25 research outputs found

    PlayScrum - a card game to learn the Scrum agile method

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    To motivate and engage students and, consequently, improve the quality of learning, some researchers suggest new ways of teaching, including the use of serious games in the classroom. This paper describes PlayScrum, a new card game devised to allow university-level students to learn Scrum, an agile software development method. We present the card game, its rules, and how it supports the main concepts of the Scrum method. We also discuss how PlayScrum was validated, based on questionnaires filled in by master students who have played it.(undefined

    A systematic survey of games used for software engineering education

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    Project management applied to a Logistics game

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    La transmisión de conceptos mediante juegos combina una aplicación práctica de la teoría junto con un incremento potencial del interés y la motivación de los alumnos. Este objetivo en el caso de la transmisión de conceptos de la gestión de proyectos ágil, mediante la metodología Scrum, se consigue mediante un juego aplicado a la logística, que se propone en esta comunicación, en la que se explica la dinámica del juego, y cómo se reflejan todos los conceptos de esta metodología ágil.The transmission of concepts through games combines a practical application of the theory together with a potential increase in the interest and motivation of the students. This objective in the case of the transmission of agile project management concepts, through the Scrum methodology, is achieved through a game applied to logistics, which is proposed in this communication, in which the dynamics of the game are explained, and how all the concepts of this agile methodology are reflected

    Agile in Teaching and Learning: Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda

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    Agile software development methods are widespread in industry, and there is a wealth of academic research and practitioner publications currently available from this perspective. With the rise of Agile within companies worldwide, it is increasingly important for information systems education to keep up with this trend to ensure curriculum and courses are up-to-date. Students in the computing disciplines must be prepared to enter a job market where Agile is commonplace. As such, the topic of Agile in teaching and learning is critically important. The current special issue includes a rich collection of articles providing information systems educators with research-based, practical approaches for both teaching Agile (“the what”) and using Agile as a pedagogical approach (“the how”). In an effort to assist information systems educators categorize the growing amount of literature related to Agile in teaching and learning, a conceptual framework is provided which places the literature along the two axes of pedagogy (“the how”) and the content (“the what”) ranging from other, non-Agile to Agile. Finally, the authors present a call for future research integrating Agile on a meta-level in the course development process. We hope that this special issue inspires educators and researchers to consider integrating Agile into their teaching and learning

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Game Edukasi Koleksi Permainan Aksara Lampung (Koper Apung) Berbasis Android Menggunakan Metode Scrum

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    Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki keanekaragaman budaya. Salah satu bentuk keragaman budayanya adalah bahasa daerah yang berbeda di setiap wilayah. Bahkan, pada beberapa daerah tertentu memiliki aksara khusus dalam penulisan, salah satunya yaitu aksara Lampung. Ada berbagai macam cara yang biasa dilakukan untuk melestarikan penggunaan aksara dan bahasa daerah, salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan teknologi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah produk game edukasi belajar bahasa dan aksara Lampung (KOPER APUNG) berbasis android dengan metode scrum dan menggunakan game engine construct 2. Dari 3 kali proses iterasi sprint yang dilakukan, menghasilkan sebuah game edukasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna. Pengujian portability menunjukkan bahwa game dapat berjalan pada perangkat android minimum versi 4.1. Pengujian functionality menunjukkan aset game 100% dapat berjalan baik. User acceptance test dengan melibatkan 25 responden, menunjukkan predikat sangat baik dengan persentase 95,77%. Pengujian efficiency menunjukkan game menggunakan CPU rata-rata sebesar 15% dan RAM 400 MB. Sedangkan pada tahap evaluasi, tingkat kelulusan responden  meningkat  dari  sebelumnya  36 %  menjadi  96%.  Sehingga,  game ini efektif digunakan sebagai salah satu media belajar Aksara Lampung. AbstractIndonesia is a country with various cultures. One of them is that every region has its own local language as its special characteristic. Some local languages have their own local letters, for example is the Lampungnese letters. There are a lot of techniques to conserve the use of local language and its letters, one of them   is   by   implementing   technologies.   This   Koper   Apung   (the   Collection   of Lampungnese Letters Game) Educational Game was created in the form of game application for android based smartphone by using scrum methodology and assisted by Construct 2 Engine. From the sprint result of the scrum methodology, an educational game which adjusted to the needs of the user was established. The result of portability aspect showed that Koper Apung game could work well on the minimally 4.1 version of android appliances. The functionality  test showed that all game assets could satisfactorily 100% work. User Acceptance test indicated, Very good‟ predicate with 95.77% result. The efficiency test denoted that this game used 15% CPU and 400 MB RAM. Meanwhile, on the evaluation phase, the respondents‟ level of success improved from 36% to 96%. These signified that the Koper Apung game is an effective and applicable media to learn Lampungnese Letters

    Dont Break the Build: Developing a Scrum Retrospective Game

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    This study discusses the design and observed play of a game-based Scrum retrospective. The game builds on the existing wealth of retrospective activities but adds in actual game play. The game is created in such a way as to satisfy the definition of a game and includes a win/loss state uncommon within typical retrospective activities. Leveraging existing design paradigms, the game looks to capitalize on the reported benefits of using games in team building and learning environments. The game fulfills the goals of a Scrum retrospective for the team to inspect and adapt processes by guiding the team in focused discussion regarding their performance and observations during the proceeding Sprint. The study provides an overview of the game design and mechanics and provides observations and results from post-game questionnaires. Finally, the study proposes changes to the game based on results of the observations and discusses future research possibilities

    How Does Competition Help Future Learning in Serious Games? An Exploratory Study in Learning Search Engine Optimization

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    Serious games, many of which are multi-player games, have been commonly used in information technology education and training. Competition can be intuitively associated with games; however, it is not always considered as a necessary attribute of serious games. Particularly, the learning impact results of competition are mixed. Challenge and control are two game attributes that are highly relevant to competition. With the use of a multi-player serious game, SEO War, this study aims to explore the relationships among competition, perceived control, perceived challenge, and self-efficacy in a game-based learning environment. Particularly, it investigates whether competition leads to self-efficacy. It also examines whether perceived challenge and perceived control mediate the relationship between competition and self-efficacy in serious games. This study contributes to the expanding literature on selecting important attributes for serious games, and it advances our understanding of the mechanism of how competition leads to self-efficacy. Moreover, it will help game designers decide on important game attributes through which games can be enhanced

    Origami: An Active Learning Exercise for Scrum Project Management

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    Scrum is a popular project management model for iterative delivery of software that subscribes to Agile principles. This paper describes an origami active learning exercise to teach the principles of Scrum in management information systems courses. The exercise shows students how Agile methods respond to changes in requirements during project implementation, one of the four Agile principles, in a deeper manner than many Agile active learning exercises. This learning activity uses an uncommon approach in Agile exercises in that tasks are provided, estimates made, progress is measured, and pivots to new tasks can be introduced based on task progress. All students were introduced to Scrum through two different lessons – one lecture-focused and one activity-focused. Students were surveyed after each lesson to determine lesson effectiveness. Students indicated they understood Agile concepts after completing the exercise and found the activity engaging. Students’ perceptions of Agile were similar for both lecture and activity lessons. The results from the study find that students’ perception of Agile learning increased when they had the lecture followed by the activity. If class time is constrained to a single lesson then the activity would be more beneficial than the lecture. Detailed instructions are provided for instructors to complete this activity

    Children's Early Educational Game under the Background of Chinese Three Kingdoms Culture - To Borrow Arrows with Thatched Boats

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    Recent research has shown that children's strategic ability can be improved with game. To improve strategic ability, motor coordination ability and the understanding of historical knowledge, we design an ability training game - to borrow arrows with thatched boats. In order to improve children's learning efficiency, we use deep motion perception technology as a human-computer interaction tool. Our system can allow children to control the movement of boats and interact with virtual objects in the virtual environment through hand-gesture. We can provide some strategic options, such as weather, equipment, etc. Under this new mode of educational game, children's strategic and motor coordination abilities are improved, and their understanding of historical knowledge can be also enhanced