186 research outputs found

    Fixpoint Games on Continuous Lattices

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    Many analysis and verifications tasks, such as static program analyses and model-checking for temporal logics reduce to the solution of systems of equations over suitable lattices. Inspired by recent work on lattice-theoretic progress measures, we develop a game-theoretical approach to the solution of systems of monotone equations over lattices, where for each single equation either the least or greatest solution is taken. A simple parity game, referred to as fixpoint game, is defined that provides a correct and complete characterisation of the solution of equation systems over continuous lattices, a quite general class of lattices widely used in semantics. For powerset lattices the fixpoint game is intimately connected with classical parity games for μ\mu-calculus model-checking, whose solution can exploit as a key tool Jurdzi\'nski's small progress measures. We show how the notion of progress measure can be naturally generalised to fixpoint games over continuous lattices and we prove the existence of small progress measures. Our results lead to a constructive formulation of progress measures as (least) fixpoints. We refine this characterisation by introducing the notion of selection that allows one to constrain the plays in the parity game, enabling an effective (and possibly efficient) solution of the game, and thus of the associated verification problem. We also propose a logic for specifying the moves of the existential player that can be used to systematically derive simplified equations for efficiently computing progress measures. We discuss potential applications to the model-checking of latticed μ\mu-calculi and to the solution of fixpoint equations systems over the reals

    Defining rough sets as core-support pairs of three-valued functions

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    We answer the question what properties a collection F\mathcal{F} of three-valued functions on a set UU must fulfill so that there exists a quasiorder ≤\leq on UU such that the rough sets determined by ≤\leq coincide with the core--support pairs of the functions in F\mathcal{F}. Applying this characterization, we give a new representation of rough sets determined by equivalences in terms of three-valued {\L}ukasiewicz algebras of three-valued functions.Comment: This version is accepted for publication in Approximate Reasoning (May 2021


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    New foundations for quantum logic and quantum spaces are constructed by merging algebraic quantum theory and topos theory. Interpreting Bohr's "doctrine of classical concepts" mathematically, given a quantum theory described by a noncommutative C*-algebra A, we construct a topos T(A), which contains the "Bohrification" B of A as an internal commutative C*-algebra. Then B has a spectrum, a locale internal to T(A), the external description S(A) of which we interpret as the "Bohrified" phase space of the physical system. As in classical physics, the open subsets of S(A) correspond to (atomic) propositions, so that the "Bohrified" quantum logic of A is given by the Heyting algebra structure of S(A). The key difference between this logic and its classical counterpart is that the former does not satisfy the law of the excluded middle, and hence is intuitionistic. When A contains sufficiently many projections (e.g. when A is a von Neumann algebra, or, more generally, a Rickart C*-algebra), the intuitionistic quantum logic S(A) of A may also be compared with the traditional quantum logic, i.e. the orthomodular lattice of projections in A. This time, the main difference is that the former is distributive (even when A is noncommutative), while the latter is not. This chapter is a streamlined synthesis of 0709.4364, 0902.3201, 0905.2275.Comment: 44 pages; a chapter of the first author's PhD thesis, to appear in "Deep Beauty" (ed. H. Halvorson

    A topos for algebraic quantum theory

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    The aim of this paper is to relate algebraic quantum mechanics to topos theory, so as to construct new foundations for quantum logic and quantum spaces. Motivated by Bohr's idea that the empirical content of quantum physics is accessible only through classical physics, we show how a C*-algebra of observables A induces a topos T(A) in which the amalgamation of all of its commutative subalgebras comprises a single commutative C*-algebra. According to the constructive Gelfand duality theorem of Banaschewski and Mulvey, the latter has an internal spectrum S(A) in T(A), which in our approach plays the role of a quantum phase space of the system. Thus we associate a locale (which is the topos-theoretical notion of a space and which intrinsically carries the intuitionistic logical structure of a Heyting algebra) to a C*-algebra (which is the noncommutative notion of a space). In this setting, states on A become probability measures (more precisely, valuations) on S(A), and self-adjoint elements of A define continuous functions (more precisely, locale maps) from S(A) to Scott's interval domain. Noting that open subsets of S(A) correspond to propositions about the system, the pairing map that assigns a (generalized) truth value to a state and a proposition assumes an extremely simple categorical form. Formulated in this way, the quantum theory defined by A is essentially turned into a classical theory, internal to the topos T(A).Comment: 52 pages, final version, to appear in Communications in Mathematical Physic

    Belief functions on MV-algebras of fuzzy sets: An overview

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    Belief functions are the measure theoretical objects Dempster-Shafer evidence theory is based on. They are in fact totally monotone capacities, and can be regarded as a special class of measures of uncertainty used to model an agent's degrees of belief in the occurrence of a set of events by taking into account different bodies of evidence that support those beliefs. In this chapter we present two main approaches to extending belief functions on Boolean algebras of events to MV-algebras of events, modelled as fuzzy sets, and we discuss several properties of these generalized measures. In particular we deal with the normalization and soft-normalization problems, and on a generalization of Dempster's rule of combination. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland.The authors also acknowledge partial support by the FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES project MaToMUVI (PIRSES-GA-2009- 247584). Also, Flaminio acknowledges partial support of the Italian project FIRB 2010 (RBFR10DGUA-002), Kroupa has been supported by the grant GACR 13-20012S, and Godo acknowledges partial support of the Spanish projects EdeTRI (TIN2012-39348-C02-01) and Agreement Technologies (CONSOLIDER CSD2007-0022, INGENIO 2010).Peer Reviewe
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