selected for experiments: bitonic sorting, search, dot-product and Fast Fourier Transform. Preliminary execution results indicate that automatic parallelization of the Sisal programs based on loop parallelism is effective. The speedup for these four problems is ranging from 17 to 60 on a 64-processor EM-X. Preliminary experimental results further indicate that programming distributed-memory multiprocessors using a functional language indeed frees the programmers from lowl-evel programming details while allowing them to focus on algorithmic performance improvement

    NASA high performance computing and communications program

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's HPCC program is part of a new Presidential initiative aimed at producing a 1000-fold increase in supercomputing speed and a 100-fold improvement in available communications capability by 1997. As more advanced technologies are developed under the HPCC program, they will be used to solve NASA's 'Grand Challenge' problems, which include improving the design and simulation of advanced aerospace vehicles, allowing people at remote locations to communicate more effectively and share information, increasing scientist's abilities to model the Earth's climate and forecast global environmental trends, and improving the development of advanced spacecraft. NASA's HPCC program is organized into three projects which are unique to the agency's mission: the Computational Aerosciences (CAS) project, the Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) project, and the Remote Exploration and Experimentation (REE) project. An additional project, the Basic Research and Human Resources (BRHR) project exists to promote long term research in computer science and engineering and to increase the pool of trained personnel in a variety of scientific disciplines. This document presents an overview of the objectives and organization of these projects as well as summaries of individual research and development programs within each project

    Parametric micro-level performance models for parallel computing and parallel implementation of hydrostatic MM5

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    This dissertation presents Parametric micro-level performance models and Parallel implementation of the hydrostatic version of MM5;Parametric micro-level (PM) performance models are introduced to address the important issue of how to realistically model parallel performance. These models can be used to predict execution times and identify performance bottlenecks. The accurate prediction and analysis of execution times is achieved by incorporating precise details of interprocessor communication, memory operations, auxiliary instructions, and effects of communication and computation schedules. The parameters provide the flexibility to study various algorithmic and architectural issues. The development and verification process, parameters and the scope of applicability of these models are discussed. A coherent view of performance is obtained from the execution profiles generated by PM models. The models are targeted at a large class numerical algorithms commonly implemented on both SIMD and MIMD machines. Specific models are presented for matrix multiplication, LU decomposition, and FFT on a 2-D processor array with distributed memory. A case study includes comparison of parallel machines and parallel algorithms. In a comparison of parallel machines, PM models are used to analyze execution times so as to relate the performance to architectural attributes of a machine. In a comparison of parallel algorithms, PM models are used to study performance of two LU decomposition algorithms: non-blocked and blocked. Two algorithms are compared to identify the tradeoffs between them. This analysis is useful to determine an optimum block size for the blocked algorithm. The case study is done on MasPar MP-1 and MP-2 machines;The dissertation also describes the parallel implementation of the hydrostatic version of MM5 (the fifth generation of Mesoscale Model), which has been widely used for climate studies. The model was parallelized in machine-independent manner using the Runtime System Library (RSL), a runtime library for handling message-passing and index transformation. The dissertation discusses validation of the parallel implementation of MM5 using field data and presents performance results. The parallel model was tested on the IBM SP1, a distributed memory parallel computer

    PASSION: Parallel And Scalable Software for Input-Output

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    We are developing a software system called PASSION: Parallel And Scalable Software for Input-Output which provides software support for high performance parallel I/O. PASSION provides support at the language, compiler, runtime as well as file system level. PASSION provides runtime procedures for parallel access to files (read/write), as well as for out-of-core computations. These routines can either be used together with a compiler to translate out-of-core data parallel programs written in a language like HPF, or used directly by application programmers. A number of optimizations such as Two-Phase Access, Data Sieving, Data Prefetching and Data Reuse have been incorporated in the PASSION Runtime Library for improved performance. PASSION also provides an initial framework for runtime support for out-of-core irregular problems. The goal of the PASSION compiler is to automatically translate out- of-core data parallel programs to node programs for distributed memory machines, with calls to the PASSION Runtime Library. At the language level, PASSION suggests extensions to HPF for out-of-core programs. At the file system level, PASSION provides support for buffering and prefetching data from disks. A portable parallel file system is also being developed as part of this project, which can be used across homogeneous or heterogeneous networks of workstations. PASSION also provides support for integrating data and task parallelism using parallel I/O techniques. We have used PASSION to implement a number of out-of-core applications such as a Laplace\u27s equation solver, 2D FFT, Matrix Multiplication, LU Decomposition, image processing applications as well as unstructured mesh kernels in molecular dynamics and computational fluid dynamics. We are currently in the process of using PASSION in applications in CFD (3D turbulent flows), molecular structure calculations, seismic computations, and earth and space science applications such as Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation. PASSION is currently available on the Intel Paragon, Touchstone Delta and iPSC/860. Efforts are underway to port it to the IBM SP-1 and SP-2 using the Vesta Parallel File System

    Parallel computing for image processing problems.

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    by Kin-wai Mak.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1997.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 52-54).Chapter 1 --- Introduction to Parallel Computing --- p.7Chapter 1.1 --- Parallel Computer Models --- p.8Chapter 1.2 --- Forms of Parallelism --- p.12Chapter 1.3 --- Performance Evaluation --- p.15Chapter 1.3.1 --- Finding Machine Parameters --- p.15Chapter 1.3.2 --- Amdahl's Law --- p.19Chapter 1.3.3 --- Gustafson's Law --- p.20Chapter 1.3.4 --- Scalability Analysis --- p.20Chapter 2 --- Introduction to Image Processing --- p.26Chapter 2.1 --- Image Restoration Problem --- p.26Chapter 2.1.1 --- Toeplitz Least Squares Problems --- p.29Chapter 2.1.2 --- The Need For Regularization --- p.31Chapter 2.1.3 --- Guide Star Image --- p.32Chapter 3 --- Toeplitz Solvers --- p.34Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.34Chapter 3.2 --- Parallel Implementation --- p.38Chapter 3.2.1 --- Overview of MasPar --- p.38Chapter 3.2.2 --- Design Methodology --- p.39Chapter 3.2.3 --- Implementation Details --- p.42Chapter 3.2.4 --- Application to Ground Based Astronomy --- p.44Chapter 3.2.5 --- Performance Analysis --- p.46Chapter 3.2.6 --- The Graphical Interface --- p.48Bibliograph

    Scalable Parallel Computers for Real-Time Signal Processing

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    We assess the state-of-the-art technology in massively parallel processors (MPPs) and their variations in different architectural platforms. Architectural and programming issues are identified in using MPPs for time-critical applications such as adaptive radar signal processing. We review the enabling technologies. These include high-performance CPU chips and system interconnects, distributed memory architectures, and various latency hiding mechanisms. We characterize the concept of scalability in three areas: resources, applications, and technology. Scalable performance attributes are analytically defined. Then we compare MPPs with symmetric multiprocessors (SMPs) and clusters of workstations (COWs). The purpose is to reveal their capabilities, limits, and effectiveness in signal processing. We evaluate the IBM SP2 at MHPCC, the Intel Paragon at SDSC, the Gray T3D at Gray Eagan Center, and the Gray T3E and ASCI TeraFLOP system proposed by Intel. On the software and programming side, we evaluate existing parallel programming environments, including the models, languages, compilers, software tools, and operating systems. Some guidelines for program parallelization are provided. We examine data-parallel, shared-variable, message-passing, and implicit programming models. Communication functions and their performance overhead are discussed. Available software tools and communication libraries are also introducedpublished_or_final_versio

    Optimization Techniques for Mapping Algorithms and Applications onto CUDA GPU Platforms and CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Platforms

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    An emerging trend in processor architecture seems to indicate the doubling of the number of cores per chip every two years with same or decreased clock speed. Of particular interest to this thesis is the class of many-core processors, which are becoming more attractive due to their high performance, low cost, and low power consumption. The main goal of this dissertation is to develop optimization techniques for mapping algorithms and applications onto CUDA GPUs and CPU-GPU heterogeneous platforms. The Fast Fourier transform (FFT) constitutes a fundamental tool in computational science and engineering, and hence a GPU-optimized implementation is of paramount importance. We first study the mapping of the 3D FFT onto the recent, CUDA GPUs and develop a new approach that minimizes the number of global memory accesses and overlaps the computations along the different dimensions. We obtain some of the fastest known implementations for the computation of multi-dimensional FFT. We then present a highly multithreaded FFT-based direct Poisson solver that is optimized for the recent NVIDIA GPUs. In addition to the massive multithreading, our algorithm carefully manages the multiple layers of the memory hierarchy so that all global memory accesses are coalesced into 128-bytes device memory transactions. As a result, we have achieved up to 375GFLOPS with a bandwidth of 120GB/s on the GTX 480. We further extend our methodology to deal with CPU-GPU based heterogeneous platforms for the case when the input is too large to fit on the GPU global memory. We develop optimization techniques for memory-bound, and computation-bound application. The main challenge here is to minimize data transfer between the CPU memory and the device memory and to overlap as much as possible these transfers with kernel execution. For memory-bounded applications, we achieve a near-peak effective PCIe bus bandwidth, 9-10GB/s and performance as high as 145 GFLOPS for multi-dimensional FFT computations and for solving the Poisson equation. We extend our CPU-GPU based software pipeline to a computation-bound application-DGEMM, and achieve the illusion of a memory of the CPU memory size and a computation throughput similar to a pure GPU

    Algorithm-Based Fault-tolerant Programming in Scientific Computation on Multiprocessors

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    Efficient parallel algorithms proposed to solve many fundamental problems in scientific computation are sensitive to processor failures. Because of its low costs, algorithm-based fault tolerance is an interesting concept for introducing fault tolerance into existing multiprocessors. To facilitate fault-tolerant programming in scientific computation, we have modified and developed further an existing parallel run-time environment. In this paper the aspect of tuning known error processing techniques to the algorithm-based approach is primarily examined. Design issues for implementation and execution time overhead of a fault-tolerant application in our run-time environment are studied. In contrast to many other environments for parallel fault-tolerant programming, which use the master/slave programming model, our environment enables one to add fault tolerance to existing parallel applications in scientific computatio