51,657 research outputs found

    Decentralized Motion Planning with Collision Avoidance for a Team of UAVs under High Level Goals

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    This paper addresses the motion planning problem for a team of aerial agents under high level goals. We propose a hybrid control strategy that guarantees the accomplishment of each agent's local goal specification, which is given as a temporal logic formula, while guaranteeing inter-agent collision avoidance. In particular, by defining 3-D spheres that bound the agents' volume, we extend previous work on decentralized navigation functions and propose control laws that navigate the agents among predefined regions of interest of the workspace while avoiding collision with each other. This allows us to abstract the motion of the agents as finite transition systems and, by employing standard formal verification techniques, to derive a high-level control algorithm that satisfies the agents' specifications. Simulation and experimental results with quadrotors verify the validity of the proposed method.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Singapore, 201

    SOTER: A Runtime Assurance Framework for Programming Safe Robotics Systems

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    The recent drive towards achieving greater autonomy and intelligence in robotics has led to high levels of complexity. Autonomous robots increasingly depend on third party off-the-shelf components and complex machine-learning techniques. This trend makes it challenging to provide strong design-time certification of correct operation. To address these challenges, we present SOTER, a robotics programming framework with two key components: (1) a programming language for implementing and testing high-level reactive robotics software and (2) an integrated runtime assurance (RTA) system that helps enable the use of uncertified components, while still providing safety guarantees. SOTER provides language primitives to declaratively construct a RTA module consisting of an advanced, high-performance controller (uncertified), a safe, lower-performance controller (certified), and the desired safety specification. The framework provides a formal guarantee that a well-formed RTA module always satisfies the safety specification, without completely sacrificing performance by using higher performance uncertified components whenever safe. SOTER allows the complex robotics software stack to be constructed as a composition of RTA modules, where each uncertified component is protected using a RTA module. To demonstrate the efficacy of our framework, we consider a real-world case-study of building a safe drone surveillance system. Our experiments both in simulation and on actual drones show that the SOTER-enabled RTA ensures the safety of the system, including when untrusted third-party components have bugs or deviate from the desired behavior

    Real-Time Motion Planning of Legged Robots: A Model Predictive Control Approach

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    We introduce a real-time, constrained, nonlinear Model Predictive Control for the motion planning of legged robots. The proposed approach uses a constrained optimal control algorithm known as SLQ. We improve the efficiency of this algorithm by introducing a multi-processing scheme for estimating value function in its backward pass. This pass has been often calculated as a single process. This parallel SLQ algorithm can optimize longer time horizons without proportional increase in its computation time. Thus, our MPC algorithm can generate optimized trajectories for the next few phases of the motion within only a few milliseconds. This outperforms the state of the art by at least one order of magnitude. The performance of the approach is validated on a quadruped robot for generating dynamic gaits such as trotting.Comment: 8 page

    Combining Subgoal Graphs with Reinforcement Learning to Build a Rational Pathfinder

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    In this paper, we present a hierarchical path planning framework called SG-RL (subgoal graphs-reinforcement learning), to plan rational paths for agents maneuvering in continuous and uncertain environments. By "rational", we mean (1) efficient path planning to eliminate first-move lags; (2) collision-free and smooth for agents with kinematic constraints satisfied. SG-RL works in a two-level manner. At the first level, SG-RL uses a geometric path-planning method, i.e., Simple Subgoal Graphs (SSG), to efficiently find optimal abstract paths, also called subgoal sequences. At the second level, SG-RL uses an RL method, i.e., Least-Squares Policy Iteration (LSPI), to learn near-optimal motion-planning policies which can generate kinematically feasible and collision-free trajectories between adjacent subgoals. The first advantage of the proposed method is that SSG can solve the limitations of sparse reward and local minima trap for RL agents; thus, LSPI can be used to generate paths in complex environments. The second advantage is that, when the environment changes slightly (i.e., unexpected obstacles appearing), SG-RL does not need to reconstruct subgoal graphs and replan subgoal sequences using SSG, since LSPI can deal with uncertainties by exploiting its generalization ability to handle changes in environments. Simulation experiments in representative scenarios demonstrate that, compared with existing methods, SG-RL can work well on large-scale maps with relatively low action-switching frequencies and shorter path lengths, and SG-RL can deal with small changes in environments. We further demonstrate that the design of reward functions and the types of training environments are important factors for learning feasible policies.Comment: 20 page
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