2,233 research outputs found

    Spatial random multiple access with multiple departure

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    We introduce a new model of spatial random multiple access systems with a non-standard departure policy: all arriving messages are distributed uniformly on a finite sphere in the space, and when a successful transmission of a single message occurs, the transmitted message leaves the system together with all its neighbours within a ball of a given radius centred at the message's location. We consider three classes of protocols: centralised protocols and decentralised protocols with either ternary or binary feedback; and analyse their stability. Further, we discuss some asymptotic properties of stable protocols

    Spatially-Coupled Random Access on Graphs

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    In this paper we investigate the effect of spatial coupling applied to the recently-proposed coded slotted ALOHA (CSA) random access protocol. Thanks to the bridge between the graphical model describing the iterative interference cancelation process of CSA over the random access frame and the erasure recovery process of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes over the binary erasure channel (BEC), we propose an access protocol which is inspired by the convolutional LDPC code construction. The proposed protocol exploits the terminations of its graphical model to achieve the spatial coupling effect, attaining performance close to the theoretical limits of CSA. As for the convolutional LDPC code case, large iterative decoding thresholds are obtained by simply increasing the density of the graph. We show that the threshold saturation effect takes place by defining a suitable counterpart of the maximum-a-posteriori decoding threshold of spatially-coupled LDPC code ensembles. In the asymptotic setting, the proposed scheme allows sustaining a traffic close to 1 [packets/slot].Comment: To be presented at IEEE ISIT 2012, Bosto

    Splitting Algorithms for Fast Relay Selection: Generalizations, Analysis, and a Unified View

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    Relay selection for cooperative communications promises significant performance improvements, and is, therefore, attracting considerable attention. While several criteria have been proposed for selecting one or more relays, distributed mechanisms that perform the selection have received relatively less attention. In this paper, we develop a novel, yet simple, asymptotic analysis of a splitting-based multiple access selection algorithm to find the single best relay. The analysis leads to simpler and alternate expressions for the average number of slots required to find the best user. By introducing a new `contention load' parameter, the analysis shows that the parameter settings used in the existing literature can be improved upon. New and simple bounds are also derived. Furthermore, we propose a new algorithm that addresses the general problem of selecting the best Q1Q \ge 1 relays, and analyze and optimize it. Even for a large number of relays, the algorithm selects the best two relays within 4.406 slots and the best three within 6.491 slots, on average. We also propose a new and simple scheme for the practically relevant case of discrete metrics. Altogether, our results develop a unifying perspective about the general problem of distributed selection in cooperative systems and several other multi-node systems.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Is Our Model for Contention Resolution Wrong?

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    Randomized binary exponential backoff (BEB) is a popular algorithm for coordinating access to a shared channel. With an operational history exceeding four decades, BEB is currently an important component of several wireless standards. Despite this track record, prior theoretical results indicate that under bursty traffic (1) BEB yields poor makespan and (2) superior algorithms are possible. To date, the degree to which these findings manifest in practice has not been resolved. To address this issue, we examine one of the strongest cases against BEB: nn packets that simultaneously begin contending for the wireless channel. Using Network Simulator 3, we compare against more recent algorithms that are inspired by BEB, but whose makespan guarantees are superior. Surprisingly, we discover that these newer algorithms significantly underperform. Through further investigation, we identify as the culprit a flawed but common abstraction regarding the cost of collisions. Our experimental results are complemented by analytical arguments that the number of collisions -- and not solely makespan -- is an important metric to optimize. We believe that these findings have implications for the design of contention-resolution algorithms.Comment: Accepted to the 29th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2017

    Goodbye, ALOHA!

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    ©2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The vision of the Internet of Things (IoT) to interconnect and Internet-connect everyday people, objects, and machines poses new challenges in the design of wireless communication networks. The design of medium access control (MAC) protocols has been traditionally an intense area of research due to their high impact on the overall performance of wireless communications. The majority of research activities in this field deal with different variations of protocols somehow based on ALOHA, either with or without listen before talk, i.e., carrier sensing multiple access. These protocols operate well under low traffic loads and low number of simultaneous devices. However, they suffer from congestion as the traffic load and the number of devices increase. For this reason, unless revisited, the MAC layer can become a bottleneck for the success of the IoT. In this paper, we provide an overview of the existing MAC solutions for the IoT, describing current limitations and envisioned challenges for the near future. Motivated by those, we identify a family of simple algorithms based on distributed queueing (DQ), which can operate for an infinite number of devices generating any traffic load and pattern. A description of the DQ mechanism is provided and most relevant existing studies of DQ applied in different scenarios are described in this paper. In addition, we provide a novel performance evaluation of DQ when applied for the IoT. Finally, a description of the very first demo of DQ for its use in the IoT is also included in this paper.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Random Access Game and Medium Access Control Design

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    Motivated partially by a control-theoretic viewpoint, we propose a game-theoretic model, called random access game, for contention control. We characterize Nash equilibria of random access games, study their dynamics, and propose distributed algorithms (strategy evolutions) to achieve Nash equilibria. This provides a general analytical framework that is capable of modeling a large class of system-wide quality-of-service (QoS) models via the specification of per-node utility functions, in which system-wide fairness or service differentiation can be achieved in a distributed manner as long as each node executes a contention resolution algorithm that is designed to achieve the Nash equilibrium. We thus propose a novel medium access method derived from carrier sense multiple access/collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) according to distributed strategy update mechanism achieving the Nash equilibrium of random access game. We present a concrete medium access method that adapts to a continuous contention measure called conditional collision probability, stabilizes the network into a steady state that achieves optimal throughput with targeted fairness (or service differentiation), and can decouple contention control from handling failed transmissions. In addition to guiding medium access control design, the random access game model also provides an analytical framework to understand equilibrium and dynamic properties of different medium access protocols

    Non-Orthogonal Contention-Based Access for URLLC Devices with Frequency Diversity

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    We study coded multichannel random access schemes for ultra-reliable low-latency uplink transmissions. We concentrate on non-orthogonal access in the frequency domain, where users transmit over multiple orthogonal subchannels and inter-user collisions limit the available diversity. Two different models for contention-based random access over Rayleigh fading resources are investigated. First, a collision model is considered, in which the packet is replicated onto KK available resources, KKK' \leq K of which are received without collision, and treated as diversity branches by a maximum-ratio combining (MRC) receiver. The resulting diversity degree KK' depends on the arrival process and coding strategy. In the second model, the slots subject to collisions are also used for MRC, such that the number of diversity branches KK is constant, but the resulting combined signal is affected by multiple access interference. In both models, the performance of random and deterministic repetition coding is compared. The results show that the deterministic coding approach can lead to a significantly superior performance when the arrival rate of the intermittent URLLC transmissions is low.Comment: 2019 IEEE 20th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) - Special Session on Signal Processing for NOMA Communication System