3,694 research outputs found

    Small object limit of Casimir effect and the sign of the Casimir force

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    We show a simple way of deriving the Casimir Polder interaction, present some general arguments on the finiteness and sign of mutual Casimir interactions and finally we derive a simple expression for Casimir radiation from small accelerated objects.Comment: 13 pages, late

    General relativity and satellite orbits

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    The general relativistic correction to the position of a satellite is found by retaining Newtonian physics for an observer on the satellite and introducing a potential. The potential is expanded in terms of the Keplerian elements of the orbit and substituted in Lagrange's equations. Integration of the equations shows that a typical earth satellite with small orbital eccentricity is displaced by about 17 cm. from its unperturbed position after a single orbit, while the periodic displacement over the orbit reaches a maximum of about 3 cm. The moon is displaced by about the same amounts. Application of the equations to Mercury gives a total displacement of about 58 km. after one orbit and a maximum periodic displacement of about 12 km

    On geodesic envelopes and caustics

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    We give a global description of envelopes of geodesic tangents of regular curves in (not necessarily convex) Riemannian surfaces. We prove that such an envelope is the union of the curve itself, its inflectional geodesics and its tangential caustics (formed by the conjugate points to those of the initial curve along the tangent geodesics). Stable singularities of tangential caustics and geodesic envelopes are discussed. We also prove the (global) stability of tangential caustics of close curves in convex closed surfaces under small deformations of the initial curve and of the ambient metric.Comment: 7 pp. 1 figure. 2nd versio

    On the differential geometry of curves in Minkowski space

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    We discuss some aspects of the differential geometry of curves in Minkowski space. We establish the Serret-Frenet equations in Minkowski space and use them to give a very simple proof of the fundamental theorem of curves in Minkowski space. We also state and prove two other theorems which represent Minkowskian versions of a very known theorem of the differential geometry of curves in tridimensional Euclidean space. We discuss the general solution for torsionless paths in Minkowki space. We then apply the four-dimensional Serret-Frenet equations to describe the motion of a charged test particle in a constant and uniform electromagnetic field and show how the curvature and the torsions of the four-dimensional path of the particle contain information on the electromagnetic field acting on the particle.Comment: 10 pages. Typeset using REVTE

    Accurate light-time correction due to a gravitating mass

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    This work arose as an aftermath of Cassini's 2002 experiment \cite{bblipt03}, in which the PPN parameter γ\gamma was measured with an accuracy σγ=2.3×105\sigma_\gamma = 2.3\times 10^{-5} and found consistent with the prediction γ=1\gamma =1 of general relativity. The Orbit Determination Program (ODP) of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which was used in the data analysis, is based on an expression for the gravitational delay which differs from the standard formula; this difference is of second order in powers of mm -- the sun's gravitational radius -- but in Cassini's case it was much larger than the expected order of magnitude m2/bm^2/b, where bb is the ray's closest approach distance. Since the ODP does not account for any other second-order terms, it is necessary, also in view of future more accurate experiments, to systematically evaluate higher order corrections and to determine which terms are significant. Light propagation in a static spacetime is equivalent to a problem in ordinary geometrical optics; Fermat's action functional at its minimum is just the light-time between the two end points A and B. A new and powerful formulation is thus obtained. Asymptotic power series are necessary to provide a safe and automatic way of selecting which terms to keep at each order. Higher order approximations to the delay and the deflection are obtained. We also show that in a close superior conjunction, when bb is much smaller than the distances of A and B from the Sun, of order RR, say, the second-order correction has an \emph{enhanced} part of order m2R/b2m^2R/b^2, which corresponds just to the second-order terms introduced in the ODP. Gravitational deflection of the image of a far away source, observed from a finite distance from the mass, is obtained to O(m2)O(m^2).Comment: 4 figure