4 research outputs found

    Sub-pixel techniques to improve spatial resolution

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    Image acquisition using a scene sampling device generally results in a loss of fidelity in the acquired image, particularly if the scene contains high frequency features. Acquired images are also degraded by the blurring effects of acquisition filtering, image reconstruction, and additive noise effects. to compensate for these degradations, a digital restoration filter that attempts to partially eliminate the blurring while avoiding amplification of the noise effects is needed. In addition, to compensate for undersampling, a subpixel technique known as microscanning is required. This dissertation provides research into the spatial resolution enhancement of digital images based on subpixel techniques that will help to minimize the impact of these degradations. Subpixel techniques investigated include microscanning and estimation of the function that measures the amount of blurring incurred during acquisition. These techniques will be used in conjunction with a constrained least squares restoration filter to achieve the best possible representation of the original scene

    Super-Resolution of Unmanned Airborne Vehicle Images with Maximum Fidelity Stochastic Restoration

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    Super-resolution (SR) refers to reconstructing a single high resolution (HR) image from a set of subsampled, blurred and noisy low resolution (LR) images. One may, then, envision a scenario where a set of LR images is acquired with sensors on a moving platform like unmanned airborne vehicles (UAV). Due to the wind, the UAV may encounter altitude change or rotational effects which can distort the acquired as well as the processed images. Also, the visual quality of the SR image is affected by image acquisition degradations, the available number of the LR images and their relative positions. This dissertation seeks to develop a novel fast stochastic algorithm to reconstruct a single SR image from UAV-captured images in two steps. First, the UAV LR images are aligned using a new hybrid registration algorithm within subpixel accuracy. In the second step, the proposed approach develops a new fast stochastic minimum square constrained Wiener restoration filter for SR reconstruction and restoration using a fully detailed continuous-discrete-continuous (CDC) model. A new parameter that accounts for LR images registration and fusion errors is added to the SR CDC model in addition to a multi-response restoration and reconstruction. Finally, to assess the visual quality of the resultant images, two figures of merit are introduced: information rate and maximum realizable fidelity. Experimental results show that quantitative assessment using the proposed figures coincided with the visual qualitative assessment. We evaluated our filter against other SR techniques and its results were found to be competitive in terms of speed and visual quality

    <title>Pixel-scale feature restoration from microscanned image data</title>

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