26,070 research outputs found

    Operator-based approaches to harm minimisation in gambling: summary, review and future directions

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    In this report we give critical consideration to the nature and effectiveness of harm minimisation in gambling. We identify gambling-related harm as both personal (e.g., health, wellbeing, relationships) and economic (e.g., financial) harm that occurs from exceeding one’s disposable income or disposable leisure time. We have elected to use the term ‘harm minimisation’ as the most appropriate term for reducing the impact of problem gambling, given its breadth in regard to the range of goals it seeks to achieve, and the range of means by which they may be achieved. The extent to which an employee can proactively identify a problem gambler in a gambling venue is uncertain. Research suggests that indicators do exist, such as sessional information (e.g., duration or frequency of play) and negative emotional responses to gambling losses. However, the practical implications of requiring employees to identify and interact with customers suspected of experiencing harm are questionable, particularly as the employees may not possess the clinical intervention skills which may be necessary. Based on emerging evidence, behavioural indicators identifiable in industryheld data, could be used to identify customers experiencing harm. A programme of research is underway in Great Britain and in other jurisdiction

    The applications of social media in sports marketing

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    n the era of big data, sports consumer's activities in social media become valuable assets to sports marketers. In this paper, the authors review extant literature regarding how to effectively use social media to promote sports as well as how to effectively analyze social media data to support business decisions. Methods: The literature review method. Results: Our findings suggest that sports marketers can use social media to achieve the following goals, such as facilitating marketing communication campaigns, adding values to sports products and services, creating a two-way communication between sports brands and consumers, supporting sports sponsorship program, and forging brand communities. As to how to effectively analyze social media data to support business decisions, extent literature suggests that sports marketers to undertake traffic and engagement analysis on their social media sites as well as to conduct sentiment analysis to probe customer's opinions. These insights can support various aspects of business decisions, such as marketing communication management, consumer's voice probing, and sales predictions. Conclusion: Social media are ubiquitous in the sports marketing and consumption practices. In the era of big data, these footprints can now be effectively analyzed to generate insights to support business decisions. Recommendations to both the sports marketing practices and research are also addressed

    Spartan Daily, September 12, 1985

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    Volume 85, Issue 10https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/7331/thumbnail.jp

    Mobiilipelien monetisaatio: pelaajien ostopÀÀtöksiin vaikuttaminen

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    This study investigated how mobile game companies influence gamer purchase behaviour when monetising their premium and free-to-play games. These approaches include methods and strategies that aim to acquire, retain, and then finally monetise players. Videography was used as the method to investigate and illustrate how iOS-based mobile games are monetised. The 40-minute videography part of this study (found at https://youtu.be/VS48tO2n0ow or https://vimeo.com/217374348) is comprised of interview footage with three mobile game professionals from two Helsinki-based companies and gameplay footage from 13 mobile games to illustrate topics discussed. This study found that the interviewed mobile game companies emphasise, firstly, the role of game design in monetising players, especially in free-to-play games. For monetisation, virtual goods and advertising are employed and designed as a part of the core game experience. Secondly, game companies care for their player community and design social game mechanics to acquire new players and retain existing ones. These activities include social media presence, managing an in-game community, and designing game mechanics that encourage players to play with their friends. Lastly, promotion and pricing strategies persuade players to increase purchase intention. These strategies include becoming featured on the App Store and in game media, promotion methods, such as time and placement-limited special offers, and psychological pricing methods, such as odd pricing and price anchoring. The findings illustrated the range of influence approaches that game companies consider. However, a small, non-diverse sample size of interviewed game professionals and their local, Nordic point of view limit the conclusions from this study. Nevertheless, this study observed new ideas for literature and recommended further research based on these findings, regarding advertising and game design, the importance of the App Store in mobile game development, and the effect of the relationship between players and game companies on player retention and monetisation.Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, kuinka mobiilipeliyritykset vaikuttavat pelaajien ostopÀÀtöksiin monetisoidessaan premium- ja free-to-play-pelejÀÀn. NĂ€mĂ€ lĂ€hestymistavat sisĂ€ltĂ€vĂ€t metodeita ja strategioita, joilla pyritÀÀn hankkimaan, sĂ€ilyttĂ€mÀÀn ja lopulta monetisoimaan pelaajia. Tutkimusmetodina kĂ€ytettiin videografiaa selvittĂ€mÀÀn ja havainnollistamaan, kuinka iOS-mobiilipelejĂ€ monetisoidaan. 40-minuuttinen videografiaosuus tutkimuksesta (https://youtu.be/VS48tO2n0ow tai https://vimeo.com/217374348) sisĂ€ltÀÀ kuvamateriaalia haastatteluista kolmen mobiilipelialan ammattilaisen kanssa kahdesta eri peliyrityksestĂ€. LisĂ€ksi videografiassa esitetÀÀn kuvamateriaalia 13 mobiilipelistĂ€ havainnollistamaan haastatteluissa kĂ€siteltyjĂ€ aiheita. Tutkimuksen perusteella haastatellut mobiilipeliyritykset korostavat ensinnĂ€kin pelisuunnittelun roolia pelaajien monetisoinnissa – etenkin free-to-play-peleissĂ€. TĂ€llöin monetisoinnissa kĂ€ytetÀÀn virtuaalihyödykkeitĂ€ ja mainostusta osana pelikokemusta. Toiseksi peliyritykset huolehtivat pelaajayhteisöstÀÀn ja suunnittelevat sosiaalisia pelimekaniikkoja uusien pelaajien hankkimiseksi ja vanhojen sĂ€ilyttĂ€miseksi. TĂ€llainen toiminta sisĂ€ltÀÀ lĂ€snĂ€olon sosiaalisessa mediassa, pelin sisĂ€isen pelaajayhteisön hallinnoimista ja pelimekaniikkoja, jotka kannustavat pelaajia pelaamaan ystĂ€viensĂ€ kanssa. Viimeiseksi pelaajia suostutellaan ostopÀÀtöksiin mainostus- ja hinnoittelustrategioiden avulla. NĂ€ihin strategioihin sisĂ€ltyvĂ€t promootio App Store -kauppapaikassa ja pelimedioissa, aika- ja paikkarajoitteiset erikoistarjoukset sekĂ€ psykologiset hinnoittelumetodit, kuten parittomat hinnat ja hinta-ankkurit. Tutkimustulokset havainnollistivat eri vaikuttamiskeinojen mÀÀrÀÀ, vaikka pieni, yhdenmukainen otanta haastateltavia peliammattilaisia ja nĂ€iden paikallinen, pohjoismaalainen nĂ€kökulma rajoitti tutkimuksesta tehtĂ€vien johtopÀÀtösten vaikuttavuutta. TĂ€stĂ€ huolimatta tutkimus havainnoi kirjallisuudelle uusia ilmiöitĂ€ ja suositteli nĂ€iden perusteella uusia selvityksiĂ€. TĂ€llaisia tutkimuksessa suositeltuja tutkimusaiheita ovat mainostamisen ja pelisuunnittelun yhteys, App Storen merkittĂ€vyys mobiilipelien kehittĂ€miselle ja pelaajien sekĂ€ peliyrityksen vĂ€lisen suhteen vaikutus pelaajien sĂ€ilyttĂ€miselle ja monetisoinnille

    TV Series and Social Media: Powerful Engagement Factors in Mobile Video Games

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    The free-to-play business model has become hegemonic in the mobile video game industry, displacing the traditional paid content model that was the norm until the appearance of manufacturers’ app stores. Companies attempt to monetize these games by means of in-game micro-transactions and in-game advertising; thus, it is essential to acquire an enormous number of users because only a small percentage will ultimately make any purchases. To keep players engaged, companies typically put in place marketing and design strategies derived from behavioral telemetry, to maintain a grip on players. We propose an innovative approach, focusing our attention on the impact of having a video game based on a famous TV series. Furthermore, we analyze the effect of social networks on game metrics. The outcome indicates that developing a game based on a TV series and integrating social media with the gameplay improve and reinforce the user’s activation, retention and monetization

    TV Series and Social Media: Powerful Engagement Factors in Mobile Video Games

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    The free-to-play business model has become hegemonic in the mobile video game industry, displacing the traditional paid content model that was the norm until the appearance of manufacturers' app stores. Companies attempt to monetize these games by means of in-game micro-transactions and in-game advertising; thus, it is essential to acquire an enormous number of users because only a small percentage will ultimately make any purchases. To keep players engaged, companies typically put in place marketing and design strategies derived from behavioral telemetry, to maintain a grip on players. We propose an innovative approach, focusing our attention on the impact of having a video game based on a famous TV series. Furthermore, we analyze the effect of social networks on game metrics. The outcome indicates that developing a game based on a TV series and integrating social media with the gameplay improve and reinforce the user's activation, retention and monetization
