7 research outputs found

    An analysis between different algorithms for the graph vertex coloring problem

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    This research focuses on an analysis of different algorithms for the graph vertex coloring problem. Some approaches to solving the problem are discussed. Moreover, some studies for the problem and several methods for its solution are analyzed as well. An exact algorithm (using the backtracking method) is presented. The complexity analysis of the algorithm is discussed. Determining the average execution time of the exact algorithm is consistent with the multitasking mode of the operating system. This algorithm generates optimal solutions for all studied graphs. In addition, two heuristic algorithms for solving the graph vertex coloring problem are used as well. The results show that the exact algorithm can be used to solve the graph vertex coloring problem for small graphs with 30-35 vertices. For half of the graphs, all three algorithms have found the optimal solutions. The suboptimal solutions generated by the approximate algorithms are identical in terms of the number of colors needed to color the corresponding graphs. The results show that the linear increase in the number of vertices and edges of the analyzed graphs causes a linear increase in the number of colors needed to color these graphs

    A comparative analysis between two heuristic algorithms for the graph vertex coloring problem

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    This study focuses on two heuristic algorithms for the graph vertex coloring problem: the sequential (greedy) coloring algorithm (SCA) and the Welsh–Powell algorithm (WPA). The code of the algorithms is presented and discussed. The methodology and conditions of the experiments are presented. The execution time of the algorithms was calculated as the average of four different starts of the algorithms for all analyzed graphs, taking into consideration the multitasking mode of the operating system. In the graphs with less than 600 vertices, in 90% of cases, both algorithms generated the same solutions. In only 10% of cases, the WPA algorithm generates better solutions. However, in the graphs with more than 1,000 vertices, in 35% of cases, the WPA algorithm generates better solutions. The results show that the difference in the execution time of the algorithms for all graphs is acceptable, but the quality of the solutions generated by the WPA algorithm in more than 20% of cases is better compared to the SC algorithm. The results also show that the quality of the solutions is not related to the number of iterations performed by the algorithms

    Homogeneous sets, clique-separators, critical graphs, and optimal χ\chi-binding functions

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    Given a set H\mathcal{H} of graphs, let fH ⁣:N>0N>0f_\mathcal{H}^\star\colon \mathbb{N}_{>0}\to \mathbb{N}_{>0} be the optimal χ\chi-binding function of the class of H\mathcal{H}-free graphs, that is, fH(ω)=max{χ(G):G is H-free, ω(G)=ω}.f_\mathcal{H}^\star(\omega)=\max\{\chi(G): G\text{ is } \mathcal{H}\text{-free, } \omega(G)=\omega\}. In this paper, we combine the two decomposition methods by homogeneous sets and clique-separators in order to determine optimal χ\chi-binding functions for subclasses of P5P_5-free graphs and of (C5,C7,)(C_5,C_7,\ldots)-free graphs. In particular, we prove the following for each ω1\omega\geq 1: (i)  f{P5,banner}(ω)=f3K1(ω)Θ(ω2/log(ω)),\ f_{\{P_5,banner\}}^\star(\omega)=f_{3K_1}^\star(\omega)\in \Theta(\omega^2/\log(\omega)), (ii) $\ f_{\{P_5,co-banner\}}^\star(\omega)=f^\star_{\{2K_2\}}(\omega)\in\mathcal{O}(\omega^2),(iii) (iii) \ f_{\{C_5,C_7,\ldots,banner\}}^\star(\omega)=f^\star_{\{C_5,3K_1\}}(\omega)\notin \mathcal{O}(\omega),and(iv) and (iv) \ f_{\{P_5,C_4\}}^\star(\omega)=\lceil(5\omega-1)/4\rceil.Wealsocharacterise,foreachofourconsideredgraphclasses,allgraphs We also characterise, for each of our considered graph classes, all graphs Gwith with \chi(G)>\chi(G-u)foreach for each u\in V(G).Fromthesestructuralresults,wecanproveReedsconjecturerelatingchromaticnumber,cliquenumber,andmaximumdegreeofagraphfor. From these structural results, we can prove Reed's conjecture -- relating chromatic number, clique number, and maximum degree of a graph -- for (P_5,banner)$-free graphs

    35th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2018, February 28-March 3, 2018, Caen, France

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