9 research outputs found

    Planar Capacitated Dominating Set Is W[1]-Hard

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    Given a graph G together with a capacity function c: V (G) â\u86\u92 N, we call S â\u8a\u86 V (G) a capacitated dominating set if there exists a mapping f: (V (G) \ S) â\u86\u92 S which maps every vertex in (V (G) \ S) to one of its neighbors such that the total number of vertices mapped by f to any vertex v â\u88\u88 S does not exceed c(v). In the Planar Capacitated Dominating Set problem we are given a planar graph G, a capacity function c and a positive integer k and asked whether G has a capacitated dominating set of size at most k. In this paper we show that Planar Capacitated Dominating Set is W[1]-hard, resolving an open problem of Dom et al. [IWPEC, 2008]. This is the first bidimensional problem to be shown W[1]-hard. Thus Planar Capacitated Dominating Set can become a useful starting point for reductions showing parameterized intractablility of planar graph problems

    On the computational tractability of a geographic clustering problem arising in redistricting

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    Redistricting is the problem of dividing a state into a number kk of regions, called districts. Voters in each district elect a representative. The primary criteria are: each district is connected, district populations are equal (or nearly equal), and districts are "compact". There are multiple competing definitions of compactness, usually minimizing some quantity. One measure that has been recently promoted by Duchin and others is number of cut edges. In redistricting, one is given atomic regions out of which each district must be built. The populations of the atomic regions are given. Consider the graph with one vertex per atomic region (with weight equal to the region's population) and an edge between atomic regions that share a boundary. A districting plan is a partition of vertices into kk parts, each connnected, of nearly equal weight. The districts are considered compact to the extent that the plan minimizes the number of edges crossing between different parts. Consider two problems: find the most compact districting plan, and sample districting plans under a compactness constraint uniformly at random. Both problems are NP-hard so we restrict the input graph to have branchwidth at most ww. (A planar graph's branchwidth is bounded by its diameter.) If both kk and ww are bounded by constants, the problems are solvable in polynomial time. Assume vertices have weight~1. One would like algorithms whose running times are of the form O(f(k,w)nc)O(f(k,w) n^c) for some constant cc independent of kk and ww, in which case the problems are said to be fixed-parameter tractable with respect to kk and ww). We show that, under a complexity-theoretic assumption, no such algorithms exist. However, we do give algorithms with running time O(cwnk+1)O(c^wn^{k+1}). Thus if the diameter of the graph is moderately small and the number of districts is very small, our algorithm is useable

    Tight bounds for planar strongly connected Steiner subgraph with fixed number of terminals (and extensions)

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    (see paper for full abstract) Given a vertex-weighted directed graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and a set T={t1,t2,tk}T=\{t_1, t_2, \ldots t_k\} of kk terminals, the objective of the SCSS problem is to find a vertex set HVH\subseteq V of minimum weight such that G[H]G[H] contains a titjt_{i}\rightarrow t_j path for each iji\neq j. The problem is NP-hard, but Feldman and Ruhl [FOCS '99; SICOMP '06] gave a novel nO(k)n^{O(k)} algorithm for the SCSS problem, where nn is the number of vertices in the graph and kk is the number of terminals. We explore how much easier the problem becomes on planar directed graphs: - Our main algorithmic result is a 2O(k)nO(k)2^{O(k)}\cdot n^{O(\sqrt{k})} algorithm for planar SCSS, which is an improvement of a factor of O(k)O(\sqrt{k}) in the exponent over the algorithm of Feldman and Ruhl. - Our main hardness result is a matching lower bound for our algorithm: we show that planar SCSS does not have an f(k)no(k)f(k)\cdot n^{o(\sqrt{k})} algorithm for any computable function ff, unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) fails. The following additional results put our upper and lower bounds in context: - In general graphs, we cannot hope for such a dramatic improvement over the nO(k)n^{O(k)} algorithm of Feldman and Ruhl: assuming ETH, SCSS in general graphs does not have an f(k)no(k/logk)f(k)\cdot n^{o(k/\log k)} algorithm for any computable function ff. - Feldman and Ruhl generalized their nO(k)n^{O(k)} algorithm to the more general Directed Steiner Network (DSN) problem; here the task is to find a subgraph of minimum weight such that for every source sis_i there is a path to the corresponding terminal tit_i. We show that, assuming ETH, there is no f(k)no(k)f(k)\cdot n^{o(k)} time algorithm for DSN on acyclic planar graphs.Comment: To appear in SICOMP. Extended abstract in SODA 2014. This version has a new author (Andreas Emil Feldmann), and the algorithm is faster and considerably simplified as compared to conference versio

    Algorithmic Lower Bounds for Problems Parameterized by Clique-width

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