30 research outputs found

    Coordinated Voltage Control in Modern Distribution Systems

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    Modern distribution systems, especially with the presence of distributed generation (DG) and distribution automation are evolving as smart distribution systems. Distribution management systems (DMSs) with communication infrastructure and associated software and hardware developments are integral parts of the smart distribution systems. With such advancement in distribution systems, distribution system voltage and reactive power control are dominant by Volt/VAr (voltage and reactive power) optimisation and utilisation of DG for system Volt/VAr support. It is to be noted that the respective controls and optimisation formulations are typically adopted from primary, secondary and tertiary voltage and reactive power controls at upstream system level. However, the characteristics of modern distribution systems embedded with high penetration of DG are different from transmission systems and the former distribution systems with uni-directional power flow. Also, coordinated control of multiple Volt/VAr support DG units with other voltage control devices such as on-load tap changer (OLTC), line voltage regulators (VRs) and capacitor banks (CBs) is one of the challenging tasks. It is mainly because reverse power flow, caused predominantly by DG units, can influence the operation of conventional voltage control devices. Some of the adverse effects include control interactions, operational conflicts, voltage drop and rise cases at different buses in a network, and oscillatory transients. This research project aimed to carry out in-depth study on coordinated voltage control in modern MV distribution systems utilising DG for system Volt/VAr support. In the initial phase of the research project, an in-depth literature review is conducted and the specific research gaps are identified. The design considerations of the proposed coordinated voltage control, which also uses the concept of virtual time delay, are identified through comprehensive investigations. It emphasises on examining and analysing both steady-state and dynamic phenomena associated with the control interactions among multiple Volt/VAr support DG units and voltage control devices. It would be essential for ensuring effective coordinated voltage control in modern distribution systems. In this thesis, the interactions among multiple DG units and voltage control devices are identified using their simultaneous and non-simultaneous responses for voltage control through time domain simulations. For this task, an analytical technique is proposed and small signal modelling studies have also been conducted. The proposed methodology could be beneficial to distribution network planners and operators to ensure seamless network operation from voltage control perspective with increasing penetration of DG units. Notably, it has been found that the significant interactions among multiple DG units and voltage control devices are possible under conventional standalone, rule-based, and analytics based control strategies as well as with real-time optimal control under certain system conditions. In the second phase of the research project, the proposed coordinated voltage control strategy is elaborated. The control design considerations are fundamentally based on eliminating the adverse effects, which can distinctly be caused by the simultaneous and non-simultaneous responses of multiple Volt/VAr support DG units and voltage control devices. First, the concept of virtual time delay is applied for dynamically managing the control variables of Volt/VAr support DG units and voltage control devices through the proposed control parameter tuning algorithm. Because it has been found that the conventional time-graded operation cannot eliminate the adverse effects of DG-voltage control device interactions under certain system conditions. Secondly, the distinct control strategies are designed and tested for effectively and efficiently coordinating the operation of multiple Volt/VAr support DG units and voltage control devices in real-time. The test results have demonstrated that the proposed coordinated voltage control strategy for modern MV distribution systems can effectively be implemented in real-time using advanced substation centred DMS. The proposed coordinated voltage control strategy presented in this thesis may trigger paradigm shift in the context of voltage control in smart distribution systems. In the final phase of the research project, short-term and/or long-term oscillations which can be possible for a MV distribution system operation embedded with Volt/VAr support DG are discussed. Typically, the short-term oscillations are occurred due to interactions among different DG units and their controllers (i.e., inter-unit electro-mechanical oscillations in synchronous machine based DG units) while the long-term oscillations occurred due to DG-voltage control device interactions. Also, sustained oscillations may occur due to tap changer limit cycle phenomenon. The concept of alert-state voltage control is introduced for mitigating the sustained oscillations subjected to OLTC limit cycles in the presence of high penetration of DG. The investigative studies in this thesis further emphasise the requirements of supplementary control and other mitigating strategies for damping the oscillations in modern active MV distribution systems. The proposed research will pave the way for managing increasing penetration of DG units, with different types, technologies and operational modes, from distribution system voltage control perspective

    Modelling and analysis of demand response implementation in the residential sector

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    Demand Response (DR) eliminates the need for expensive capital expenditure on the electricity distribution, transmission and the generation systems by encouraging consumers to alter their power usage through electricity pricing or incentive programs. However, modelling of DR programs for residential consumers is complicated due to the uncertain consumption behavious of consumers and the complexity of schedulling a large number of household appliances. This thesis has investigated the design and the implementation challenges of the two most commonly used DR components in the residential sector, i.e., time of use (TOU) and direct load control (DLC) programs for improving their effectiveness and implementation with innovative strategies to facilitate their acceptance by both consumers and utilities. In price-based DR programs, the TOU pricing scheme is one of the most attractive and simplest approaches for reducing peak electricity demand in the residential sector. This scheme has been adopted in many developed countries because it requires less communication infrastructure for its implementation. However, the implementation of TOU pricing in low and lower-middle income economies is less appealing, mainly due to a large number of low-income consumers, as traditional TOU pricing schemes may increase the cost of electricity for low income residential consumers and adversely affect their comfort levels. The research in this thesis proposes an alternative TOU pricing strategy for the residential sector in developing countries in order to manage peak demand problems while ensuring a low impact on consumers’ monthly energy bills and comfort levels. In this study, Bangladesh is used as an example of a lower-to-middle income developing country. The DLC program is becoming an increasingly attractive solution for utilities in developed countries due to advances in the construction of communication infrastructures as part of the smart grid concept deployment. One of the main challenges of the DLC program implementation is ensuring optimal control over a large number of different household appliances for managing both short and long intervals of voltage variation problems in distribution networks at both medium voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) networks, while simultaneously enabling consumers to maintain their comfort levels. Another important challenge for DLC implementation is achieving a fair distribution of incentives among a large number of participating consumers. This thesis addresses these challenges by proposing a multi-layer load control algorithm which groups the household appliances based on the intervals of the voltage problems and coordinates with the reactive power from distributed generators (DGs) for the effective voltage management in MV networks. The proposed load controller takes into consideration the consumption preference of individual appliance, ensuring that the consumer’s comfort level is satisfied as well as fairly incentivising consumers based on their contributions in network voltage and power loss improvement. Another significant challenge with the existing DLC strategy as it applies to managing voltage in LV networks is that it does not take into account the network’s unbalance constraints in the load control algorithm. In LV distribution networks, voltage unbalance is prevalent and is one of the main power quality problems of concern. Unequal DR activation among the phases may cause excessive voltage unbalance in the network. In this thesis, a new load control algorithm is developed with the coordination of secondary on-load tap changer (OLTC) transformer for effective management of both voltage magnitude and unbalance in the LV networks. The proposed load control algorithm minimises the disturbance to consumers’ comfort levels by prioritising their consumption preferences. It motivates consumers to participate in DR program by providing flexibility to bid their participation prices dynamically in each DR event. The proposed DR programs are applicable for both developed and developing countries based on their available communication infrastructure for DR implementation. The main benefits of the proposed DR programs can be shared between consumers and their utilities. Consumers have flexibility in being able to prioritise their comfort levels and bid for their participation prices or receive fair incentives, while utilities effectively manage their network peak demand and power quality problems with minimum compensation costs. As a whole, consumers get the opportunity to minimise their electricity bills while utilities are able to defer or avoid the high cost of their investment in network reinforcements

    Coordinated and optimized voltage management of distribution networks with multi-microgrids

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Improved coordinated automatic voltage control in power grids through complex network analysis

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    PhD ThesisAutomatic and Co-ordinated Voltage Regulation (CVR) contributes significantly to economy and security of transmission grids. The role of CVR will become more critical as systems are operated closer to their capacity limits due to technical, economic and environmental reasons. CVR has 1 min resolution and owing to the inherent complexity of the task, CVR is enabled through zoning-based Reduced Control Models (RCM) i.e. simplified models of the network suitable for Voltage Control. RCM not only enables CVR bus also affects its performance and robustness. This thesis contributes towards improved CVR through thorough investigation of the RCM. As a starting point, with current power systems structure in mind, this work investigates static RCM schemes (i.e. fixed Reduced Control Model for all network configurations). To that end this thesis develops: (1) a novel generic framework for CVR modelling and evaluation and (2) new zoning-based RCM approaches using Complex Network Analysis. The evaluation of CVR in conjunction with both static and adaptive RCM schemes are based on a novel framework for CVR modelling and evaluation. This framework is generic and can be used to facilitate the selection and design of any of the CVR components. As a next step, due to the fact that a single RCM cannot be optimal for all network configurations, adaptive RCM (i.e. RCM determined in an online event driven fashion) is investigated using the proposed framework. This concerns future transmission grids where RCM is driven by the need for reliability rather than economy of measurement points at a planning phase. Lastly, this thesis examines zone division in an interconnected system ranging from EHV down to MV, and assesses the required degree of co-ordination for the voltage control of these zones. Essentially, this last item extends the scope of this work’s contributions beyond a single transmission-level Independent System Operator (ISO).EPSRC for funding my Research and the Consortium of the “Autonomic Power System” project

    Operational Planning and Optimisation in Active Distribution Systems for Flexible and Resilient Power

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    The electricity network is undergoing significant changes to cater to environmental-deterioration and fuel-depletion issues. Consequently, an increasing number of renewable resources in the form of distributed generation (DG) are being integrated into medium-voltage distribution networks. The DG integration has created several technical and economic challenges for distribution network operators. The main challenge is basically the problem of managing network voltage profile and congestion which is caused by increasing demand and intermittent DG operations. The result of all of these changes is a paradigm shift in the way distribution networks operate (from passive to active) and are managed that is not limited only to the distribution network operator but actively engages with network users such as demand aggregators, DG owners, and transmission-system operators. This thesis expands knowledge on the active distribution system in three specific areas and attempts to fill the gaps in existing approaches. A comprehensive active network management framework in active distribution systems is developed to allow studies on (i) the flexibility of network topology using modern power flow controllers, (ii) the benefits of centralised thermal electricity storage in achieving the required levels of flexibility and resiliency in an active distribution system, and (iii) system resiliency toward fault occurrence in hybrid AC/DC distribution systems. These works are implemented within the Advanced Interactive Multidimensional Modelling Systems (AIMMS) software to carry out optimisation procedure. Results demonstrate the benefit provided by a range of active distribution system solutions and can guide future distribution-system operators in making practical decisions to operate active distribution systems in cost-effective ways

    Intelligent Control and Protection Methods for Modern Power Systems Based on WAMS

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    Decentralized multi-agent coordinated secondary voltage control of power systems

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    In this thesis, two different approaches toward Secondary Voltage Control of large scale power systems are presented. In the first approach, for each area of the power grid, a Model Predictive Controller which modifies the set-points of reactive power compensators participating in Coordinated Secondary Voltage Control algorithm is designed. The proposed controller takes into account reactive power limits of these compensation devices. The novelty of the method lies in the consideration of measured reactive power deviation on tie-lines between neighboring areas as measured disturbance and compensation of the disturbance by regional MPC controllers. As another contribution of this work, the validation of the proposed algorithm is done in real-time simulation environment in which the decentralized MPC controllers are run in parallel on separate computational cores. The stability and robustness of the presented algorithm is validated for a large scale realistic transmission network with 5000 buses considering standard communication protocols to send and receive the data. Simulation results show that the proposed method can regulate the voltages on the pilot buses at the desired values in presence of load variations and communication delays. The computational burden of the proposed method is also evaluated in real-time. For the networks facing large disturbances, an alternative model based centralized controller is presented next which considers the nonlinearities of the power system while taking into account both discrete and continuous type compensators. In this regard, sensitivity analysis is used to first find the most sensitive buses of the network called pilot nodes and second to locate the control buses in which discrete type or continuous type controllers are installed. The CSVC controller is then designed based on the notion of nonlinear sensitivity model which relates reactive power injection/absorption or change of reference voltage of controllers to the voltage variation at pilot buses at different operating points of the network. The non-linear sensitivity model is identified using Neural Networks approach which is then used by Simulated Annealing optimization algorithm to solve a mixed discrete-continuous type optimization problem and find the suboptimal control input. The proposed algorithm is tested in real-time against coordinated secondary voltage control method based on linear sensitivity models and also traditional capacitor/inductor banks’ control method which is based on local measurements. Finally, the same methodology as nonlinear sensitivity based optimal controller is adapted to a decentralized architecture considering consensus between regional controllers overlapping in some buses with a connected reactive power compensator. The consensus is reached in two iterations and does not require any communication link between regional controllers. Moreover the proposed method gives the flexibility to the shared compensators as agents to decide on their degree of participation in SVC algorithm of each neighbor based on their own performance objectives

    Voltage control and stability analysis in a multi-machine power system with increasing penetration of intermittent renewable energy generation.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Among multiple distributed generation (DG) supply means, photovoltaic (PV) and wind technologies are the most important and widely used renewable energy sources (RES) throughout the world. However, solar intermittency and the stochastic nature of radiation on one hand and grid integration-related issues on the other are fundamental concerns in the development and smooth deployment of solar energy contribution to conventional power systems networks. In addition, given that they modify both the structure and the operation of the distribution networks, RES increase uncertainty in power system operations, thus affecting power systems variables such as the voltage profiles and direction of network power flows. It is also largely established that a high penetration of DGs at the distribution end is associated amongst others, with voltage rises at PV buses that may lead to the violation of grid codes, if not adequately mitigated. There is a need to investigate both the effect and the impact of increasing penetration of these intermittent RES on, particularly, voltage and frequency stability power systems and the utilization thereof of such sources to improve voltage stability margins and predict voltage stability conditions. This research work investigated voltage control and stability conditions at Solar PV buses through various case studies and scenarios simulated using the Power Factory® tool, both in static and dynamic analysis modes. A modified standard IEEE 9-Bus Sub-transmission system was used to assess the voltage profile, system loadability and system stability. The comparison and discussion of the results obtained from the integration of the Solar PV and FACTS devices under various scenarios revealed that their respective impacts and abilities to improve voltage stability differ. The results confirmed that under any operating conditions, reactive power control remains the most effective method to control voltage stability and power transfer capability, especially in the context where an increasing penetration of renewable and inertia-less generating sources is planned. The results further revealed that there is a specific location and a specific siting architecture for a given size of PV that produces the best results for voltage stability, as well as improved system stability and loadability conditions for a given load distribution profile in a particular network. Lastly, the results demonstrated the effectiveness of the use of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in achieving voltage control and regulation in distribution networks highly penetrated by PV generation, subsequently enabling greater RE penetration

    Flexibility evaluation of active distribution networks considering probabilistic characteristics of uncertain variables

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    The flexibility evaluation of distribution networks has attracted significant research attention with the increasing penetration of renewable energy. One particular gap in existing studies is that little attention has been paid to the probabilistic characteristics of uncertain regions. In this study, a novel sequential flexibility evaluation method is proposed based on the feasibility analysis of the uncertain region of photovoltaic active power and load demand. The model features the uncertain region with probabilistic characteristics, which is essential for analysing the impact of probabilistic characteristics of uncertain variables (PCUVs) on flexibility evaluation. The sequential direction matrix is adopted to reflect the major factor of flexibility shortage. The evaluation procedure is modelled as a bi-level optimisation problem. Demonstrated by the simulation results, the flexibility index is larger by considering the PCUV. Furthermore, the elements in the sequential direction matrix indicate that the photovoltaic power during midday is the major cause of flexibility shortage.</p