135 research outputs found

    A water rights transfer evaluation procedure with applications for western energy development

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    This report deals with questions of water supply for coal deve- lopment in the semiarid western United States. A method is developed to evaluate yields of water rights in "appropriation" or "permit" systems of water administration. Water rights are characterized in terms of location, priority, decreed maximum diversion, actual diver- sion in periods of low flow, and consumptive use. Transfers of water rights are evaluated in this method by using institutional procedures as a framework for analysis. A case study is performed on the North Fork of the Powder River, Wyoming, in which institutional considera- tions are discussed, and water rights are evaluated for a hypothetical facility. This procedure is not limited to energy facilities, but may be used in most cases of water rights trasnfers. The method is designed for use with easily obtained data in order to facilitate its use in practice.Sponsored by U.S. Dept. of Energy

    Thomas Brussig\u27s Satire of Contemporary History

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    ABSTRAKSI Radhika Prawira, 2019, NIT: 52155574.N “Analisis Penyebab Laratnya Jangkar MT. Olympus I Pada Saat Berlabuh Di Tanjung Wangi Anchorage”, skripsi Program Studi Nautika, Program Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I: Capt. H. Agus Subardi, M.Mar., Pembimbing II: Daryanto, S.H., M.M. Pada saat melakukan penelitian di Tanjung Wangi Anchorage, MT. Olympus I mengalami jangkar larat pada saat berlabuh di Tanjung Wangi Anchorage, oleh karena itu peneliti mencoba menganalisis dan mendapatkan permasalahan sebagai berikut: (1) Faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab laratnya jangkar MT. Olympus I pada saat berlabuh di Tanjung Wangi Anchorage?, (2) Dampak apa saja yang dapat ditimbulkan dari laratnya jangkar pada saat berlabuh?, (3) Bagaimana upaya-upaya untuk mencegah terjadinya jangkar larat pada saat berlabuh?. Analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk memecahkan masalah tentang penyebab laratnya jangkar MT. Olympus I pada saat berlabuh di Tanjung Wangi Anchorage. Berlabuh jangkar adalah suatu keadaan dimana kapal terikat di dasar perairan oleh jangkar, sehingga kapal tidak mengalami pergerakan oleh pengaruh dari arus, angin, ataupun ombak. Jangkar larat adalah suatu keadaan ketika daya cengkram jangkar ditambah dengan berat dari rantai jangkar tidak mencukupi untuk menahan kapal untuk tetap pada posisinya Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh penulis di dalam menyampaikan masalah adalah metode kualitatif, dengan penyajian data secara deskriptif, serta teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu fishbone analysis. Faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab laratnya jangkar MT. Olympus I pada saat berlabuh di Tanjung Wangi Anchorage. yaitu faktor alam, faktor peralatan, faktor prosedur, dan faktor sumber daya manusia. Dampak-dampak yang dapat ditimbulkan dari adanya jangkar larat yaitu kandas, tubrukan, lalu lintas pelayaran terganggu, dan kerugian bagi perusahan serta kapal. Upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya jangkar larat antara lain, tindakan pencegahan secara internal dan tindakan pencegahan secara eksternal. Tindakan secara internal berupa persiapan kapal sebelum berlabuh, memilih dan mendekati tempat berlabuh, menentukan panjangnya rantai jangkar yang diarea, dan tindakan yang diambil setelah jangkar mengalami larat. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa, faktor-faktor dari jangkar larat pada saat berlabuh di Tanjung Wangi Anchorage adalah karena disebabkan faktor alam, faktor peralatan, faktor prosedur, faktor sumber daya manusia . Dampak-dampak yang dapat ditimbulkan dari adanya jangkar larat yaitu kandas, tubrukan, lalu lintas pelayaran terganggu, dan kerugian bagi perusahan serta kapal. Upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya jangkar larat antara lain, tindakan pencegahan secara internal dan tindakan pencegahan secara eksternal. ABSTRACT Radhika Prawira, 2019, NIT: 52155574.N, “Analysis The Cause Of Dragging Anchor On MT. Olympus I During Anchoring At Tanjung Wangi Anchorage”, mini thesis of Nautical Study Program, Fourth Diploma Program, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Supervisor I: Capt. H. Agus Subardi, M.Mar., Supervisor II: Daryanto, S.H., M.M. When conducting research in MT. Olympus I at Tanjung Wangi Anchorage, when the anchor of the ship is dragging, so that to increase the knowledge and understanding about dragging anchor on board, the author tries to analyze and get the problems as follows: (1) What is the cause of dragging anchor on MT. Olympus I during anchoring in Tanjung Wangi Anchorage?, (2) What impact can caused from the dragging anchor? (3) How is the step by step prevention of dragging anchor during anchoring?. The analysis in this study is to solve the problem of cause of MT. Olympus I dragging anchor. Anchored is the condition where the ship is brought up to the bottom of the water by an anchor. Dragging anchor is the condition when anchor is move and not on the position. The method used by the author in delivering the problem is qualitative method to illustrate and describe the object under study, and the analysis technique used is fishbone analysis. Factors that can cause dragging anchor, are nature factors, equipments factors, procedure factors, humanpower factor. The impact that can caused by dragging anchor are collision, grounding, disrupted ship traffic, and disadvantages for company and the ship. The effort to be taken to prevent the dragging anchor are internal effort and external effort. Factors that can cause dragging anchor, are nature factors, equipments factors, procedure factors, humanpower factor. The impact that can caused by dragging anchor are collision, grounding, disrupted ship traffic, and disadvantages for company and the ship. The effort to be taken to prevent the dragging anchor are internal effort and external effort

    Customer agility, market orientation, and brand image in the context of Chinese market

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    IntroductionCustomer agility (CA) and market orientation have been widely discussed in prior research. Also, the role of brand image in business making-decision has been emphasized. However, the current analysis lacks integrating the relationship among the three concepts. Thus, this study creatively creates a causal relationship model of CA, market orientation, and brand image.MethodsFinally, 289 valid samples from the managers in Chinese market was collected for further analysis by partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM).ResultsThe results show that market orientation can positively affect CA (both customer-sensing capability and customer-responding capability), and CA will further have a positive influence on brand image. Also, market orientation has a direct impact on brand image. Additionally, CA (both customer-sensing capability and customer-responding capability) will mediate the impact of market orientation on brand image.DiscussionThe research has both theoretical and practical contributions. From the theoretical perspective, the results contribute to enriching the brand theory, strategy management, and marketing research. From the practical perspective, the investigation enlightens managers to pay attention to the roles of CA implementation and market orientation strategies in enhancing their brand image

    Contraceptive Provision and Initiation Among Women With and Without Substance Use Disorders: Trends, Patterns and Practices

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    Substance use disorders (SUD) impact millions of women aged 15-44 in the United States. Unintended pregnancy, which is associated with maternal and infant morbidities, is common among women with SUD. Family planning is a leading strategy to prevent unintended pregnancy, yet women with SUD report low rates of contraceptive use. The goal of this research is to contribute a more nuanced understanding of how women with SUD are provided with and use contraception during the childbearing years. This dissertation investigates contraceptive provision and initiation trends, patterns, and practices among reproductive-age women with and without SUD. Three chapters make up this dissertation; each chapter is focused on a different aspect of contraceptive care. The first chapter describes changes in contraceptive provision between 2000-2017 for South Carolina Medicaid-enrolled women with and without SUD aged 15-44 at risk of unintended pregnancy. Clinical performance measures for contraceptive care endorsed by the National Quality Forum were applied to the data to assess annual percentages of women provided most or moderately effective contraceptive methods. Contraceptive provision of long-acting reversible methods increased more for women with SUD than women without SUD over the study period. Provision of most or moderately effective methods was substantially lower among women with SUD than their non-SUD counterparts. The second chapter compares postpartum contraceptive initiation patterns among reproductive-age women with and without opioid use disorders (OUD) enrolled in South Carolina Medicaid. This study employed a counterfactual framework to balance the distribution of covariates between women with OUD and comparison women without OUD. Having an OUD was associated with decreased contraceptive initiation in the postpartum period, suggesting that women with OUD face increased barriers to accessing postpartum contraceptives than similar women without OUD. The third chapter investigates health care providers’ self-reported contraceptive counseling practices for their patients with SUD. Interviews were conducted with a national sample of women’s health providers. Providers emphasized the importance of timing contraceptive discussions appropriately, tailoring information based on patient needs and wants, building interpersonal relationships, and prioritizing patients’ autonomy. Some providers perceived that long-acting reversible contraceptives were most appropriate for women with SUD living with instability

    Conflict or consensus: The Challenge of Integrating Environmental Sustainability into Regional Development Programming

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    Within the context of both national and EU policy, sustainable development (SD) emerges in the Nordic countries as a horizontal perspective to be systematically integrated into regional development programming. Research on this type of integration has, however, been somewhat scarce. This paper deals with the question of how the relation between environmental and economic sustainability – as part of the overall SD framework – is played out in the context of regional development programming at both the national and regional levels. Three issues are raised in the analysis, pointing to challenges of achieving environmental policy-integration. First, working with cross-sectoral interconnectedness or ending up in sectoral traps, where partnership learning processes are hampered by both a lack of responsibility for, and ownership of, the overall SD-perspective and interactions dominated by sectoral struggles where the different roles, mandates and perspectives of various keyactors are strong. Second, achieving ‘win-win’ or getting stuck in environment-economy conflicts, where the policy-rhetoric picturing the existence of possible ‘win-win’- opportunities in which environmental and economic sustainability benefit each other show some empirical support at the same time as troublesome conflicts and tough regional development priorities raise questions of where principled priority lies in practical decisionmaking. Third, rhetorical declarations, pockets of good practice or systematic policyintegration, where the paper highlights a focus on environmental sustainability in rhetorical declarations and through flagship win-win examples though the study does not provide evidence of any overall transformation of regional development practices taking place. Indeed, policy-integration in terms of rhetorical declarations is more common than evidence of systematic integration. Despite indications of changing patterns of interaction and learning in respect of partnerships between actors from different sectors, the conflict perspective remains more representative of the practical realities and day-to-day concerns expressed in the interviews with both national and regional representatives
