1,852,921 research outputs found

    Nonparametric bootstrapping of the reliability function for multiple copies of a repairable item modeled by a birth process

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    Nonparametric bootstrap inference is developed for the reliability function estimated from censored, nonstationary failure time data for multiple copies of repairable items. We assume that each copy has a known, but not necessarily the same, observation period; and upon failure of one copy, design modifications are implemented for all copies operating at that time to prevent further failures arising from the same fault. This implies that, at any point in time, all operating copies will contain the same set of faults. Failures are modeled as a birth process because there is a reduction in the rate of occurrence at each failure. The data structure comprises a mix of deterministic and random censoring mechanisms corresponding to the known observation period of the copy, and the random censoring time of each fault. Hence, bootstrap confidence intervals and regions for the reliability function measure the length of time a fault can remain within the item until realization as failure in one of the copies. Explicit formulae derived for the re-sampling probabilities greatly reduce dependency on Monte-Carlo simulation. Investigations show a small bias arising in re-sampling that can be quantified and corrected. The variability generated by the re-sampling approach approximates the variability in the underlying birth process, and so supports appropriate inference. An illustrative example describes application to a problem, and discusses the validity of modeling assumptions within industrial practice

    Bound states and the classical double copy

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    We extend the perturbative classical double copy to the analysis of bound systems. We first obtain the leading order perturbative gluon radiation field sourced by a system of interacting color charges in arbitrary time dependent orbits, and test its validity by taking relativistic bremsstrahlung and non-relativistic bound state limits. By generalizing the color to kinematic replacement rules recently used in the context of classical bremsstrahlung, we map the gluon emission amplitude to the radiation fields of dilaton gravity sourced by interacting particles in generic (self-consistent) orbits. As an application, we reproduce the leading post-Newtonian radiation fields and energy flux for point masses in non-relativistic orbits from the double copy of gauge theory.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, minor revisions to section II

    Asymptotic Flatness, Little String Theory, and Holography

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    We argue that any non-gravitational holographic dual to asymptotically flat string theory in dd-dimensions naturally resides at spacelike infinity. Since spacelike infinity can be resovled as a (d1)(d-1)-dimensional timelike hyperboloid (i.e., as a copy of de Sitter space in (d1)(d-1) dimensions), the dual theory is defined on a Lorentz signature spacetime. Conceptual issues regarding such a duality are clarified by comparison with linear dilaton boundary conditions, such as those dual to little string theory. We compute both time-ordered and Wightman boundary 2-point functions of operators dual to massive scalar fields in the asymptotically flat bulk.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures. Explicit discussion added of using the Wightman function method to calculate time-ordered boundary 2-point functions. The resulting branch cuts are linked to the bulk spectrum of state

    Gauge theory of things alive and universal dynamics

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    Positing complex adaptive systems made of agents with relations between them that can be composed, it follows that they can be described by gauge theories similar to elementary particle theory and general relativity. By definition, a universal dynamics is able to determine the time development of any such system without need for further specification. The possibilities are limited, but one of them - reproduction fork dynamics - describes DNA replication and is the basis of biological life on earth. It is a universal copy machine and a renormalization group fixed point. A universal equation of motion in continuous time is also presented.Comment: 13 pages, latex, uses fleqn.sty (can be removed without harm

    Performance of FORTRAN floating-point operations on the Flex/32 multicomputer

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    A series of experiments has been run to examine the floating-point performance of FORTRAN programs on the Flex/32 (Trademark) computer. The experiments are described, and the timing results are presented. The time required to execute a floating-point operation is found to vary considerbaly depending on a number of factors. One factor of particular interest from an algorithm design standpoint is the difference in speed between common memory accesses and local memory accesses. Common memory accesses were found to be slower, and guidelines are given for determinig when it may be cost effective to copy data from common to local memory

    External Inversion, Internal Inversion, and Reflection Invariance

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    Having in mind that physical systems have different levels of structure we develop the concept of external, internal and total improper Lorentz transformation (space inversion and time reversal). A particle obtained from the ordinary one by the application of internal space inversion or time reversal is generally a different particle. From this point of view the intrinsic parity of a nuclear particle (`elementary particle') is in fact the external intrinsic parity, if we take into account the internal structure of a particle. We show that non-conservation of the external parity does not necessarily imply non-invariance of nature under space inversion. The conventional theory of beta-decay can be corrected by including the internal degrees of freedom to become invariant under total space inversion, though not under the external one.Comment: 15 pages. An early proposal of "mirror matter", published in 1974. This is an exact copy of the published paper. I am posting it here because of the increasing interest in the "exact parity models" and its experimental consequence