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    Particle swarm grammatical evolution for energy demand estimation

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    [EN] Grammatical Swarm is a search and optimization algorithm that belongs to the more general Grammatical Evolution family, which works with a set of solutions called individuals or particles. It uses the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm as the search engine in the evolution of solutions. In this paper, we present a Grammatical Swarm algorithm for total energy demand estimation in a country from macroeconomic variables. Each particle in the Grammatical Swarm encodes a different model for energy demand estimation, which will be decoded by a predefined grammar. The parameters of the model are also optimized by the proposed algorithm, in such a way that the model is adjusted to a training set of real energy demand data, selecting the more appropriate variables to appear in the model. We analyze the performance of the Grammatical Swarm evolution in two real problems of one-year ahead energy demand estimation in Spain and France. The proposal is compared with previous approaches with competitive results.Spanish Ministerial Commission of Science and Technology (MICYT), Grant/Award Number: TIN2017-85887-C2-2-P; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades, Grant/Award Number: PGC2018-095322-B-C22 and RTI2018-095180-B-I00; Comunidad de Madrid y Fondos Estructurales de la Union Europea, Grant/Award Number: S2018/TCS-4566 and Y2018/NMT-4668; GenObIA-CM, Grant/Award Number: S2017/BMD-3773; Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad, Grant/Award Number: MTM2017-89664-PMartĂ­nez-RodrĂ­guez, D.; Colmenar, JM.; Hidalgo, JI.; Villanueva MicĂł, RJ.; Salcedo-Sanz, S. (2020). Particle swarm grammatical evolution for energy demand estimation. Energy Science & Engineering. 8(4):1068-1079. https://doi.org/10.1002/ese3.568S1068107984SafarzyƄska, K., & van den Bergh, J. C. J. M. (2017). Integrated crisis-energy policy: Macro-evolutionary modelling of technology, finance and energy interactions. 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    What variational linguistics can learn from Galician

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    This short overview reviews, in the first part, some of the most important fields of investigation where studies on Galician have contributed to variational linguistics, including macro- and micro-sociolinguistic studies (sections 1-3). The second part (sections 4-7) postulates some possible theoretical and empirical areas which we recommend to be included in future research. We propose a critical application of new models of linguistic variation, including recent frameworks such as studies on grammaticalisation, OT, intonational phonology, etc., but also call for the inclusion of established insights into language variation common in the European tradition. The high concentration of research institutions and the strongly dynamic situation of contemporary Galician could serve as an empirical touchstone for these theoretical frameworks, and Galician linguistics should apply them in a critical, flexible and creative way. This means that research on Galician will not only learn from theory but also contribute to it. We also briefly mention some of the areas where the studies of Galician have already contributed some important results to an overall perspective on linguistic variation

    Syllabus: Faith and Science

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    Institutional change in the natural sciences : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Business Studies in Management at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand /

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    This thesis investigates the Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology and Evolution, a Centre of Research Excellence financed by the New Zealand Government's CoRE fund, which was established in 2001. The CoRE fund represented a change from traditional science funding in New Zealand. Its aim was to make use of existing networks of scientists, from several institutions and disciplines, to form new 'Centres of Research Excellence', independent from any existing institution, but made up of members who remained in their existing positions. The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether the formation of the Allan Wilson Centre has made a difference to the way its members carry out their science and, if so, how. To do this, an actor-network approach is used to analyse the various 'modes of ordering' the Centre, to make sense of the networks represented by it. The results show an interesting shift in the way that science is carried out in the Allan Wilson Centre in contrast to the pre-Centre form. Although the focus of the Centre remains firmly on the science they do, they now also interact regularly with the discourse of management in order to better 'do' and 'encourage' their science, creating new successes but also new tensions. The importance of this thesis is two-fold. First, it provides a mechanism through which to 'hear' the voice of the Allan Wilson Centre and its members; and second, it provides a means through which science policy makers can see how this particular policy mechanism may have changed the process of science

    Medicine beyond magic bullets: a formal case for multilevel interventions

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    Western medicine's paradigmatic search for 'magic bullet' interventions is facing increasing difficulty: Between 1950 and 2010 the inflation-adjusted cost per USFDA-approved drug has increased exponentially in time, a draconian inverse of the famous Moore's Law of computing. A sequence of empirically-oriented statistical models suggests that carefully designed synergistic multifactorial and multiscale strategies might evade this relationship

    Direct speech, subjectivity and speaker positioning in London English and Paris French

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    This paper examines functional similarities and differences in the use of pragmatic features – in particular quotatives and general extenders – on the right and left periphery of direct quotations. This comparative study, based on the analysis of a contemporary corpus of London English and Paris French (MLE – MPF) , finds that the form and frequency of these particles tend to vary not only with respect to social factors such as speakers’ age and gender, but also with respect to the different pragmatic functions they come to perform in different interactional settings. The contemporary data is analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively to show how different variants position the speaker in relation to: i) the content of the quote, ii) the interlocutors, iii) the presumed author of the quote. The paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of pragmatic universals and variability in the use of direct speech

    Emergence of Grounded Compositional Language in Multi-Agent Populations

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    By capturing statistical patterns in large corpora, machine learning has enabled significant advances in natural language processing, including in machine translation, question answering, and sentiment analysis. However, for agents to intelligently interact with humans, simply capturing the statistical patterns is insufficient. In this paper we investigate if, and how, grounded compositional language can emerge as a means to achieve goals in multi-agent populations. Towards this end, we propose a multi-agent learning environment and learning methods that bring about emergence of a basic compositional language. This language is represented as streams of abstract discrete symbols uttered by agents over time, but nonetheless has a coherent structure that possesses a defined vocabulary and syntax. We also observe emergence of non-verbal communication such as pointing and guiding when language communication is unavailable

    Unnatural Selection: A new formal approach to punctuated equilibrium in economic systems

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    Generalized Darwinian evolutionary theory has emerged as central to the description of economic process (e.g., Aldrich et. al., 2008). Here we demonstrate that, just as Darwinian principles provide necessary, but not sufficient, conditions for understanding the dynamics of social entities, in a similar manner the asymptotic limit theorems of information theory provide another set of necessary conditions that constrain the evolution of socioeconomic process. These latter constraints can, however, easily be formulated as a statistics-like analytic toolbox for the study of empirical data that is consistent with a generalized Darwinism, and this is no small thing
