18 research outputs found

    Using Machine Teaching to Investigate Human Assumptions when Teaching Reinforcement Learners

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    Successful teaching requires an assumption of how the learner learns - how the learner uses experiences from the world to update their internal states. We investigate what expectations people have about a learner when they teach them in an online manner using rewards and punishment. We focus on a common reinforcement learning method, Q-learning, and examine what assumptions people have using a behavioral experiment. To do so, we first establish a normative standard, by formulating the problem as a machine teaching optimization problem. To solve the machine teaching optimization problem, we use a deep learning approximation method which simulates learners in the environment and learns to predict how feedback affects the learner's internal states. What do people assume about a learner's learning and discount rates when they teach them an idealized exploration-exploitation task? In a behavioral experiment, we find that people can teach the task to Q-learners in a relatively efficient and effective manner when the learner uses a small value for its discounting rate and a large value for its learning rate. However, they still are suboptimal. We also find that providing people with real-time updates of how possible feedback would affect the Q-learner's internal states weakly helps them teach. Our results reveal how people teach using evaluative feedback and provide guidance for how engineers should design machine agents in a manner that is intuitive for people.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    The Sample Complexity of Teaching-by-Reinforcement on Q-Learning

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    We study the sample complexity of teaching, termed as "teaching dimension" (TDim) in the literature, for the teaching-by-reinforcement paradigm, where the teacher guides the student through rewards. This is distinct from the teaching-by-demonstration paradigm motivated by robotics applications, where the teacher teaches by providing demonstrations of state/action trajectories. The teaching-by-reinforcement paradigm applies to a wider range of real-world settings where a demonstration is inconvenient, but has not been studied systematically. In this paper, we focus on a specific family of reinforcement learning algorithms, Q-learning, and characterize the TDim under different teachers with varying control power over the environment, and present matching optimal teaching algorithms. Our TDim results provide the minimum number of samples needed for reinforcement learning, and we discuss their connections to standard PAC-style RL sample complexity and teaching-by-demonstration sample complexity results. Our teaching algorithms have the potential to speed up RL agent learning in applications where a helpful teacher is available