197 research outputs found

    Digital Color Imaging

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    This paper surveys current technology and research in the area of digital color imaging. In order to establish the background and lay down terminology, fundamental concepts of color perception and measurement are first presented us-ing vector-space notation and terminology. Present-day color recording and reproduction systems are reviewed along with the common mathematical models used for representing these devices. Algorithms for processing color images for display and communication are surveyed, and a forecast of research trends is attempted. An extensive bibliography is provided

    The alternating least squares technique for nonuniform intensity color correction

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    Color correction involves mapping device RGBs to display counterparts or to corresponding XYZs. A popular methodology is to take an image of a color chart and then solve for the best 3 × 3 matrix that maps the RGBs to the corresponding known XYZs. However, this approach fails at times when the intensity of the light varies across the chart. This variation needs to be removed before estimating the correction matrix. This is typically achieved by acquiring an image of a uniform gray chart in the same location, and then dividing the color checker image by the gray-chart image. Of course, taking images of two charts doubles the complexity of color correction. In this article, we present an alternative color correction algorithm that simultaneously estimates the intensity variation and the 3 × 3 transformation matrix from a single image of a color chart. We show that the color correction problem, that is, finding the 3 × 3 correction matrix, can be solved using a simple alternating least-squares procedure. Experiments validate our approach. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 40, 232–242, 201

    Color calibration of an RGB camera mounted in front of a microscope with strong color distortion

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    International audienceThis paper aims at showing that performing color calibration of an RGB camera can be achieved even in the case where the optical system before the camera introduces strong color distortion. In the present case, the optical system is a microscope containing a halogen lamp, with a nonuniform irradiance on the viewed surface. The calibration method proposed in this work is based on an existing method, but it is preceded by a three-step preprocessing of the RGB images aiming at extracting relevant color information from the strongly distorted images, taking especially into account the nonuniform irradiance map and the perturbing texture due to the surface topology of the standard color calibration charts when observed at micrometric scale. The proposed color calibration process consists first in computing the average color of the color-chart patches viewed under the microscope; then computing white balance, gamma correction, and saturation enhancement; and finally applying a third-order polynomial regression color calibration transform. Despite the nonusual conditions for color calibration, fairly good performance is achieved from a 48 patch Lambertian color chart, since an average CIE-94 color difference on the color-chart colors lower than 2.5 units is obtained

    Evaluation and optimal design of spectral sensitivities for digital color imaging

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    The quality of an image captured by color imaging system primarily depends on three factors: sensor spectral sensitivity, illumination and scene. While illumination is very important to be known, the sensitivity characteristics is critical to the success of imaging applications, and is necessary to be optimally designed under practical constraints. The ultimate image quality is judged subjectively by human visual system. This dissertation addresses the evaluation and optimal design of spectral sensitivity functions for digital color imaging devices. Color imaging fundamentals and device characterization are discussed in the first place. For the evaluation of spectral sensitivity functions, this dissertation concentrates on the consideration of imaging noise characteristics. Both signal-independent and signal-dependent noises form an imaging noise model and noises will be propagated while signal is processed. A new colorimetric quality metric, unified measure of goodness (UMG), which addresses color accuracy and noise performance simultaneously, is introduced and compared with other available quality metrics. Through comparison, UMG is designated as a primary evaluation metric. On the optimal design of spectral sensitivity functions, three generic approaches, optimization through enumeration evaluation, optimization of parameterized functions, and optimization of additional channel, are analyzed in the case of the filter fabrication process is unknown. Otherwise a hierarchical design approach is introduced, which emphasizes the use of the primary metric but the initial optimization results are refined through the application of multiple secondary metrics. Finally the validity of UMG as a primary metric and the hierarchical approach are experimentally tested and verified

    Colorimetric and spectral analysis of rock art by means of the characterization of digital sensors

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Las labores de documentación de arte rupestre son arduas y delicadas, donde el color desempeña un papel fundamental, proporcionando información vital a nivel descriptivo, técnico y cuantitativo . Tradicionalmente los métodos de documentación en arqueología quedaban restringidos a procedimientos estrictamente subjetivos. Sin embargo, esta metodología conlleva limitaciones prácticas y técnicas, afectando a los resultados obtenidos en la determinación del color. El empleo combinado de técnicas geomáticas, como la fotogrametría o el láser escáner, junto con técnicas de procesamiento de imágenes digitales, ha supuesto un notable avance. El problema es que, aunque las imágenes digitales permiten capturar el color de forma rápida, sencilla, y no invasiva, los datos RGB registrados por la cámara no tienen un sentido colorimétrico riguroso. Se requiere la aplicación de un proceso riguroso de tranformación que permita obtener datos fidedignos del color a través de imágenes digitales. En esta tesis se propone una solución científica novedosa y de vanguardia, en la que se persigue integrar el análisis espectrofotométrico y colorimétrico como complemento a técnicas fotogramétricas que permitan una mejora en la identificación del color y representación de pigmentos con máxima fiabilidad en levantamientos, modelos y reconstrucciones tridimensionales (3D). La metodología propuesta se basa en la caracterización colorimétrica de sensores digitales, que es de novel aplicación en pinturas rupestres. La caracterización pretende obtener las ecuaciones de transformación entre los datos de color registrados por la cámara, dependientes del dispositivo, y espacios de color independientes, de base física, como los establecidos por la Commission Internationale de l'Éclairage (CIE). Para el tratamiento de datos colorimétricos y espectrales se requiere disponer de un software de características técnicas muy específicas. Aunque existe software comercial, lo cierto es que realizan por separado el tratamiento digital de imágenes y las operaciones colorimétricas. No existe software que integre ambas, ni que además permita llevar a cabo la caracterización. Como aspecto fundamental, presentamos en esta tesis el software propio desarrollado, denominado pyColourimetry, siguiendo las recomendaciones publicadas por la CIE, de código abierto, y adaptado al flujo metodológico propuesto, de modo que facilite la independencia y el progreso científico sin ataduras comerciales, permitiendo el tratamiento de datos colorimétricos y espectrales, y confiriendo al usuario pleno control del proceso y la gestión de los datos obtenidos. Adicinalmente, en este estudio se expone el análisis de los principales factores que afectan a la caracterización tales como el sensor empleado, los parámetros de la cámara durante la toma, la iluminación, el modelo de regresión, y el conjunto de datos empleados como entrenamiento del modelo. Se ha aplicado un modelo de regresión basado en procesos Gaussianos, y se ha comparado con los resultados obtenidos mediante polinomios. También presentamos un nuevo esquema de trabajo que permite la selección automática de muestras de color, adaptado al rango cromático de la escena, que se ha denominado P-ASK, basado en el algoritmo de clasificación K-means. Los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis demuestran que el proceso metodológico de caracterización propuesto es altamente aplicable en tareas de documentación y preservación del patrimonio cultural en general, y en arte rupestre en particular. Se trata de una metodología de bajo coste, no invasiva, que permite obtener el registro colorimétrico de escenas completas. Una vez caracterizada, una cámara digital convencional puede emplearse para la determinación del color de forma rigurosa, simulando un colorímetro, lo que permitirá trabajar en un espacio de color de base física, independiente del dispositivo y comparable con[CA] Les tasques de documentació gràfica d'art rupestre són àrdues i delicades, on el color compleix un paper fonamental, proporcionant informació vital a nivell descriptiu, t\`ecnic i quantitatiu.Tradicionalment els mètodes de documentació en arqueologia quedaven restringits a procediments estrictament subjectius, comportant limitacions pràctiques i tècniques, afectant els resultats obtinguts en la determinació de la color. L'ús combinat de tècniques geomàtiques, com la fotogrametria o el làser escàner, juntament amb tècniques de processament i realç d'imatges digitals, ha suposat un notable avanç. Tot i que les imatges digitals permeten capturar el color de forma ràpida, senzilla, i no invasiva, les dades RGB proporcionades per la càmera no tenen un sentit colorimètric rigorós. Es requereix l'aplicació d'un procés rigorós de transformació que permeti obtenir dades fidedignes de la color a través d'imatges digitals. En aquesta tesi es proposa una solució científica innovadora i d'avantguarda, en la qual es persegueix integrar l'anàlisi espectrofotomètric i colorimètric com a complement a tècniques fotogramètriques que permetin una millora en la identificació de la color i representació de pigments amb màxima fiabilitat en aixecaments, models i reconstruccions tridimensionals 3D. La metodologia proposada es basa en la caracterització colorimètrica de sensors digitals, que és de novell aplicació en pintures rupestres. La caracterització pretén obtenir les equacions de transformació entre les dades de color registrats per la càmera, dependents d'el dispositiu, i espais de color independents, de base física, com els establerts per la Commission Internationale de l'Éclairage (CIE). Per al tractament de dades colorimètriques i espectrals de forma rigorosa es requereix disposar d'un programari de característiques tècniques molt específiques. Encara que hi ha programari comercial, fan per separat el tractament digital d'imatges i les operacions colorimètriques. No hi ha programari que integri totes dues, ni que permeti dur a terme la caracterització. Com a aspecte addicional i fonamental, vam presentar el programari propi que s'ha desenvolupat, denominat pyColourimetry, segons les recomanacions publicades per la CIE, de codi obert, i adaptat al flux metodológic proposat, de manera que faciliti la independència i el progrés científic sense lligams comercials, permetent el tractament de dades colorimètriques i espectrals, i conferint a l'usuari ple control del procés i la gestió de les dades obtingudes. A més, s'exposa l'anàlisi dels principals factors que afecten la caracterització tals com el sensor emprat, els paràmetres de la càmera durant la presa, il¿luminació, el model de regressió, i el conjunt de dades emprades com a entrenament d'el model. S'ha aplicat un model de regressió basat en processos Gaussians, i s'han comparat els resultats obtinguts mitjançant polinomis. També vam presentar un nou esquema de treball que permet la selecció automàtica de mostres de color, adaptat a la franja cromàtica de l'escena, que s'ha anomenat P-ASK, basat en l'algoritme de classificació K-means. Els resultats obtinguts en aquesta tesi demostren que el procés metodològic de caracterització proposat és altament aplicable en tasques de documentació i preservació de el patrimoni cultural en general, i en art rupestre en particular. Es tracta d'una metodologia de baix cost, no invasiva, que permet obtenir el registre colorimètric d'escenes completes. Un cop caracteritzada, una càmera digital convencional pot emprar-se per a la determinació de la color de forma rigorosa, simulant un colorímetre, el que permetrà treballar en un espai de color de base física, independent d'el dispositiu i comparable amb dades obtingudes mitjançant altres càmeres que tambè estiguin caracteritzades.[EN] Cultural heritage documentation and preservation is an arduous and delicate task in which color plays a fundamental role. The correct determination of color provides vital information on a descriptive, technical and quantitative level. Classical color documentation methods in archaeology were usually restricted to strictly subjective procedures. However, this methodology has practical and technical limitations, affecting the results obtained in the determination of color. Nowadays, it is frequent to support classical methods with geomatics techniques, such as photogrammetry or laser scanning, together with digital image processing. Although digital images allow color to be captured quickly, easily, and in a non-invasive way, the RGB data provided by the camera does not itself have a rigorous colorimetric sense. Therefore, a rigorous transformation process to obtain reliable color data from digital images is required. This thesis proposes a novel technical solution, in which the integration of spectrophotometric and colorimetric analysis is intended as a complement to photogrammetric techniques that allow an improvement in color identification and representation of pigments with maximum reliability in 3D surveys, models and reconstructions. The proposed methodology is based on the colorimetric characterization of digital sensors, which is of novel application in cave paintings. The characterization aims to obtain the transformation equations between the device-dependent color data recorded by the camera and the independent, physically-based color spaces, such as those established by the Commission Internationale de l'Éclairage (CIE). The rigorous processing of color and spectral data requires software packages with specific colorimetric functionalities. Although there are different commercial software options, they do not integrate the digital image processing and colorimetric computations together. And more importantly, they do not allow the camera characterization to be carried out. Therefore, as a key aspect in this thesis is our in-house pyColourimetry software that was developed and tested taking into account the recommendations published by the CIE. pyColourimetry is an open-source code, independent without commercial ties; it allows the treatment of colorimetric and spectral data and the digital image processing, and gives full control of the characterization process and the management of the obtained data to the user. On the other hand, this study presents a further analysis of the main factors affecting the characterization, such as the camera built-in sensor, the camera parameters, the illuminant, the regression model, and the data set used for model training. For computing the transformation equations, the literature recommends the use of polynomial equations as a regression model. Thus, polynomial models are considered as a starting point in this thesis. Additionally, a regression model based on Gaussian processes has been applied, and the results obtained by means of polynomials have been compared. Also, a new working scheme was reported which allows the automatic selection of color samples, adapted to the chromatic range of the scene. This scheme is called P-ASK, based on the K-means classification algorithm. The results achieved in this thesis show that the proposed framework for camera characterization is highly applicable in documentation and conservation tasks in general cultural heritage applications, and particularly in rock art painting. It is a low-cost and non-invasive methodology that allows for the colorimetric recording from complete image scenes. Once characterized, a conventional digital camera can be used for rigorous color determination, simulating a colorimeter. Thus, it is possible to work in a physical color space, independent of the device used, and comparable with data obtained from other cameras that are also characterized.Thanks to the Universitat Politècnica de València for the FPI scholarshipMolada Tebar, A. (2020). Colorimetric and spectral analysis of rock art by means of the characterization of digital sensors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/160386TESISCompendi

    Colorimetric characterization of a desktop drum scanner using a spectral model

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    A scanner characterization method based on an analytic spectral model was derived. The method first modeled the spectral formation of each medium using either Beer-Bouguer Law or Kubelka-Munk theory. Scanner digital counts were then empirically related to dye concentrations. From these estimated dye concentrations, either spectral transmittance or spectral reflectance factor could be predicted. These estimated spectral data were used to calculate tristimulus values and then color differences for the target object. A Howtek D4000 desktop drum scanner was colorimetrically characterized accordingly. The average characterization errors were all less than CIELAB color difference of 1.0 for Kodak IT8.7/1, Kodak Q-60C, Fuji IT8.7/1, and Fuji IT8.7/2 targets via this method

    Color transformation modeling for printed images using interpolation based on barycentric coordinates

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    This document is a report on the research of a potentially superior method of color image transformation for producing rapid and accurate printed color output from a digitized color image. The primary objective is to reduce the complexities, inaccuracies, objectionable artifacts, and processing time common to current methods of color modeling. A new method of vector-corrected mathematical modeling combined with improved color space interpolation is studied. This achievement allows for rapid automatic closed-loop color-match calibration between image capture and output devices. Currently, digital image creation or manipulation systems rely on image proof printing which is slow and often of poor color fidelity or proprietary. The ideal system would provide optimum color reproduction fidelity and rapid proof printing at a low cost. Existing systems often rely on mathematical models for image con version for printing. These models are usually a bottleneck in the proofing process and are not accurate enough for many applica tions. Increasing their accuracy rapidly increases processing time to the point of impracticality well before graphic arts quality levels are achieved. A common solution to this problem in larger systems is a massive and tediously generated color look-up table based on actual measured print samples. This method is costly and does not readily accommodate printing process changes such as paper grade or ink color. Attempts to reduce the size of these look-up tables and the large quantity of required sample measurements have been disappointing. In this thesis, new methods will be reported which should allow practical small-system color proof printing with excellent color fidelity and rapid processing. By eliminating common problems associated with color space interpolation, these new methods make closed-loop control practical with a relatively small quantity of sample measurements which can be automatically printed, scanned, and incorporated into conversion processes

    A Color Gamut Description Algorithm for Liquid Crystal Displays in CIELAB Space

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    Because the accuracy of gamut boundary description is significant for gamut mapping process, a gamut boundary calculating method for LCD monitors is proposed in this paper. Within most of the previous gamut boundary calculation algorithms, the gamut boundary is calculated in CIELAB space directly, and part of inside-gamut points are mistaken for the boundary points. While, in the new proposed algorithm, the points on the surface of RGB cube are selected as the boundary points, and then converted and described in CIELAB color space. Thus, in our algorithm, the true gamut boundary points are found and a more accurate gamut boundary is described. In experiment, a Toshiba LCD monitor's 3D CIELAB gamut for evaluation is firstly described which has regular-shaped outer surface, and then two 2D gamut boundaries (CIE- * * boundary and CIE- * * boundary) are calculated which are often used in gamut mapping process. When our algorithm is compared with several famous gamut calculating algorithms, the gamut volumes are very close, which indicates that our algorithm's accuracy is precise and acceptable

    Navigating the roadblocks to spectral color reproduction: data-efficient multi-channel imaging and spectral color management

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    Commercialization of spectral imaging for color reproduction will require the identification and traversal of roadblocks to its success. Among the drawbacks associated with spectral reproduction is a tremendous increase in data capture bandwidth and processing throughput. Methods are proposed for attenuating these increases with data-efficient methods based on adaptive multi-channel visible-spectrum capture and with low-dimensional approaches to spectral color management. First, concepts of adaptive spectral capture are explored. Current spectral imaging approaches require tens of camera channels although previous research has shown that five to nine channels can be sufficient for scenes limited to pre-characterized spectra. New camera systems are proposed and evaluated that incorporate adaptive features reducing capture demands to a similar few channels with the advantage that a priori information about expected scenes is not needed at the time of system design. Second, proposals are made to address problems arising from the significant increase in dimensionality within the image processing stage of a spectral image workflow. An Interim Connection Space (ICS) is proposed as a reduced dimensionality bottleneck in the processing workflow allowing support of spectral color management. In combination these investigations into data-efficient approaches improve two critical points in the spectral reproduction workflow: capture and processing. The progress reported here should help the color reproduction community appreciate that the route to data-efficient multi-channel visible spectrum imaging is passable and can be considered for many imaging modalities

    One-shot multispectral color imaging with a stereo camera

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