17 research outputs found

    Investigating the Effects of Online Research Skills Instructions: A Quasi-Experimental Study in Grade 8

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    This article reports on a part of a larger  mixed-methods, quasi-experimental study which investigated the effect of  a comprehensive model of online source- use on developing online research skills and lessening copy-paste trend in the writing pieces of Grade 8  ESL students (n = 172) in three private schools in Saida, Lebanon. Eight teachers were randomly assigned into experimental and control conditions along with their respective classes. Five of these teachers implemented a ten–session intervention. The main researcher collected pre and post data on online research and comprehension assessment tool (revised-ORCA). Supported with current research and informed by the principles of the social- cognitive, socio-cultural, and the new literacies theories, statistical analyses revealed that the experimental group outperformed the control group, showing higher score gains from pre-test  to post-test on an overall score of revised ORCA as well as on its subskills. It was also noted that the contribution of the intervention on the scores of communicate ideas responsibly was almost twice the effect on the rest of subskills. Theoretical and pedagogical implications generated from this study were discussed. Recommendations for school policies and further research were also provided. Keywords: online research skills, copy-paste, middle school, ESL/EFL DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-33-11 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of Online Research Skills: An Exploratory Study in South Lebanese Schools

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    Studies showed that middle school students misuse the Internet sources for reading and writing purposes though they are skillful at online personal communication. Eventually, this led to the emergence of copy-paste trends in students’ written work. In this paper, we aimed at exploring 8th grade teachers’ and students’ perceptions about the factors that predict the copy-paste trend in Lebanese schools, and the extent to which these perceptions are interrelated. 172 students were surveyed and eight teachers interviewed at 3 private schools in the south of Lebanon. Results indicated that students had limited Internet skills despite their intensive Internet use and teachers lacked essential instructional practices to help students acquire basic skills to avoid plagiarism. Proposed recommendations included teachers’ inservice training and curriculum review to integrate essentials of ethical writing. Keywords: copy-paste trend, online research skills, Internet efficacy, middle school, ES

    Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia: University Lecturers'Views on Plagiarism

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    Abstract Plagiarism is a serious problem in an academic environment because it breaches academic honesty and integrity, copyright law, and publication ethics. This paper aims at revealing English as a Foreign Language (EFL) lecturers’ responses in dealing with some factors affecting students’ plagiarism practice in Indonesian Higher Education context. This study employed a qualitative method with case study approach. Eight experienced EFL lecturers were conveniently recruited, and the data were analyzed using thematic analysis technique. The results revealed that EFL students perpetrated plagiarisms due to three factors; 1) convenient access to online resources allowed the EFL students to retrieve some information without properly citing the sources, 2) Questionable lecturers’ assessment, and 3) Student has poor academic writing-skills. The plagiarism practices are apparent in the Indonesian educational context, and this may produce other negative consequences, such as academic dishonesty and poor academic writing. However, further investigation is necessary to examine the relative contribution of each factor on students’ plagiarism practice

    Improving Computer Programming Competency for First Semester Computer Science Students through Immersive Project-Based Learning

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    The objective of this research is to describe the implementation of project-based learning (PJBL) in improving computer programming competency in a higher education setting. The method applied in this study is action research with a one-cycle framework with four phases of development: a) planning, b) action, c) observing, and d) reflection phases. This research tries to answer two questions: how to implement PJBL in a programming course to improve programming competency and how to ensure students’ satisfaction in the learning process. The PJBL applied in this research consists of seven steps, including a) a challenging problem or question; b) sustained inquiry; c) authenticity; d) student voice & choice; e) reflection; f) critique and revision; and g) public product. We found that the PJBL implementation for the course, Introduction to Programming, supports the attainment of programming competence. We found that PJBL helps students retain programming knowledge and transfer the programming skills into real-life projects. The research also found that with the implementation of PJBL in Introduction to Programming, students’ satisfaction with the learning experience increases. The result shows that PJBL is not only effective in improving computer programming competency, but also in increasing the student’s engagement and passion for lifelong learning

    Herramientas “antiplagio”: ¿son confiables? Estudio de casos.

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    El presente trabajo da continuidad a un proyecto inicial que pretende determinar la utilidad práctica de herramientas gratuitas y comerciales para detectar plagio de fuentes de internet en documentos con fines académicos. Se evaluó el desempeño después de un año de comenzado el trabajo inicial, de cuatro softwares para detectar copia textual procedente de internet: Small Seo Tools, Duplickecker, Search Engine Report (gratuitas) y Turnitin (comercial). El Índice General de Similitud se redujo significativamente en las herramientas Small Seo Tools, Search Engine Report y Turnitin, mientras que en Duplichecker disminuyó además el número de trabajos dados como positivos para posible plagio. No obstante, la tasa de fallos para detectar posible copia textual o casi textual,  se elevó significativamente de dos a cinco veces solo en las herramientas gratuitas, mientras que en Turnitin, no se detectó este problema. De los cuatro softwares analizados, solo Turnitin manifestó una reproducibilidad aceptable, mientras que Duplichecker y Search Engine Report, tuvieron un resultado marginal. Small Seo Tools, no tuvo un desempeño aceptable por lo que no se recomienda su uso. Los resultados suponen un defecto en el funcionamiento de estos tres softwares gratuitos dado que el análisis de documentos actuales también denota una tasa de fallos muy elevada

    Motions put before the University of Maine Faculty Senate, January 2015-December 1999

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    Documentation of all motions placed before the University of Maine Faculty Senate between January 2015-December 1999

    University of Maine Self-Study Report 2019

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    The University of Maine\u27s Self-Study report submitted to the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (NEASC CIHE)

    Teacher and learner perceptions of indigenous folktales as resource for the English Home Language classroom

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    Dissertation (MEd (General))--University of Pretoria, 2022.One of the principles that the South African curriculum is based on is the valuing of indigenous knowledge and indigenous knowledge systems. In the past, folktales have been invaluable conduits of this indigeneity. The aim of this qualitative research study was to discover teachers’ and learners’ perceptions of African indigenous folktales as a resource in the English Home Language classroom. Interviews, classroom observations and an art-based activity were used as data collection methods. Five educators in the Tshwane South area participated in semi-structured interviews. Four lessons were observed and learners wrote their own folktales. The data collected revealed that teachers’ and learners’ perceptions are shaped by their experiences and various internal and external factors. Through the course of this study, it was revealed that African folktales are an important part of the culture of people and can act as conduits of indigeneity at home and in the classroom. These stories are rich textual reservoirs that contain and communicate valuable cultural knowledge. It was found that the folktale tradition is not as marked as it once was, therefore, the learning and teaching of folktales has not received enough attention in the classroom. The major finding is that when teachers consciously teach the elements of African folktales, learners incorporate these in their own written folktales. These products represent an enriched mix of African and Western folktale elements and narratives.Humanities EducationMEd (General)Unrestricte

    Western Oregon University 2011-2012 Course Catalog

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