43,243 research outputs found

    Non-linear Group Actions with Polynomial Invariant Rings and a Structure Theorem for Modular Galois Extensions

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    Let GG be a finite pp-group and kk a field of characteristic p>0p>0. We show that GG has a \emph{non-linear} faithful action on a polynomial ring UU of dimension n=logp(∣G∣)n=\mathrm{log}_p(|G|) such that the invariant ring UGU^G is also polynomial. This contrasts with the case of \emph{linear and graded} group actions with polynomial rings of invariants, where the classical theorem of Chevalley-Shephard-Todd and Serre requires GG to be generated by pseudo-reflections. Our result is part of a general theory of "trace surjective GG-algebras", which, in the case of pp-groups, coincide with the Galois ring-extensions in the sense of \cite{chr}. We consider the \emph{dehomogenized symmetric algebra} DkD_k, a polynomial ring with non-linear GG-action, containing UU as a retract and we show that DkGD_k^G is a polynomial ring. Thus UU turns out to be \emph{universal} in the sense that every trace surjective GG-algebra can be constructed from UU by "forming quotients and extending invariants". As a consequence we obtain a general structure theorem for Galois-extensions with given pp-group as Galois group and any prescribed commutative kk-algebra RR as invariant ring. This is a generalization of the Artin-Schreier-Witt theory of modular Galois field extensions of degree psp^s.Comment: 20 page

    The action of the primitive Steenrod-Milnor operations on the modular invariants

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    We compute the action of the primitive Steenrod-Milnor operations on generators of algebras of invariants of subgroups of general linear group GL_n=GL(n,F_p) in the polynomial algebra with p an odd prime number.Comment: This is the version published by Geometry & Topology Monographs on 14 November 200

    Constants of Weitzenb\"ock derivations and invariants of unipotent transformations acting on relatively free algebras

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    In commutative algebra, a Weitzenb\"ock derivation is a nonzero triangular linear derivation of the polynomial algebra K[x1,...,xm]K[x_1,...,x_m] in several variables over a field KK of characteristic 0. The classical theorem of Weitzenb\"ock states that the algebra of constants is finitely generated. (This algebra coincides with the algebra of invariants of a single unipotent transformation.) In this paper we study the problem of finite generation of the algebras of constants of triangular linear derivations of finitely generated (not necessarily commutative or associative) algebras over KK assuming that the algebras are free in some sense (in most of the cases relatively free algebras in varieties of associative or Lie algebras). In this case the algebra of constants also coincides with the algebra of invariants of some unipotent transformation. \par The main results are the following: 1. We show that the subalgebra of constants of a factor algebra can be lifted to the subalgebra of constants. 2. For all varieties of associative algebras which are not nilpotent in Lie sense the subalgebras of constants of the relatively free algebras of rank ≥2\geq 2 are not finitely generated. 3. We describe the generators of the subalgebra of constants for all factor algebras K/IK/I modulo a GL2(K)GL_2(K)-invariant ideal II. 4. Applying known results from commutative algebra, we construct classes of automorphisms of the algebra generated by two generic 2×22\times 2 matrices. We obtain also some partial results on relatively free Lie algebras.Comment: 31 page

    Cayley-Hamilton theorem for 2 × 2 matrices over the Grassmann algebra

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    AbstractIt is shown that the characteristic polynomial of matrices over a Lie nilpotent ring introduced recently by Szigeti is invariant with respect to the conjugation action of the general linear group. Explicit generators of the corresponding algebra of invariants in the case of 2 × 2 matrices over an algebra over a field of characteristic zero satisfying the identity [[x, y], z] = 0 are described. In this case the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial are expressed by traces of powers of the matrix, yielding a compact form of the Cayley-Hamilton equation of 2 × 2 matrices over the Grassmann algebra
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