43 research outputs found

    Error concealment-aware encoding for robust video transmission

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    In this paper an error concealment-aware encoding scheme is proposed to improve the quality of decoded video in broadcast environments prone to transmission errors and data loss. The proposed scheme is based on a scalable coding approach where the best error concealment (EC) methods to be used at the decoder are optimally determined at the encoder and signalled to the decoder through SEI messages. Such optimal EC modes are found by simulating transmission losses followed by a lagrangian optimisation of the signalling rate - EC distortion cost. A generalised saliency-weighted distortion is used and the residue between coded frames and their EC substitutes is encoded using a rate-controlled enhancement layer. When data loss occurs the decoder uses the signalling information is used at the decoder, in case of data loss, to improve the reconstruction quality. The simulation results show that the proposed method achieves consistent quality gains in comparison with other reference methods and previous works. Using only the EC mode signalling, i.e., without any residue transmitted in the enhancement layer, an average PSNR gain up to 2.95 dB is achieved, while using the full EC-aware scheme, i.e., including residue encoded in the enhancement layer, the proposed scheme outperforms other comparable methods, with PSNR gain up to 3.79 dB

    Novel source coding methods for optimising real time video codecs.

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    The quality of the decoded video is affected by errors occurring in the various layers of the protocol stack. In this thesis, disjoint errors occurring in different layers of the protocol stack are investigated with the primary objective of demonstrating the flexibility of the source coding layer. In the first part of the thesis, the errors occurring in the editing layer, due to the coexistence of different video standards in the broadcast market, are addressed. The problems investigated are ‘Field Reversal’ and ‘Mixed Pulldown’. Field Reversal is caused when the interlaced video fields are not shown in the same order as they were captured. This results in a shaky video display, as the fields are not displayed in chronological order. Additionally, Mixed Pulldown occurs when the video frame-rate is up-sampled and down-sampled, when digitised film material is being standardised to suit standard televisions. Novel image processing algorithms are proposed to solve these problems from the source coding layer. In the second part of the thesis, the errors occurring in the transmission layer due to data corruption are addressed. The usage of block level source error-resilient methods over bit level channel coding methods are investigated and improvements are suggested. The secondary objective of the thesis is to optimise the proposed algorithm’s architecture for real-time implementation, since the problems are of a commercial nature. The Field Reversal and Mixed Pulldown algorithms were tested in real time at MTV (Music Television) and are made available commercially through ‘Cerify’, a Linux-based media testing box manufactured by Tektronix Plc. The channel error-resilient algorithms were tested in a laboratory environment using Matlab and performance improvements are obtained

    Error resilience and concealment techniques for high-efficiency video coding

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    This thesis investigates the problem of robust coding and error concealment in High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). After a review of the current state of the art, a simulation study about error robustness, revealed that the HEVC has weak protection against network losses with significant impact on video quality degradation. Based on this evidence, the first contribution of this work is a new method to reduce the temporal dependencies between motion vectors, by improving the decoded video quality without compromising the compression efficiency. The second contribution of this thesis is a two-stage approach for reducing the mismatch of temporal predictions in case of video streams received with errors or lost data. At the encoding stage, the reference pictures are dynamically distributed based on a constrained Lagrangian rate-distortion optimization to reduce the number of predictions from a single reference. At the streaming stage, a prioritization algorithm, based on spatial dependencies, selects a reduced set of motion vectors to be transmitted, as side information, to reduce mismatched motion predictions at the decoder. The problem of error concealment-aware video coding is also investigated to enhance the overall error robustness. A new approach based on scalable coding and optimally error concealment selection is proposed, where the optimal error concealment modes are found by simulating transmission losses, followed by a saliency-weighted optimisation. Moreover, recovery residual information is encoded using a rate-controlled enhancement layer. Both are transmitted to the decoder to be used in case of data loss. Finally, an adaptive error resilience scheme is proposed to dynamically predict the video stream that achieves the highest decoded quality for a particular loss case. A neural network selects among the various video streams, encoded with different levels of compression efficiency and error protection, based on information from the video signal, the coded stream and the transmission network. Overall, the new robust video coding methods investigated in this thesis yield consistent quality gains in comparison with other existing methods and also the ones implemented in the HEVC reference software. Furthermore, the trade-off between coding efficiency and error robustness is also better in the proposed methods

    Concealment algorithms for networked video transmission systems

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    This thesis addresses the problem of cell loss when transmitting video data over an ATM network. Cell loss causes sections of an image to be lost or discarded in the interconnecting nodes between the transmitting and receiving locations. The method used to combat this problem is to use a technique called Error Concealment, where the lost sections of an image are replaced with approximations derived from the information in the surrounding areas to the error. This technique does not require any additional encoding, as used by Error Correction. Conventional techniques conceal from within the pixel domain, but require a large amount of processing (2N2 up to 20N2) where N is the dimension of an N×N square block. Also, previous work at Loughborough used Linear Interpolation in the transform domain, which required much less processing, to conceal the error. [Continues.

    Improving The Efficiency Of Video Transmission In Computer Networks

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    In-depth examination of current techniques for enhancing the efficiency of video transmission over digital networks is provided in this study. Due to the growing need for high-quality video content, optimizing video transmission is an important area of research. This review categorizes and in-depth examines a range of methods proposed in the literature to enhance video transmission effectiveness. ABR, DNN architecture, adaptive streaming, Quality of Service (QoS), error resilience, congestion control, video compression, and hardware acceleration for video provisioning are just a few of the cutting-edge techniques that are covered in the discussion, which ranges from the more traditional to the cutting-edge. This essay provides a methodical evaluation of the numerous tactics that are available, along with an analysis of their guiding principles, advantages, and disadvantages. The paper also offers a comparative analysis of various approaches, highlighting trends, gaps, and potential future research directions in this crucial domain, all of which help to create more efficient video compression and transmission paradigms in computer networks

    Error Correction and Concealment of Bock Based, Motion-Compensated Temporal Predition, Transform Coded Video

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    Error Correction and Concealment of Block Based, Motion-Compensated Temporal Prediction, Transform Coded Video David L. Robie 133 Pages Directed by Dr. Russell M. Mersereau The use of the Internet and wireless networks to bring multimedia to the consumer continues to expand. The transmission of these products is always subject to corruption due to errors such as bit errors or lost and ill-timed packets; however, in many cases, such as real time video transmission, retransmission request (ARQ) is not practical. Therefore receivers must be capable of recovering from corrupted data. Errors can be mitigated using forward error correction in the encoder or error concealment techniques in the decoder. This thesis investigates the use of forward error correction (FEC) techniques in the encoder and error concealment in the decoder in block-based, motion-compensated, temporal prediction, transform codecs. It will show improvement over standard FEC applications and improvements in error concealment relative to the Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) standard. To this end, this dissertation will describe the following contributions and proofs-of-concept in the area of error concealment and correction in block-based video transmission. A temporal error concealment algorithm which uses motion-compensated macroblocks from previous frames. A spatial error concealment algorithm which uses the Hough transform to detect edges in both foreground and background colors and using directional interpolation or directional filtering to provide improved edge reproduction. A codec which uses data hiding to transmit error correction information. An enhanced codec which builds upon the last by improving the performance of the codec in the error-free environment while maintaining excellent error recovery capabilities. A method to allocate Reed-Solomon (R-S) packet-based forward error correction that will decrease distortion (using a PSNR metric) at the receiver compared to standard FEC techniques. Finally, under the constraints of a constant bit rate, the tradeoff between traditional R-S FEC and alternate forward concealment information (FCI) is evaluated. Each of these developments is compared and contrasted to state of the art techniques and are able to show improvements using widely accepted metrics. The dissertation concludes with a discussion of future work.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Mersereau, Russell; Committee Member: Altunbasak, Yucel; Committee Member: Fekri, Faramarz; Committee Member: Lanterman, Aaron; Committee Member: Zhou, Haomi

    Seminario sullo Standard MPEG-4: utilizzo ed aspetti implementativi

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    Una delle tecnologie chiave che hanno permesso il grande sviluppo della televisione digitale è la compressione video. La tecnologia di codifica video nota come MPEG-2, sviluppata nei primi anni novanta, è diventata lo standard di trasmissione DTV (Digital TV) sia satellitare sia terrestre in quasi tutti i paesi del mondo. Da allora la velocità dei microprocessori e le capacità di memoria dei dispositivi hardware per la codifica e la decodifica sono migliorate significativamente rendendo possibile lo sviluppo e l’implementazione di algoritmi di codifica innovativi in grado di abbattere significativamente i limiti di compressione dello standard MPEG-2. Tali innovazioni, sfociate nel 2003 nello standard MPEG-4 AVC (Advanced Video Coding), non hanno permesso di mantenere la compatibilità all’indietro con l’MPEG-2, e questo ha inizialmente costituito un limite alla loro introduzione nei sistemi di trasmissione DTV. Tuttavia, negli ultimi anni la codifica MPEG-4 AVC si è diffusa rapidamente, è stata adottata dal progetto DVB, recentemente dall’ATSC, ed è lo standard di codifica nell’IPTV. L’obiettivo di questo seminario, che si articola in due giornate, è quello di presentare lo standard di codifica MPEG-4 AVC con particolare attenzione agli aspetti implementativi del livello di codifica video.2008-11-18Sardegna Ricerche, Edificio 2, Località Piscinamanna 09010 Pula (CA) - ItaliaSeminario sullo Standard MPEG-4: utilizzo ed aspetti implementativ

    Video post processing architectures

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    Fast motion estimation algorithm in H.264 standard

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    In H.264/AVC standard, the block motion estimation pattern is used to estimate the motion which is a very time consuming part. Although many fast algorithms have been proposed to reduce the huge calculation, the motion estimation time still cannot achieve the critical real time application. So to develop an algorithm which will be fast and having low complexity became a challenge in this standard.For this reasons, a lot of block motion estimation algorithms have been proposed. Typically the block motion estimation part is categorized into two parts. (1) Single pixel motion estimation (2) Fractional pixel motion estimation. In single pixel motion estimation one kind of fast motion algorithm uses fixed pattern like Three Step search, 2-D Logarithmic Search. Four Step search,Diamond Search, Hexagon Based Search. These algorithms are able to reduce the search point and get good coding quality. But the coding quality decreases when the fixed pattern does not fit the real life video sequence. In this thesis we tried to reduce the time complexity and number of search point by using an early termination method which is called adaptive threshold selection. We have used this method in three step search (TSS) and four step search and compared the performance with already existing block matching algorithm.This thesis work proposes fast sub-pixel motion estimation techniques having lower computational complexity. The proposed methods are based on mathematical models of the motion compensated prediction errors in compressing moving pictures. Unlike conventional hierarchical motion estimation techniques, the proposed methods avoid sub-pixel interpolation and subsequent secondary search after the integer-precision motion estimation, resulting in reduced computational time. In order to decide the coefficients of the models, the motion-compensated prediction errors of the neighboring pixels around the integer-pixel motion vector are utilized