40 research outputs found

    Hardware / Software System for Portable and Low-Cost Genome Assembly

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    “The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition” [56]. Genomics (the study of the entire DNA) provides such a standard of health for people with rare diseases and helps control the spread of pandemics. Still, millions of human beings are unable to access genomics due to its cost, and portability. In genomics, DNA sequencers digitise DNA information, and computers analyse the digitised information. We have desktop and thumb-sized DNA sequencers, that digitise the DNA data rapidly. But computations necessary for the analysis of this data are inevitably performed on high-performance computers (HPCs) and cloud computers. These computations not only require powerful computers but also necessitate high-speed networks since the data generated are in the hundreds of gigabytes. Relying on HPCs and high-speed networks, deny the benefits that can be reaped by genomics for the masses who live in remote areas and in poorer nations. Developing a low-cost and portable genomics computation platform would provide personalised treatment based on an individual’s DNA and identify the source of the fast-spreading epidemics in remote areas and areas without HPC or network infrastructure. But developing a low-cost and portable genome analysing computing platform is a challenging task. This thesis develops novel computer architecture solutions to assemble the whole human DNA and COVID-19 virus RNA on a low-cost and portable platform. The first phase of the solution describes a ring-pipelined processor architecture for a key genome assembly algorithm. The human genome is partitioned to fit into the small memory footprint of embedded processors. These techniques allow an entire human genome to be assembled using highly portable and low-cost embedded processor cores. These processor cores can be housed within a single chip. Each processor was only 0.08 mm 2 and consumed just 37.5 mW. It has only 2 GB memory, 32-bit instruction width, and a clock with a 1 GHz frequency. The second phase of the solution describes how application-specific instruction-set processors can be sped up to execute a key genome assembly algorithm. A fully automated design system is presented, which improves the performance of large applications (such as genome assembly algorithm) and generates application-specific instructions for a commercial processor design tool (Xtensa). The tool enhances the base processor, which was used in the ring pipeline processor architecture. Thus, the alignment algorithms execute 2.1 times faster with only 11% additional hardware. The energy-delay product was reduced by 7.3× compared to the base processor. This tool is the only one of its type which can handle applications which are large. The third phase of the solution designs a portable low-cost genome assembly computer (PGA). PGA enhances the ring pipeline architecture with the customised processor found in phase two and with improved inter-processor communication. The results show that the COVID-19 virus RNA can be assembled in under 10 minutes and the whole human genome can be assembled in 11 days on a portable platform (HPC take around two days) for 30× coverage. PGA has an area footprint of just 5.68 mm 2 in a 28 nm technology node and is far smaller than a high-performance computer processor chip. The PGA consumes only 4W of power, which is lower than the power requirement of a high-performance processor chip. The manufacturing cost of the PGA also would be much cheaper than the high-performance system cost, when produced in volume. The developed solution can be powered by a USB port of a laptop. This thesis is the first of its type to show the design of a single-chip solution to be able to process a complex genomic problem. This thesis contributes to attaining one of the fundamental rights of every human being wherever they may live

    Low-complexity approaches to distributed data dissemination

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (p. 145-153).In this thesis we consider practical ways of disseminating information from multiple senders to multiple receivers in an optimal or provably close-to-optimal fashion. The basis for our discussion of optimal transmission of information is mostly information theoretic - but the methods that we apply to do so in a low-complexity fashion draw from a number of different engineering disciplines. The three canonical multiple-input, multiple-output problems we focus our attention upon are: * The Slepian-Wolf problem where multiple correlated sources must be distributedly compressed and recovered with a common receiver. * The discrete memoryless multiple access problem where multiple senders communicate across a common channel to a single receiver. * The deterministic broadcast channel problem where multiple messages are sent from a common sender to multiple receivers through a deterministic medium. Chapter 1 serves as an introduction and provides models, definitions, and a discussion of barriers between theory and practice for the three canonical data dissemination problems we will discuss. Here we also discuss how these three problems are all in different senses 'dual' to each other, and use this as a motivating force to attack them with unifying themes.(cont.) Chapter 2 discusses the Slepian-Wolf problem of distributed near-lossless compression of correlated sources. Here we consider embedding any achievable rate in an M-source problem to a corner point in a 2M - 1-source problem. This allows us to employ practical iterative decoding techniques and achieve rates near the boundary with legitimate empirical performance. Both synthetic data and real correlated data from sensors at the International Space Station are used to successfully test our approach. Chapter 3 generalizes the investigation of practical and provably good decoding algorithms for multiterminal systems to the case where the statistical distribution of the memoryless system is unknown. It has been well-established in the theoretical literature that such 'universal' decoders exist and do not suffer a performance penalty, but their proposed structure is highly nonlinear and therefore believed to be complex. For this reason, most discussion of such decoders has been limited to the realm of ontology and proof of existence. By exploiting recently derived results in other engineering disciplines (i.e. expander graphs, linear programming relaxations, etc), we discuss a code construction and two decoding algorithms that have polynomial complexity and admit provably good performance (exponential error probability decay).(cont.) Because there is no need for a priori statistical knowledge in decoding (which in many settings - for instance a sensor network - might be difficult to repeatedly acquire without significant cost), this approach has very attractive robustness, energy efficiency, and stand-alone practical implications. Finally, Chapter 4 walks away from the multiple-sender, single-receiver setting and steps into the single-sender-multiple receiver setting. We focus our attention here on the deterministic broadcast channel, which is dual to the Slepian-Wolf and multiple access problems in a number of ways - including how the difficulty of practical implementation lies in the encoding rather than decoding. Here we illustrate how again a splitting approach can be applied, and how the same properties from the Slepian-Wolf and multiple access splitting settings remain. We also discuss practical coding strategies for some problems motivated by wireless, and show how by properly 'dualizing' provably good decoding strategies for some channel coding problems, we admit provably good encoding for this setting.by Todd Prentice Coleman.Ph.D

    Gbit/second lossless data compression hardware

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    This thesis investigates how to improve the performance of lossless data compression hardware as a tool to reduce the cost per bit stored in a computer system or transmitted over a communication network. Lossless data compression allows the exact reconstruction of the original data after decompression. Its deployment in some high-bandwidth applications has been hampered due to performance limitations in the compressing hardware that needs to match the performance of the original system to avoid becoming a bottleneck. Advancing the area of lossless data compression hardware, hence, offers a valid motivation with the potential of doubling the performance of the system that incorporates it with minimum investment. This work starts by presenting an analysis of current compression methods with the objective of identifying the factors that limit performance and also the factors that increase it. [Continues.

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationIn the past few years, we have seen a tremendous increase in digital data being generated. By 2011, storage vendors had shipped 905 PB of purpose-built backup appliances. By 2013, the number of objects stored in Amazon S3 had reached 2 trillion. Facebook had stored 20 PB of photos by 2010. All of these require an efficient storage solution. To improve space efficiency, compression and deduplication are being widely used. Compression works by identifying repeated strings and replacing them with more compact encodings while deduplication partitions data into fixed-size or variable-size chunks and removes duplicate blocks. While we have seen great improvements in space efficiency from these two approaches, there are still some limitations. First, traditional compressors are limited in their ability to detect redundancy across a large range since they search for redundant data in a fine-grain level (string level). For deduplication, metadata embedded in an input file changes more frequently, and this introduces more unnecessary unique chunks, leading to poor deduplication. Cloud storage systems suffer from unpredictable and inefficient performance because of interference among different types of workloads. This dissertation proposes techniques to improve the effectiveness of traditional compressors and deduplication in improving space efficiency, and a new IO scheduling algorithm to improve performance predictability and efficiency for cloud storage systems. The common idea is to utilize similarity. To improve the effectiveness of compression and deduplication, similarity in content is used to transform an input file into a compression- or deduplication-friendly format. We propose Migratory Compression, a generic data transformation that identifies similar data in a coarse-grain level (block level) and then groups similar blocks together. It can be used as a preprocessing stage for any traditional compressor. We find metadata have a huge impact in reducing the benefit of deduplication. To isolate the impact from metadata, we propose to separate metadata from data. Three approaches are presented for use cases with different constrains. For the commonly used tar format, we propose Migratory Tar: a data transformation and also a new tar format that deduplicates better. We also present a case study where we use deduplication to reduce storage consumption for storing disk images, while at the same time achieving high performance in image deployment. Finally, we apply the same principle of utilizing similarity in IO scheduling to prevent interference between random and sequential workloads, leading to efficient, consistent, and predictable performance for sequential workloads and a high disk utilization

    Low-complexity, low-area computer architectures for cryptographic application in resource constrained environments

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    RCE (Resource Constrained Environment) is known for its stringent hardware design requirements. With the rise of Internet of Things (IoT), low-complexity and low-area designs are becoming prominent in the face of complex security threats. Two low-complexity, low-area cryptographic processors based on the ultimate reduced instruction set computer (URISC) are created to provide security features for wireless visual sensor networks (WVSN) by using field-programmable gate array (FPGA) based visual processors typically used in RCEs. The first processor is the Two Instruction Set Computer (TISC) running the Skipjack cipher. To improve security, a Compact Instruction Set Architecture (CISA) processor running the full AES with modified S-Box was created. The modified S-Box achieved a gate count reduction of 23% with no functional compromise compared to Boyar’s. Using the Spartan-3L XC3S1500L-4-FG320 FPGA, the implementation of the TISC occupies 71 slices and 1 block RAM. The TISC achieved a throughput of 46.38 kbps at a stable 24MHz clock. The CISA which occupies 157 slices and 1 block RAM, achieved a throughput of 119.3 kbps at a stable 24MHz clock. The CISA processor is demonstrated in two main applications, the first in a multilevel, multi cipher architecture (MMA) with two modes of operation, (1) by selecting cipher programs (primitives) and sharing crypto-blocks, (2) by using simple authentication, key renewal schemes, and showing perceptual improvements over direct AES on images. The second application demonstrates the use of the CISA processor as part of a selective encryption architecture (SEA) in combination with the millions instructions per second set partitioning in hierarchical trees (MIPS SPIHT) visual processor. The SEA is implemented on a Celoxica RC203 Vertex XC2V3000 FPGA occupying 6251 slices and a visual sensor is used to capture real world images. Four images frames were captured from a camera sensor, compressed, selectively encrypted, and sent over to a PC environment for decryption. The final design emulates a working visual sensor, from on node processing and encryption to back-end data processing on a server computer

    Low-complexity, low-area computer architectures for cryptographic application in resource constrained environments

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    RCE (Resource Constrained Environment) is known for its stringent hardware design requirements. With the rise of Internet of Things (IoT), low-complexity and low-area designs are becoming prominent in the face of complex security threats. Two low-complexity, low-area cryptographic processors based on the ultimate reduced instruction set computer (URISC) are created to provide security features for wireless visual sensor networks (WVSN) by using field-programmable gate array (FPGA) based visual processors typically used in RCEs. The first processor is the Two Instruction Set Computer (TISC) running the Skipjack cipher. To improve security, a Compact Instruction Set Architecture (CISA) processor running the full AES with modified S-Box was created. The modified S-Box achieved a gate count reduction of 23% with no functional compromise compared to Boyar’s. Using the Spartan-3L XC3S1500L-4-FG320 FPGA, the implementation of the TISC occupies 71 slices and 1 block RAM. The TISC achieved a throughput of 46.38 kbps at a stable 24MHz clock. The CISA which occupies 157 slices and 1 block RAM, achieved a throughput of 119.3 kbps at a stable 24MHz clock. The CISA processor is demonstrated in two main applications, the first in a multilevel, multi cipher architecture (MMA) with two modes of operation, (1) by selecting cipher programs (primitives) and sharing crypto-blocks, (2) by using simple authentication, key renewal schemes, and showing perceptual improvements over direct AES on images. The second application demonstrates the use of the CISA processor as part of a selective encryption architecture (SEA) in combination with the millions instructions per second set partitioning in hierarchical trees (MIPS SPIHT) visual processor. The SEA is implemented on a Celoxica RC203 Vertex XC2V3000 FPGA occupying 6251 slices and a visual sensor is used to capture real world images. Four images frames were captured from a camera sensor, compressed, selectively encrypted, and sent over to a PC environment for decryption. The final design emulates a working visual sensor, from on node processing and encryption to back-end data processing on a server computer

    ECG compression for Holter monitoring

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    Cardiologists can gain useful insight into a patient's condition when they are able to correlate the patent's symptoms and activities. For this purpose, a Holter Monitor is often used - a portable electrocardiogram (ECG) recorder worn by the patient for a period of 24-72 hours. Preferably, the monitor is not cumbersome to the patient and thus it should be designed to be as small and light as possible; however, the storage requirements for such a long signal are very large and can significantly increase the recorder's size and cost, and so signal compression is often employed. At the same time, the decompressed signal must contain enough detail for the cardiologist to be able to identify irregularities. "Lossy" compressors may obscure such details, where a "lossless" compressor preserves the signal exactly as captured.The purpose of this thesis is to develop a platform upon which a Holter Monitor can be built, including a hardware-assisted lossless compression method in order to avoid the signal quality penalties of a lossy algorithm. The objective of this thesis is to develop and implement a low-complexity lossless ECG encoding algorithm capable of at least a 2:1 compression ratio in an embedded system for use in a Holter Monitor. Different lossless compression techniques were evaluated in terms of coding efficiency as well as suitability for ECG waveform application, random access within the signal and complexity of the decoding operation. For the reduction of the physical circuit size, a System On a Programmable Chip (SOPC) design was utilized. A coder based on a library of linear predictors and Rice coding was chosen and found to give a compression ratio of at least 2:1 and as high as 3:1 on real-world signals tested while having a low decoder complexity and fast random access to arbitrary parts of the signal. In the hardware-assisted implementation, the speed of encoding was a factor of between four and five faster than a software encoder running on the same CPU while allowing the CPU to perform other tasks during the encoding process

    Remote Sensing Data Compression

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    A huge amount of data is acquired nowadays by different remote sensing systems installed on satellites, aircrafts, and UAV. The acquired data then have to be transferred to image processing centres, stored and/or delivered to customers. In restricted scenarios, data compression is strongly desired or necessary. A wide diversity of coding methods can be used, depending on the requirements and their priority. In addition, the types and properties of images differ a lot, thus, practical implementation aspects have to be taken into account. The Special Issue paper collection taken as basis of this book touches on all of the aforementioned items to some degree, giving the reader an opportunity to learn about recent developments and research directions in the field of image compression. In particular, lossless and near-lossless compression of multi- and hyperspectral images still remains current, since such images constitute data arrays that are of extremely large size with rich information that can be retrieved from them for various applications. Another important aspect is the impact of lossless compression on image classification and segmentation, where a reasonable compromise between the characteristics of compression and the final tasks of data processing has to be achieved. The problems of data transition from UAV-based acquisition platforms, as well as the use of FPGA and neural networks, have become very important. Finally, attempts to apply compressive sensing approaches in remote sensing image processing with positive outcomes are observed. We hope that readers will find our book useful and interestin

    Técnicas de compresión de imágenes hiperespectrales sobre hardware reconfigurable

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, leída el 18-12-2020Sensors are nowadays in all aspects of human life. When possible, sensors are used remotely. This is less intrusive, avoids interferces in the measuring process, and more convenient for the scientist. One of the most recurrent concerns in the last decades has been sustainability of the planet, and how the changes it is facing can be monitored. Remote sensing of the earth has seen an explosion in activity, with satellites now being launched on a weekly basis to perform remote analysis of the earth, and planes surveying vast areas for closer analysis...Los sensores aparecen hoy en día en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida. Cuando es posible, de manera remota. Esto es menos intrusivo, evita interferencias en el proceso de medida, y además facilita el trabajo científico. Una de las preocupaciones recurrentes en las últimas décadas ha sido la sotenibilidad del planeta, y cómo menitoirzar los cambios a los que se enfrenta. Los estudios remotos de la tierra han visto un gran crecimiento, con satélites lanzados semanalmente para analizar la superficie, y aviones sobrevolando grades áreas para análisis más precisos...Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    On the performance of markup language compression

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    Data compression is used in our everyday life to improve computer interaction or simply for storage purposes. Lossless data compression refers to those techniques that are able to compress a file in such ways that the decompressed format is the replica of the original. These techniques, which differ from the lossy data compression, are necessary and heavily used in order to reduce resource usage and improve storage and transmission speeds. Prior research led to huge improvements in compression performance and efficiency for general purpose tools which are mainly based on statistical and dictionary encoding techniques. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is based on redundant data which is parsed as normal text by general-purpose compressors. Several tools for compressing XML data have been developed, resulting in improvements for compression size and speed using different compression techniques. These tools are mostly based on algorithms that rely on variable length encoding. XML Schema is a language used to define the structure and data types of an XML document. As a result of this, it provides XML compression tools additional information that can be used to improve compression efficiency. In addition, XML Schema is also used for validating XML data. For document compression there is a need to generate the schema dynamically for each XML file. This solution can be applied to improve the efficiency of XML compressors. This research investigates a dynamic approach to compress XML data using a hybrid compression tool. This model allows the compression of XML data using variable and fixed length encoding techniques when their best use cases are triggered. The aim of this research is to investigate the use of fixed length encoding techniques to support general-purpose XML compressors. The results demonstrate the possibility of improving on compression size when a fixed length encoder is used to compressed most XML data types